Hey i cant find a good anti advertising plugin that i wanted so my specs for the plugin are: When someone advertises i can set what happens for Example: /TempBan 300 Advertising I can also let it do /say {name} was TempBanned for advertising! This is all i want :/ I would really like this I don't want the ones where it masks the ip with *.*.*.* because they could spam with that.
When you advertise you do something like 234.432.454.32 right? The plugin will check for a numeric ip :/ That's how the PLUGIN checks for advertising... Not you...
So you want a player to be kicked when he/she types 'Check out my server 234.xxx.xxx.xx' and 'Uploaded a new video! Check it out youtube.com/xxxxxxxx' Am i right?
sort of ya. I wouldnt mind the links because i have a link remover. but you nailed it for the plugin. The plugin should be able to be configurable by commands. like they say an ip instead of kicking them it temp bans them for 5 minutes. And it also should broadcast SoandSo was tempbanned for advertising!
Woud you tell me the code to finding numeric ips? and broadcasting that they were advertising and they were tempbanned
Time for some self promotion lol http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antiadvertiser/ - Currently IP checks are reliable, but the domain checks aren't yet. I've already figured a way to make them more reliable and I'll add them in the next version. Allows you to execute a custom command if a player is detected to be advertising too
Hello there! I believe what you are looking for is already made Take a look at these plugins: - http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antiadvertiser/ - http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antiad/ Hope this helps
PwnFilter > Anything else Code: match ((http)*(\w|\W|\d|_)*(www)*(\w|\W|\d|_)*[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\*_\^\+\~\`\=\,\&*]{3,}(\W|\d|_|dot|\(dot\))+(com\b|org\b|net\b|edu\b|co\b|uk\b|de\b|cc\b|ws\b|ca\b|biz\b|mobi\b|xxx\b|tv\b|tk\b)) ignore string youtube.com|google.com|biblegateway.com|winfamilyserver.co.uk|google.com|youtube.com|bit.ly|infgaming.com|bukkit.org|minecraft.net|minecraftwiki.net|pwn9.com|minecraft.net|minecraftwiki.com|yahoo.com then replace <replace> then kick Do NOT Advertise! match \b(([0-9]{1,3})(\W|_|and|dot|\(dot\))+([0-9]{1,3})(\W|_|and|dot|\(dot\))+([0-9]{1,3})(\W|_|and|dot|\(dot\))+([0-9]{1,3}))\b ignore string then replace <replace> then kick Do NOT Advertise! Make sure all of the Regex is on one line.
About a week late on this one; however, if no other solutions have really done the trick thus far I've recently re-released a plugin I'd created last year which is able to more efficiently detect spam (such as IPv4, URL's, etc.) than other current "anti-advertisement" plugins. In addition to that, it provides the ability for exceptions, custom messages (with variables), alerts to both mods and the user, along with many other features. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antipub/
Thank you so much! It has worked and its fully customizable! But is there any way i could temp ban instead of kick?