Solved Altering value in config and reloading

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ohtwo, Mar 6, 2013.

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    Debug Method:
    3. private void debugMessage(String string) {
    4. if(this.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("debug"))
    5. this.plugin.getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "[debug] " + string);
    6. }

    (The following code works in practice, that is, the command itself works perfectly)
    Debug Mutator:
    2. if(command.equals("debug")) {
    3. if(this.plugin.getConfig().get("debug").toString().equals("false")) {
    4. this.plugin.getConfig().set("debug", "true");
    5. this.plugin.saveConfig();
    6. this.plugin.reloadConfig();
    7. debugMessage("Switched debug message to true");
    8. this.plugin.debug = this.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("debug");
    9. returntrue;
    10. }
    11. else if(this.plugin.getConfig().get("debug").toString().equals("true")) {
    12. debugMessage("Switching debug value to false");
    13. this.plugin.getConfig().set("debug", "false");
    14. this.plugin.saveConfig();
    15. this.plugin.reloadConfig();
    16. this.plugin.debug = this.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("debug");
    17. returntrue;
    18. }
    19. else
    20. returnfalse;

    I have an issue where when I mutate the value in the config to show debug messages, I still get debug messages when the value is false (I have confirmed that the config data does change). How do I make it so that I can "turn my debug off?"
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    Why are you cehcking for string values of a boolean instead of the actual boolean? That's why YAML api files have a getBoolean() method

    boolean explosionEnabled(){
    return getConfig().getBoolean("All_Explosions.Allowed");

    From there, I can do :
    // explosions are enabled , meaning 'true' in config file
    } else {
    // not enabled
    I don't see what you are doing sorry

    Edit: Also I think you should compare your booleans in the config with " == " instead of using toString() methods and such, because it's a a waste of time, code space, and in this case errors

    And for what I thought the title of the thread was, you can refresh the file and retrieve the value almost instantaneously by using save() and reload() methods (I think reload())
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    I wrote this a long time ago and I wasn't aware of the method. Even still I feel like I will get the same result. I will try it anyway.

    EDIT: Actually apparently I was aware of the method because I have used it elsewhere. However, I probably was overthinking it when I did the if-else checks.
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    Not gonna lie your thread was pretty much a TL;DR for me but I looked at some and I see:

    this.plugin.getConfig().set("debug", "true");
    Don't do that, you can literally do :

    this.plugin.getConfig().set("debug", true);
    And retrieve the boolean with no silly parsing or errors! Just remember to use == or .equals()
    I think booleans use == though, and enums use .equals()
    ohtwo likes this.
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    Just tested it and I still get the same result. I'm not exactly sure how to even approach this problem, and I have about a thousand lines of code spanning across 10 classes. Would it help to show my onEnable()?

    EDIT: Sent this before I got your last post. I'll try it. Sorry, I figure I'd give as much information as possible. I hate it when people don't give enough or refuse to give more and expect help.

    This worked perfectly. I didn't realize set() was an overloaded method. Good to know, thank you.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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    I understand it's fine, no problem! Happy coding
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