Solved Anyone use "Citizens" plugin?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by isleepzzz, Jun 9, 2012.

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    Hello! Can people who use Citizens plugin help me please?

    I make my npc and when i do /npc path

    i create a path for him and then type /npc path again to stop editing the path and he will not move or walk the path i created.. Can someone help me please?

    And when i do /npc talkclose it says "he will talk to nearby players" but he never does.
    I also add texts to him to say such as /npc add Hello!

    But he never does any of this:/ Help me please?:l
  2. Offline


    I can't find it anywhere on their wiki, but you need Vault for it to work. I guess /citizens save doesn't work either?
    I had the same problem, and the NPC's just stood there, didn't even look at you. Ignorant NPC's.
  3. Offline


    Hmm strage all mine work fine... Plugins list? / Errors ?
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    I've tried it, and its for developers mostly. All the NPC's heads point in one direction, north or something.
    And you wont get as many features like Citizens have :) He made it so that developers could make their own NPC mods.

    Install Vault and I can almost guarantee you that Citizens will work!
  6. Offline


    Where may i download Vault? I am searching up now.

    EDIT: Ahhh its a plugin?
  7. Offline


    Working 100% fine. tyvm
  8. Whats the Link for Vault? I searched Bukkit Dev and the plugins page and can't find ANYTHING
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