Anti block break

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by NvGBoink, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. What:
    I need to get a light weight plugin that will protect a certain type of block in a certain area.

    I have 3 buildings with 28 rooms in each
    I want to make it so they can build in those rooms but not in the corridor or out side.
    so world guard would take way to long to set up and the rooms are not cube so it wouldn't work

    Thanks for any help with this :)
  2. Offline


    Why not use a little more effort and worldguard it, it wouldn't take that long anyway for the fact that someone wouldn't have to code a plugin for something that is already possible.
  3. So how can the plugin read your mind what the rooms are if worldguard is too much work?
    It would be faster for you just to define regions rather than me starting up Netbeans ( Well probably not but I still can't read your mind where the rooms are and that would be more work with an intelligent plugin... Much much longer, just use worldguard).
  4. No the plugin I was asking for was one that banned people from breaking certain block in an area.
    But never mind I found what I was looking for
    page 20 on google :l
  5. Well that is easy... But you mentioning setting up (28, why not 1) areas was misleading and you could have searched before you post here....
  6. I did search for hours but couldn't find anything my friend just sent me that plugin
    and I need 28 because players can buy the regions
  7. Well then you have to define these regions with a plugin lol....

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