Advice for plugin creation. [Ideas]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Orcem12, Apr 11, 2012.

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    I'm getting ready to start on some bigger projects. I want a good idea on what to base the plugin off. What do I mean by this? Like a certain category. What do most players need nowadays? I wasn't sure where to stick this thread, so pitty the foo.

    Thanks for any input.
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    If you want to do something few others are doing, look into writing terrain generators and/or block populators. There aren't many out there and the results can be REALLY cool and surprising. Maybe make a world generator that creates a desert wasteland world, or a world with giant mountains and fiords.

    Another idea is to look into applications of the new conversations API. Create an NPC bank teller (with economy integration), or a quest system for villagers.
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    Interesting, I will definitely look into terrain modification. The conversation plugin sounds quite fascinating, since, I never heard about it before. Thanks!
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