"An internal error has occurred while attempting to perform this command" Please help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by niber, Jun 4, 2012.

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    You may not use tabs in YAML, use spaces instead
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    He used tabs... checked it already
  5. Offline


    OK guys I think i know what tabs are in notepad++ but I have no idea what a YAML file is. How do I fix it?
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    By Tabs they mean the TAB key on your Keyboard, Which YAML files can not use due to its formatting. A YAML file (or .yml) is a markup (in most cases configuration) file type. (read more here)
    JWhy and andrewpo like this.
  7. Offline


    Ok but how do i get my permissions to work?
  8. Offline


    1. users:
    2. andrewpo:
    3. prefix: '&4Demigod|&f'
    4. permissions:
    5. - '*'

    That should do it.
  9. Offline


    noob friendly please and I want to make it so I have the groups set up, not just the users. so that if someone comes on the server i can just do /manpromote <randomperson> builder
  10. Offline


    Look at zipron 's signature, he made a tutorial for YAML and GroupManager
    (Sorry, i'm on an Android, cant copy paste that right now)
  11. Offline


    ok thanks
    is it in notepad++?
  12. Offline


    you can wite YML in every text editor, notepad++ is very usefull
  13. Offline


    ok so i have a question can i write it using notepad as a text file so i can use tabs then convert it to a yaml file?
    can I also have a template or something please?
  14. Offline


    No, you cant... Better get Notepad++ and adjust the setting, to replace tabs by spaces (so you wont need to worry about tabs). Just open Notepad++, go to Settings -> Preferences -> Tab replacing / autocomplete and check the checkbox at 'Replace tabs by *4* spaces'.
  15. Offline


    oh becuase i looked up a vid and it said do replace tab by 2
  16. Offline


    depending on the permissions plugin, it's 2 spaces or 4 in stead of one tab. BUT you ask question which are answered in my guide, which makes me think you didn't even open it ><
  17. Offline


    I did look in the guide but im a noob so its hard to understand all of this
  18. Offline


    That's the point of the guide.. =S easy explanation
    andrewpo likes this.
  19. Offline


    ok ill figure it out

    and does anybody here know why my logblock is saying "error, check log"??

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
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