Hello Bukkit, I am working on a new minigame server, and need some form of scoreboard to track points and kills/deaths. The scoreboard would be on the right, not tablist, and display like this _______________________ &3&lPOINTS &fName : &6Economy Amount &fName : &6Economy Amount etc., &3&lKILLS &aTOTAL KILLS : # &cTOTAL DEATHS : &aKDR : (if possible) ________________________ I have no idea if multiple variable lists are possible like this. If not, displaying your points in the tablist would work, too. Thanks in advance, ccrama
Do you mean a scoreboard that comes up when holding tab or alternatively when you open the chat bar? I think it is possible. I've seen a server with a plugin, no mods, basic minecraft just a plugin which displays a level scoreboard to show votes for the next level in PvP. If that is what you are referring to, I'll be more than happy to take a further look into exactly how it is done.
Using the "to-be implemented on Bukkit" scoreboard API which came with 1.5, I guess. Embrace the future! /Aron
Well the points system was created by me using economy, so instead of being named dollars, it's named points. That way it is easy to integrate. I was also thinking of the 1.5 right-hand scoreboard, as the lates Dev Build of Bukkit 1.5 has an API (1.5.1-R0.2 build #2736) If you are interested, that would be much appriciated Jake230599 It would look something like this [LINK] but with Kills counter under, formatted like the one in my OP
ccrama I would recommend looking at these plugins: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/pvp-stats/http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/pvpstatsscoreboard/ The pvp stats plugin seems to do everything you want and it syncs with the scoreboard. I can add the economy bit if you would like me to but an API is displayed on this page http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/pvpstatsscoreboard/pages/api/ I did a couple tests and I've found the API so easy to work with. All I need to know is what economy system you're running otherwise I'd be setting up a hook into every economy system out there. Thought I'd also show you this image. This was the API test for a server join counter:
Why don't you look into Vault, so that you can hook it up with any economy plugin? I would recommend iConomy for a starter, if you can't hook it up with Vault. It's probably the most used economy plugin. /Aron
iconomy is my eco plugin. That would be great if you could hook PvP stats and eco into the same scoreboard. Thanks
I, to be perfectly honest forgot all about Vault. Thank you for reminding me of it. ccrama So do you still need me or has that plugin got everything you need? http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/scoreboardstats/
You can check out my plugin BattleTracker. It has PvP and PvE leaderboard and advanced stats. If you use BattleArena or any other plugin that uses it you can also create leaderboards/stats for those too.
This isn't exactly what he's looking for, I am pretty sure of. In this topic, it's looked for a plugin that uses the scoreboard API, and therefor display an additional HUD in game. /Aron
You are right, somehow missed that. So rereading the post... From what I know of the new Scoreboard system, you can't have 2 types of points in the same sidebar. So you can do either Points, or Kills. but not both on the same sidebar. That being said, you can Probably do some sort of workaround using the OfflinePlayers and changing their names, but it probably wouldnt look how you would want. So the format is going to be something like My Objective Name Name1 35 Name2 33 Name3 1 Name4 0
Requestception here: Is it possible to include a compass-like feauture in this scoreboard? So when people are walking in one direction, they'll see N, S, E, W depending on where they're going. /Aron Allthough it seems as if you could use the scoreboard for each individual person, and thereby I mean that you can have personal stats with different objectives. Besides, you can customize what you want in your scoreboard, so instead of just having a list of players and points; uptime, players online, etc. is also possible. You are right, though, if you want a toplist, you'll have to choose if you want PvP or PvE. /Aron EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
True you can. What will be a bit weird though is it will be sorted by the score regardless of what you do. So like Kills, deaths, K/D (which you cant do really well since you can only use ints). So if you had died 8 times, had a streak of 2, 3 wins, and a K/D of 0.3. Stats Deaths 8 Kills 3 Streak 2 KD 0 That being said, hopefully bukkit continues to add to the api so we can do more functionality later. For example just by letting us not display the Score would allow us to put the entire name and stat as just the name.
Indeed, I'm so excited for all of the future updates for Minecraft and Bukkit. Since the scoreboard API, I've realized how fast the developing process is. It's unbelievable! Embrace the future! /Aron