[ADMN/SEC/INFO] AdvLog+ v0.3 Beta - An (more) advanced logging system [1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by spywhere, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdvLog+ v0.3 Beta
    now on BukkitDev
    This thread no longer updated. Please check out on BukkitDev for latest informations.​
    AdvLog now be AdvLog+​

    AdvLog+ provide a full logging system for your server. From a block break to weather change, most of events which occured in your server will be logged. With fully customize logging, you can set which event will be logged and which one not, makes your server more secure in all events you need! With LogTools, SilentLog and Export features from AdvLog, you can now see full server logs or only specific part of log you want to, all can be access by in-game chat.


    • Fully customized logging
      • Customized each event
      • Customized each detail
      • Event alias
    • Up to 100 events logging (click here to see all events)
      • Block
      • Enchantment
      • Entity
      • Inventory
      • Painting
      • Player
      • Vehicle
      • Weather
      • World
    • Permissions System
      • Permissions node
      • Native PermissionsEX supported
      • Native bPermissions supported
      • Vault (default)
    • Multi-format storage type
      • MySQL
      • SQLite
      • H2
      • PostGreSQL
      • YML
      • FlatFile (default)
    • Fully accessible by in-game chat
      • And gui in spoutcraft [May be?]
    • Logs statistic when stop/reload plugin (see which event the busiest)
    • bPermissions or PermissionsEX or BukkitPermission supported
    • Detectors
      • Rapid break detector
      • Far-reaching break detector
    • Alarm system
      • Fire alarm
      • Bomb alarm
    • LogTools! Use a specific item to show logs
    • SilentLog and AutoExport options
    • Multi-GameMode and Multi-World support
      • Log only specific worlds
      • Log only specific game mode
    • Full log filters
      • Event filter
      • Player filter
      • Location filter
        • Single location
        • Within cuboid area
        • Within radius
      • Time filter
        • Time filter
        • Time range filter
        • In-game time filter
        • In-game time range filter
      • World filter
    • Export as HTML based webpage
    • Rollback [WorldFreeze as prototype]
    • Commands
      • Logs look up
      • Logs configurations
      • Command help
      • Misc
    How to install

    Just put the .jar file in Plugins folder and run the server...


    To update from AdvLog to latest version of AdvLog+...
    You cannot import an old log into AdvLog+. Since, both plugin are separate to each other. I recommended for clean install or fresh server to use only.
    How to use
    Check out commands and instructions on BukkitDev

    [A] = Add
    [F] = Fix
    = Improve
    [R] = Remove
    v0.2.1 Alpha [#1.2.5-R1.0]
    [A] Supported for CB1.2.5-R1.0

    v0.2 Alpha [#1.2.3-R0.2]
    [A] Supported for CB1.2.3-R0.2
    [A] New events added (BlockGrow, BlockPiston, Brew, InventoryClick, InventoryClose, InventoryOpen, PrepareItemCraft)
    [A] Dynamic Storage
    [A] Console and in-game messages while saving
    Location searching now include all possible locations
    Improve storage system to make less lags
    [R] Remove old events that not appear in newer Bukkit

    v0.1.3 Alpha [#1.1-R6]
    [A] Supported for CB1.1-R6 [and AdvLog is also updated]
    [A] Supported for bPermissions

    v0.1.2 Alpha [#1.1-R4]
    [A] Supported for CB1.1-R4 [and AdvLog is also updated]
    [A] Event filter
    BlockData logging for future use

    v0.1.1 Alpha [#1.1-R3]
    [A] new 6 events added (EntityChangeBlock, EntityCreatePortal, EntityShootBow, ItemDespawn, SheepDyeWool and SheepRegrowWool)
    [A] Supported for 1.1-R3 (AdvLog support for 1.1-R3 is in progress)
    [F] Fix a lot of exact same event name

    v0.1 Alpha [#1.0.1-R1]
    First AdvLog+ alpha released
  2. Offline


    AdvLog v0.3 now in Beta state...
  3. Offline


    Does it log what monsters do? I.E., an enderman?
  4. Offline


    Yes, It log all mobs activity. If Enderman pickup a block it will show in EndermanPickup event.
  5. Offline


    sweet! does it require a MySQL Database?
  6. Offline


    No database required! All logs are save in FlatFile format :D
    PS. v0.4 now have a LiveLog! Update in realtime!
  7. Offline


    any possibility to get a log for chest transaction? would really help to get the thieves/griefers if i could see what they did take from other people's chests.
  8. Offline


    I will try it... if it not so hard for me may be it will be on v0.4... BTW Thanks for comment ^^

    EDIT1: OK, I already try it out... and the result is: I can only log who open a chest (whatever they take items or not) because of Bukkit did not define the InventoryTransactionEvent so I can't get the info about who take item or add to chest... Sorry for that :(

    PS. I already try it another way... It can only log if someone add/take all same item type into chest only. If they add/take only a specific number of items it can't log...

