Advanced GodMode

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Four_Down, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category:

    Suggested name: AdvGodMode

    What I want: Im looking/asking for an advanced godmode plugin. Which would reduce Staff members being able to abuse godmode.

    I'd like when staff enter godmode it be on a configurable timer (EG: 15 mins), when a user is attempting to attack a staff that is in godmode, it tells the player a configurable message (EG: This Staff Member is in godmode, if a Staff is abusing godmode, report it to an Owner) and also to tell the Staff member that someone attempted to hurt them (EG: A user attempted to damage you, but you are in godmode). Also, a command for Staff to check if they're in godmode. This command is not necessary but would be nice, a command for Owners to check which staff members are in godmode.

    Ideas for commands: /god, /godmode, /agodmode reload, /amigod, /listgodded

    Ideas for permissions: godmode.god, godmode.reload, godmode.list

    When I'd like it by: ASAP.
  2. Offline


    I can do this, but not good with configurable timers
  3. Offline


    Sure, is there anyone that could help you out?
  4. Offline


    Not really but I know I could do the rest, unless someone could do it with the configurable time

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