[ADMN/WEB] [BukkitDev] Buycraft -The most advanced Donation Plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lmc, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]
    Over 100,000 servers have used Buycraft over the last 2 years.
    What is Buycraft, and why does my Minecraft server need it?
    Buycraft enables you to sell in game items/memberships to your community, allowing yourself to fund your server bills to keep your Minecraft server alive. Buycraft is basically an online shopping cart system for your own server!​
    How will my players use Buycraft?
    After you have created a Buycraft account, you are given an online webstore which you can use to promote your items for sale. Your players will visit this website and be able to purchase the items that they want, be it a collection of armour, or a monthly VIP membership.​
    What can I sell to my users, and how?
    Buycraft enables you to sell ANYTHING to your users, from a collection of armour upgrades, to monthly VIP memberships. When a player purchases a product, it is automatically processed on your Minecraft server, and removes all hassle of managing payments by yourself. All these different options will take the worry out of funding your Minecraft server.​
    Some of the awesome features available:
    • Create donation packages which can reward your players with anything you imagine.
    • Setup advanced packages for memberships ranks, with support for automatic Paypal subscriptions.
    • Many Payment gateways supported! (Paypal, Stripe, Google Wallet, Paymentwall, 2Checkout, Onebip, Paygol, Payza, and Coinbase.)
    • Coupon codes to offer discounts to your players.
    • Run promotional sales to gain attention to certain donation packages.
    • Cumulative ranking to enable your players to upgrade their ranks.
    • Custom variables to offer advanced customisation of your packages.
    • Detailed donation statistics to see how well your server is performing.
    • Multiple webstores per account, with the ability to create sub accounts for your other moderators/administrators on your server.
    • Advanced fraud protection to prevent chargebacks.
    • Webstores available in over 8 languages.
    • You can change your webstore theme and even integrate it into your own website.
    • Everything is hosted by us, resulting in a hassle free and inexpensive way to run your own webstore! The Buycraft platform is updated regularly with many new features added each month.
    Have a feature suggestion? Post it below!

  2. Offline

    tommy garr

    I'm not trying to ruin peoples opinions of this btw im just trying to keep my server players safe from phishing and such. I will continue to use this, another question any way to make it go straight in paypal and not ship to my house? lol
  3. Contact paypal about it, cause ive never actually saw the green bar on the payments page (There is on paypal.com homepage though).

    And I dont understand what you meen about it shipping to your house?
  4. Offline

    tommy garr

    When some one payed it asked me to mark as shipped issue refund or get a tracker on it, so I'm assuming it is shipping my house instead of going straight to paypal
  5. Nah mate, it says that because paypal thinks that you have sold an actual item (Not vertual item). Just egnore it, nothing gets shipped and the money goes straight into your paypal.
  6. Offline

    tommy garr

    so what do i do if it says this? cause its not in my paypal atm
  7. Has someone actually purchased something from you?
  8. Offline

    tommy garr


    is there a minimum amount of cash to be sent? like $5

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  9. Paypal charges 20p + 1% for each transaction. Their isnt a minimum for buycraft.net
  10. Offline

    tommy garr


    nvm i fixed it, but does this work with group essentials? like manuadd {name} donor like that?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  11. Offline


    I have used buycraft since it came out and I have generated 10 times more donations then I ever had with out this plugin.
  12. It works with any command that you have available to execute on your console, enjoy!

    Thats fantastic! Im glad to hear it! :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  13. Offline

    tommy garr

    do you think you could make like the first command activate first the the second second and so on and so forth because for group manager you need it to do /manselect world3 then /manuadd fluxboy2 admin. you think that you can do that next update of the plugin? or do it just for me :) <3
  14. The commands are executed in the order they appear, so the console will execute command 1, then command 2, then command 3 and so on untill it reaches the end and stops.
  15. Offline


    I really do like this plugin, but could you make it so you could either:
    a) change the alias yourself for /buy
    b) you change the alias to something like /donate

    Reason being, I have this plugin as well as Virtual Shop installed and you both use the /buy command. I want a way to be able to use both plugins, and I don't want to get into the middle of who should change their alias, but since your plugin only uses 2 commands, I'd like to see about getting it modified or changed so I may use both plugins. Thanks. :)
  16. Yea, im currently busy with adding new features to the site, I am looking into changing the alias.
  17. Offline


    Awesome. The sooner the better. :) I will uninstall your plugin for now, but I will definitely be coming and checking back very regularly for a new update.

    Thanks a lot for all of your hard work. :)
  18. No problem, im not saying how long it will be untill I release the method you suggested, but ill try to get it done.
  19. Offline

    tommy garr

    can you try and work with your plugin and work with group manager because it is still not setting the group could you do some research or somthing? ide appreciate if this is in next update!
  20. There is nothing i can change, you must be doing it wrong, honestly.
  21. Offline


    I like the idea that this plugins supports. Microtransactions.
    They make other games tons of cash, so why not do the same for small servers.
    I'm hoping this will help me pull in at least a couple bucks a week. Thanks.
  22. I hope the plugin is successful for you, thanks!
  23. Offline


    About the alias, I'm sure it's pretty easy to do (it was for me anyway) and you can still keep the original /buy command, a snippet of the plugin.yml for Buildwalk(my plugin):
        description: Toggles the Buildwalk mode.
        usage: /<command>
        aliases: [bstone, stoneb, buildstone, stonebuild, buildwalk, walkbuild]
    As you can see, the aliases are in brackets([]) and that's basically all you have to add, I don't know if you have added the command through another way different to that but, I Think that plugin.yml is the only way to add commands

    I'd love to see an alias for that, Would also backup the fact that it's illegal to class it as buying, but if it was /donate, it acts like it's more of a donation than a purchase.. ;) thanks for reading Lee :D
  24. Hey you dont get what we are talking about mate, we are talking about dynamically changing the command name, not setting aliases.

    Plus its not classed as illegal, mojang dont care.
  25. Offline


    Will you be adding email-reminders? Or some sort of subscription-system with the expiring packages? That feature is extremely important to me.
  26. Hey, check out the video I posted a few posts back.

    I will get to adding more expiring features, im just getting the basics out first :)
  27. Offline


    No i love this plugin im just saying alot more people would like it like that if you carnt dont worry about it,im just sayign it would be easier and you could also have in game buycraft too.
  28. Offline


    I made sure I did before I posted :p . I like the expiring features, very clean and simple.
    But, what I was asking, was will additional features, like my suggested email-subscription system, be added in the next release (just weren't ready when the video was made), or are they planned for a later release?

    Regardless, BuyCraft is looking amazing. Welcome back from your vacation and keep the amazing work up!
  29. Thanks and I will look into them new features :)
  30. Offline

    tommy garr

    the plugin requires /manselect world3 so i put "manselect world3" then i do "manuadd {name} iron" what am i doing wrong?.....
  31. Offline


    @lmc Hey, I'd love to use this plugin, but the /buy command interferes with VirtualShop's /buy command. Could you fix this please?

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