Anyone know of a anti-god plugin.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by libraryaddict, Jan 2, 2013.

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    If someone presses 'alt' their screen locks up. While its locked up they take one damage. Then they no longer take damage.

    They also cannot see the world around them as their screen is locked up.

    People use this in pvp to try survive or piss people off.

    NCP doesn't support this and I'm not looking for a replacement plugin.
    Anyone know of a specific 'fix' or code to fix this or a plugin which fixes this?
    Basically disable 'alt' giving you invincibility with Bukkits blessing.
  2. Offline


    Bukkit cannot detect key presses just yet, either enforce spout or just deal with it. You might also want to check h31ix AntiCheat plugin.
  3. Offline


    The thing is however.
    Bukkit is not just ignoring the issue. Its allowing them to do it.
  4. Offline


    no, its client issue that seems to be gotten worse with 1.4.6 and now is client/server bug.
  5. Offline


    I think I'll just stick a packet into the player connection every 5 seconds or so.

    Trying to think of a good packet that still allows the player to d/c
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