Age/Randomizer Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Unixx, Apr 1, 2020.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Minecraft version: 1.13.2

    Suggested name: Age Randomizer

    What I want: This plugin would randomize a players age based upon first joining the server. These would be a completely different prefix along from the other prefixes.

    Example: Player joins for the first time Chat says: Your age is: 16
    Normal Rank: [12][6th Grade]

    Extra Description: I would (IF POSSIBLE) like a GUI or command to change the players age and rank myself, they aren’t allowed.

    Ideas for commands: Any that are understandable?

    Ideas for permissions: Any

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible?
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    So you want something like this when they chat?:

    <JonathanCC [12][6th Grade]> hi :D

    And when they join the server:

    JonathanCC, age 12 and in 6th grade, has joined the server!

    And to ONLY the player when they join:

    Welcome, JonathanCC, your age is 12 and you are in grade 6!

    And finally, do you want the player to age? (e.x: every minute, the player gets one year older.)

    And finally (for real) would these commands be okay for you?

    /age <player> <years_old>
    /grade <player> <grade_number>
    /setAgeIncreaseTime <time_in_minutes>

    I think I could definitely do most of this. I'm not sure about the prefixes tho.
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    You could just recommend any plugin that supports prefixes, so they can put the age in the prefix, it's extra work but it works. For example, with pex you can do this:

    /pex user username prefix [200][Grade-12]
    so you'd just change the age in the prefix, it's not that hard and it doesn't need to be more difficult.
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