Allowing cash payments for server needing developers

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by BurritoBashr, Jul 18, 2013.

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    Let's face it. No dev would do work for free. Let's just allow payments to devs and state in the ToS that Bukkit is not responsible for payments nor is a middle man.
    MuisYa likes this.
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    I wish it would happen.
  3. Offline


    I highly doubt the Bukkit staff want to deal with even a single complaint about a payment not being received. Even with plenty of disclaimers, I would still anticipate headaches for the Bukkit staff when people decide to complain to them anyway.
  4. Offline


    There are plenty of other ways for devs to find paying work writing plugins. Bukkit's position on the matter has been made clear. I don't agree with it, but I can understand why they've chosen this route.
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    They've already ignored many staff complaints. I'm sure if anyone does ignore the disclaimers it would be just as small bump for them.
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    What goes on in these forums is our responsibility to manage. Monetary matters are best left off these forums.
    hawkfalcon likes this.
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    If some is unsatisied with what they earns or if someone scams or provide a plugin with backdoors, having the trade on the forums itself is where the user will come to first. I understand that as a dev you want to be rewarded for your work. The closest you can get is by using the DBO donation system, or the rewards system
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