AFK Players not required to skip the night

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Chml, May 8, 2020.

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    Category: General

    Version: 1.15.2

    Suggested Name:

    Summary: Fairly simple, AFK players have their names grayed out in chat and are not required to sleep for other players to skip the night.

    Suggested Commands: none

    Suggested Permissions: none

    When I'd Like It By: Some time in the foreseeable future

    I can't find a 1.15 compatible version of a plugin like this, sorry if one exists. Thanks in advance if you decide to help.
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    It already exists, it's called Harbor i think.
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    If you mean previous messages, then that's not possible.
    If you mean the next messages, why? They're AFK, they're not gonna type in chat.
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    Oh sorry that's terrible wording, they would have their name grayed out in the tab list
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