Solved Apostrophe in Config.yml

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by aidan573, Dec 23, 2013.

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    Hi, I'm trying to generate a configuration file and i would like to put apostrophes around 'closemessage' here is what i have got
    1. cfg.set("Maintenance.closemessage", "'Sorry, this server is closed'" );

    I have also tried
                //Problems with apostrophe showing so have to use workaround...
                String closemessage = "[Sorry, this server is closed[";
                closemessage = closemessage.replace("[", "'");
                cfg.set("Maintenance.closemessage", closemessage );
    But it seems to generate this with three apostrophes every time...
      closemessage: '''Sorry, this server is closed'''
    How do I only generate one apostrophe?
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    aidan573 The single "'" is by default. You just enter a string
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