
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by darkgod153, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: Anti-Drop

    What I want: I'd want the plugin to be flexible and very easy to configure.
    Also for the plugin to support multiple worlds and to have certain permissions to only not be able to drop a certain item, so if the group have the permission to disable compasses then they will be able to drop every other item except for the compass.
    Ideas for commands: No commands permissions only.

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: 2 days
  2. Offline


    Have you looked for a plugin to suit?
  3. Offline


    Yes i have the only ones i have found are JNoDrops and another which is outdated. JNoDrops has permissions but i would like to have the plugin return the item if player attempted to drop. with JNoDrops the item just dissapears.
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Still doesnt support single items and such just disable droping in total.
  6. Offline


    Have you asked them to implement it?
  7. Offline


    but i guess that'll have to do thanks for showing me the plugin

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