Application Port Mapper - The Easy Way To Forward Ports

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by ImminentFate, Jun 20, 2012.


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    This tool will let you forward ports without requiring access to a router, provided your router supports UPnP. Most modern routers do support this, so it should not be an issue for most.
    The tool does not only have to be used for Minecraft/Bukkit. It can be used to forward ports for any game or software program.

    How to Use:
    The tool was designed to be easy to use, so there isn't any complicated terminology in it. To forward a port, all you have to do is specify the type of port (protocol) , the port number, and add a name.


    The program will show currently open ports, and the example shows the information required to forward Minecraft or CraftBukkit through the router. To remove an assignment, simply right click it, and select "Remove Port Mapping"

    Note, however, that if your firewall prevents Java (or the program that needs access to the port) from accessing the internet, you will need to allow it through the firewall for this to work. That also applies if you are opening ports manually.
    Also, depending on your router, you may have to re-open the port after a period of time.

    Planned Features:
    • Adding a range of ports
    • Allow the program to make a firewall exception for the program you want to forward
    • Editing of a map without having to delete it first.
  2. Offline


    This is going to help a lot of people :)
    Firewall would be tricky though, as lots of people aren't using different firewalls.
    (Now I have something to redirect people with port forwarding issues to :) )

    Only issue I experienced while testing is that I had to remove the created port twice.
    I added the port, then I clicked remove, and while the list refreshed it was still there.
    The second time it was removed.
    I'd also mention the delete function somewhere in the program ;)
    How does it react if a router doesn't support uPnP?
  3. Offline


    Having a problem using this, whenever I put in the information to forward a port, I get "The specified details are not valid".

    I chose the protocol, port and put in a description, I added it to my allow list for my firewall, ran it as administrator, and still no luck.

    Here is what im entering in:
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    i am having the same problem as well
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    Does your router support UPnP?
    Works fine for me. I run windows 7, I'm administrator on my computer but didn't click "run as administrator".
    You need .NET4, btw.

    Maybe add the .NET 4 requirement in the OP, with a link to the download page for .NET?

    You could try running it using mono.
  7. Offline


    Working for me...Good job! :)
  8. Offline


    i am not sure if my router can run UPNP, how do i figure that out?
  9. Offline


    Yeah, I have UPnP enabled and .NET 4 installed, checked and working, far as I can tell.

    (Incase I did indeed do something wrong, here are my router options for UPnP: [​IMG]

    I would recommended to you Once there, go to routers, find your router, and then somewhere you should be able to find where you can get into your router to enable UPnP if it is disabled.

    To find out how to get in, try selecting any application from the list once you find your router then just follow the steps up until you have logged into your router. Hope this helps. :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2016
  10. Offline


    ImminentFate Not working for me either, says "The specified details are not vaild", and I clearly have UPnP enabled.
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  12. Offline


    It does remove the map the first time, it just takes time for the signal to go to the router.
    I know upnp may be an issue, but in today's day and age most routers have it

    It's written in .net, and hooks into the windows networking API. So I'm not sure you could convert it to Mac

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2016
  13. Offline


    Okay... Ill see if I can do it another way:)
  14. Offline


    Yeah, sorry I couldn't help, but try looking for a suitable network library in Mac to hook into with your coding, and it may be easier.
  15. Offline


    Okay! Lol I thought I found something, but I accidentally ended up making my computer a router...
    TechTeller96 and Omnitv like this.
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    Not funny^.^
  18. Offline


    What is port mapper even supposed to do? See my problem was that no one can join my hamachi server other than me and they are connected to my network but they STILL can't join. I was recommended POrt Mapper but I have no idea what the heck it is
  19. Offline


    It's for port forwarding, so that you don't need to use hamachi. Have a look at my port forwarding / hamachi tutorial if you need help.
  20. Offline


    I use "Port Map" on mac, works great, Here's a link
    Archarin likes this.
  21. Offline


    Thank you so much:D I may be able to make an automatic port forewarder for Mac!:D
  22. Offline


    I put in exactly the same details as you but it says, 'The specified details are not valid.' Any help would be great, thanks.
  23. Offline


    Your router probably doesn't support upnp, or it's disabled. Check your router settings.
  24. Offline


    To be honest, I don't actually know where to find the settings. I also tried to follow the manual instructions, 'You will need to allow connection to the port 25565. This can be found under "Services", "Ports", or whatever your router calls the setting.' But I couldn't find 'Ports'. And thanks for the reply, I usually don't get one :)

    And when you guys talk about a router, do you mean a router or a modem, because I don't have a router?
  25. Offline


    If you don't have a router then I think you have bigger issues...
  26. Offline


    Why? Everyone in my house connects straight to the modem, we don't need a router.
  27. Offline


    Security. You want a hardware firewall between you and the interwebs.
  28. Offline


    But doesn't a router just make it possible to add more devices to your internet, or to your modem?
    According to my brother a modem can be classified as a router as well as a modem so that might help.
  29. Offline


    hang on. Do you have wireless access to your house?
    And as you say, you have more than one computer connecting to it, so I would guess that what you have is a modem/router combo (I have one of those). These are pretty much two devices in one. Now, would you like to PM me, and I can help with setup? I can run you through some manual steps, or I can assist you over Teamviewer.
  30. Offline


    On top of that, juts in case you'd like to know, the wireless that Qwest/CenturyLink gives out, is a combo like you said. I have a Zyxel from them.
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