
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deckerz, Feb 19, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hey, how would i keep a arrow from dipping and make it travel in a straight line and at high speed?
  2. Offline


    Make it travel in a straight line forever or just for a bit? Forever would be inpracticle (arrow goes on forever, needs to generate chunks etc) but if you just power then do this...

    public void onFire(ProjectileLaunchEvent event) {
        if(event.getEntity() instanceof Arrow) {
            if(event.getEntity().getShooter() instanceof Player) {
                event.getEntity().setVelocity(event.getEntity().getVelocity().multiply(POWER GOES HERE - DEFAULT IS 1));
  3. Offline


    i want it to travel in a straight line until another method removes it. BTW im making guns
  4. Offline



    If you are familiar with schedulers then set it's velocity every tick and then cancel that task when you want to remove it :)
  5. Offline


    I know how to but i can get the velocity right, because it starts going upwards. Also with the repeater thing there it stops ProjectileHitEvent being called
  6. Offline


    Keep setting it to the velocity that it had on spawn multiplied by a value :)
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