Inactive [ADMN/SEC] Potion Protection by aciid - Create WorldGuard regions by throwing potions! [1.4.6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by aciid, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Potion Protection by aciid
    Easy-to-use WordGuard region creation with potions.
    Since we're on DevBukkit this page will no longer be updated!
    - Multiworld​
    - Custom maximum amount of region permissions​
    - Configurable potion and region size​
    - Directly uses WorldGuard's and WorldEdit's API​
    - Automatic WorldGuard flags for newly created regions​
    - Configurable region fence/borders​
    - Teleport to regions and/or use teleport flag with permission​
    + more​
    When configured properly this plugin will not interfere with gameplay because there are a handful of unused potions which PotionProtection can be set to use (these potions can not be crafted by players and have no effect ingame).​
    PotionProtection allows you to assign cuboid shaped WorldGuard regions (reaching 0-256 blocks) to any potion so that when that potion is thrown by a player, a WorldGuard region is automatically created at the impact location.​
    You can define the size of the region, the potion to use, and with permissions you can limit the maximum amount of potion regions players can create in each world. You can also define WG flags and/or borders around regions to be automatically added when new regions are created.​

    Newest plugin version: v0.1 Beta
    Compatible with: [1.4.5]+

    Region Commands:
    These commands can only be run when standing inside your region(s)
    • /addmember <player> - Add player as a member to your region
    • /delmember <player> - Remove player from your region
    • /addowner <player> - Add player as an owner to your region
    • /delowner <player> - Remove player from your region
    • /fence - Spawn a fence/border around your region.
    • /greeting <message> - Remove player from your region
    • /farewell <message> - Remove player from your region
    • /delregion - Delete your region(s) you are in.
    • /tpregion <set|regionNumber> [world] - Teleport to your region number or set the tp location (WG flag)
    Plugin Commands:
    Usage: /pp|potionprotection <command>
    • /reload
    • /help
    • /count
    Usage: /pp|potionprotection admin <command>
    • /delregion <all|regionNumber> <player> <world> [-b] [-r] - Delete region(s)
      -b will replace the region(s) border as per config
      -r will regenerate the region(s) from seed
    • /regenregion <all|regionNumber> <player> <world> - Regenerate region(s) from seed
    • /replaceregion <all|regionNumber> <player> <world> - Replace border with block defined in config

    - potionprotection.potion.potionID:
    # Allow player to create regions using potionID

    # Allow player to use the pp help command

    - potionprotection.use.count:
    # Allow player to use the pp count command

    - potionprotection.use.addmember:
    # Allow player to use the addmember command

    - potionprotection.use.delmember:
    # Allow player to use the delmember command

    - potionprotection.use.addowner:
    # Allow player to use the addowner command

    - potionprotection.use.delowner:
    # Allow player to use the delowner command

    - potionprotection.use.greeting:
    # Allow player to use the greeting command

    - potionprotection.use.farewell:
    # Allow player to use the farewell command

    - potionprotection.use.fence:
    # Allow player to use the fence command

    - potionprotection.use.tpregion:
    # Allow player to use the tpregion command

    - potionprotect.admin.commandName
    # Allow player to use the pp admin command called commandName
    - potionprotect.admin.reload
    # Allow player to use the reload command

    Config (May be outdated):

    There are 4 main configs:


    The file's been approved! Enjoy!

    Please post/ticket any feedback!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  2. Offline


    Updated for newest 1.4.6 build!

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