ARRRGH Light bug!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by yoyo, Sep 4, 2012.

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    Is there any plugin to fix those annoying light bugs on the mountains?

    Since 1.3 all my generated terrain has a shitload of those problems, its really annoying me. I know that if I open the map with MCEdit, select everything, and issue a relight on the chunks, all those are fixed, but the map is huge, there is no way to do this on it entirely.

    So, is there any plugin to fix this while the server is running?

    Pic related, the problem.
  2. Offline


    Reload the chunks: Alt-F3 or Ctrl-F3
  3. Offline


    Bump, I have the same problem. Alt/Ctrl F3 only seems to bring up the debug overlay. Is the dev team aware of this and working on it?
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