[ADMN/WEB] [BukkitDev] Buycraft -The most advanced Donation Plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lmc, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]
    Over 100,000 servers have used Buycraft over the last 2 years.
    What is Buycraft, and why does my Minecraft server need it?
    Buycraft enables you to sell in game items/memberships to your community, allowing yourself to fund your server bills to keep your Minecraft server alive. Buycraft is basically an online shopping cart system for your own server!​
    How will my players use Buycraft?
    After you have created a Buycraft account, you are given an online webstore which you can use to promote your items for sale. Your players will visit this website and be able to purchase the items that they want, be it a collection of armour, or a monthly VIP membership.​
    What can I sell to my users, and how?
    Buycraft enables you to sell ANYTHING to your users, from a collection of armour upgrades, to monthly VIP memberships. When a player purchases a product, it is automatically processed on your Minecraft server, and removes all hassle of managing payments by yourself. All these different options will take the worry out of funding your Minecraft server.​
    Some of the awesome features available:
    • Create donation packages which can reward your players with anything you imagine.
    • Setup advanced packages for memberships ranks, with support for automatic Paypal subscriptions.
    • Many Payment gateways supported! (Paypal, Stripe, Google Wallet, Paymentwall, 2Checkout, Onebip, Paygol, Payza, and Coinbase.)
    • Coupon codes to offer discounts to your players.
    • Run promotional sales to gain attention to certain donation packages.
    • Cumulative ranking to enable your players to upgrade their ranks.
    • Custom variables to offer advanced customisation of your packages.
    • Detailed donation statistics to see how well your server is performing.
    • Multiple webstores per account, with the ability to create sub accounts for your other moderators/administrators on your server.
    • Advanced fraud protection to prevent chargebacks.
    • Webstores available in over 8 languages.
    • You can change your webstore theme and even integrate it into your own website.
    • Everything is hosted by us, resulting in a hassle free and inexpensive way to run your own webstore! The Buycraft platform is updated regularly with many new features added each month.
    Have a feature suggestion? Post it below!

  2. Erm, let me look into this, I will contact you soon about it.
  3. Offline


    okay thanks I'll wait
  4. Just for curiosity, reset your API secret and try again.
  5. Offline


    already did doesn't change anything
  6. Whats your server? Ill give it a go.


    Whats your username on mc too?
  7. Offline


    my minecraft username is Astinax adns my server name is Craftmania
  8. I will have to look into it further, sorry
  9. Offline


    okay thanks
  10. Offline


    Is it real to make a BuyCraft page on my website, where people can choose packages and buy it from the web?
  11. Offline


    I will be adding this to my server because it allows users who donate to be able to receive something back. Without wait.

    Great work!

    One suggestion, Permission Nodes, idk if it is compatable with permissions yet but im isntalling now i mean a permissions node for the /buy command btw

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  12. As said before, i dont think im adding this.

    Thats great

    I dont even know what your talking about

    Thanks for using the plugin :)

    P.S expiring packages will be coming soon! currently uploading the tutorial so Ill post it here to give you guys a look! :)

    A little video what demonstrates the new upcoming capabilities of BuyCraft!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  13. Offline


    plugin looks great! i tried reading through the pages to see if this question had been asked after a few moments of not finding it here i am. could we get packages of permissions that are per use? 500 teleports for five dollars, as an example?

    I would really like something like that.
  14. Hi, sorry but it would be too much work to implement that, however it is possible to create that via the use of another plugin of some sort I would suppose.
  15. Offline


    true other plugins can accomplish this WITH admin interaction. I am looking for something that is exactly the way you have it setup with only this one added feature. I love how you provide a hands off approach and allow admins to better focus their attention on equally pressing matters.
  16. Sorry I dont intend to make buycraft any more complicated
  17. Offline


    thats ok. thank you for your time.
  18. Offline


    Hmm i found a plugin like this that has website support :D
  19. Link?
  20. Offline


    The person made me a donate thing to go with it but its hard to work it all :S its called WebSend
    this would be better to use instead of that but the got website support meaning i can add it to do consol commands once some1 donates thought my website

    yer thats it there to confusing for me to use

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  21. Your message dont make sense in some parts :S.

    Anyways, if you want the most simple way of doing things, just use buycraft, web support I cannot see why its needed cause if you look at the new updates what buycraft has it makes viewing items VERY VERY easy! :)
  22. Offline


    SO your saying buycraft can be used on your website :O XD
  23. When did i ever say that? Why exactly do you need website support? Its easier to browse things in the client, look at the new updates buycraft has, browsing packages is just so easy to do....
  24. Offline

    tommy garr

  25. Offline


    Hm its cause its alot easiesr for alot of servers when people may use a big website were it shows whos donated there and they find it alot easier to donate on your website look at this server www.legendarycraft.com see on one of the sides there they have donate shows all the donations people donate there as well as ingame that would be so cool XD
  26. Hey i dont get what your saying, it looks like your message was cropped or something? Please explain more :)
  27. Offline

    tommy garr

    try the links now
  28. Are you on about HTTPS support?

    I dont get what your trying to say, "Not protected" could meen a thousand things to me.

    Well thats your opionion, over 60 people have currently purchased packages from servers using BuyCraft, and I havent heard any complaints about it!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  29. Offline

    tommy garr

    im saying that there is no green protection at the top right of the url bar which means its unprotected
  30. That is on paypals website (www.paypal.com), not buycraft.net. Buycraft.net dosent need https, its not sending that much of important data.

    Please also realise that just because the green bar isnt showing dosent meen they do not use https.
  31. Offline


    No i love this plugin im just saying alot more people would like it like that if you carnt dont worry about it,im just sayign it would be easier and you could also have in game buycraft too.

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