    Screen Shot 2554-10-24 at 9.11.28 PM.png
    Adrenaline likes this.
  9. Offline


    AdvLog v0.4 are release...
    All above requests has been added to this version...
    PS. Chest logging will log only chest open and close.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Thanks :)
  12. Offline


    Add stick to check block placed/breaken this is very very HELPFULL ! :-S
  13. Offline


    Oh sure... This might come out in v0.5 :)
    Adrenaline likes this.
  14. Offline


    thx :)

    And please add support PermissionEx :)
  15. Offline


    Let's see if I can ;)

    v0.5 may be an official supported for PEX (Native PEX API added) but for now it can be use with PEX without problems :D

    AdvLog v0.4 from my server log...
    16:20:28 [INFO] [AdvLog] v0.4 successfully enabled.
    16:20:28 [INFO] [AdvLog] Permissions plugin found.
    Adrenaline likes this.
  16. Offline


    :p like it..

    Add to config option to turn off spam at chat.. XXX..logs saved etd.. :) and this stick in previous reply, this is my favourite plugin :D
  17. Offline


    As usually, plugin will only tell about how many log has been saved on player who are logger... It's mean that normal player will not get any messages from this plugin (they don't know they're logged)... BTW I may be add options to use a silent log for not showing any notification text... ;)
    PS. v0.5 may come a bit longer than v0.4 (1-2 weeks)... Sorry for that :(
    Adrenaline likes this.
  18. Offline


    :[ im sad... but thanks for reply :)

    Can you add automatic delete logs after ... XXX days ? :)
  19. Offline


    Plugin are already have automatic clear log but in v0.4 I just change a log system to saved to folder... so the automatic clear have a bug with this which already fixed in v0.5 thanks for comment :)
    Adrenaline likes this.
  20. Offline


    AdvLog v0.5 are release...
    All above requests has been added to this version... Which included
    - SignLog! Show a log in sign
    - LogTools! Show logs with a selected item
    - SilentLog and AutoExport
    - Official PermissionsEX supported
    Adrenaline likes this.
  21. Offline


    THXX, i now go test it :D
  22. Offline


    Can you add MySQL support?
    Looks to be a good plugin so i would love to try it out on our server.
  23. Offline


    Let's me try it...
  24. Offline


    v0.5.1 now release...
    This version fixed a small bug which may be conflict with Permissions...
  25. Offline


    This is great, specially since bigbrother no longer is out. Couple suggestions though...

    • could you make the info on a break/place on one line (with a tool) so you can see a whole history of edits easily for example "mdavis607x placed block [id] at [time]" because right now 3 edits take up the entire visible history when you click a block
    • i like how in bigbrother you could activate a block as a tool. Then with it you could hit a block to view edits, or place it in a air spot where a block was in the past to view edits in that location. It would tell only place and destroy. (however i love your chest idea) anyway the log would place then after like a second it would pop back into your inventory and the block edit data would show. You could then deactivate the tool with a command and it would become an ordinary block. Could you do something like this?
    Anyway you have done very well with this so far and it has amazing potential, its better than anything else, ive checked out so many log plugins and yours has made me happiest.
  26. Offline


    1. You can use a LogTool to show a specific log and if the log show a lot information for you, you can edit how they will show in config.yml file (custom log).
    2. Oh sure, I thinking of this for a moment don't know how to get a block on top of another one. Cause block break will turn to air and player can't click air. So this might be a good idea to do that.

    Thanks for feedback and suggestion.
    PS. If I'm misunderstanding please correct my post.
  27. Offline


    Possible rollback commands? that would make this the perfect plugin.
  28. Offline


    No rollback feature yet... sorry D:
    It take a time to make this feature... But I think that this feature will be added to a newer version...
  29. Offline


    cool, logblock has me covered for rollbacks for now.its just something nice to have. ^^
  30. Offline


    AdvLog v0.6 are release...
    Due to my time to develop this plugin is a little... So, above requests not included in this version D:
    Some requests in BukkitDev are added in this version instead...

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