[ADMN/SEC] GuestPrev v1.5 - AntiGrief Guest Manager [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by SunShe, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    [ADMN/SEC] GuestPrev v1.5a - AntiGrief Guest Manager [1.3.1-R2.0]

    GuestPrev - AntiGrief Guest Manager:
    Version: v1.5a

    GuestPrev allows you to manipulate your guest accesses and events,
    it protects your server against griefers or unknown players.

    Feel free to open your server to the public without having to worry about griefers.

    Simple, Light, easy.
    No Permissions system required. (But supported)

    Features: Prevents guests from the following...
    • Placing, Breaking, or Interacting with Blocks
    • Using, Destroying, or Moving Boats/Mine Carts
    • Picking Up or Drop Items (Option to Authorize Certain Items)
    • Opening Chests, Furnaces, or Dispensers
    • Interactions with Doors, Levers, Buttons, or Pressure Plates.
    • Trampling wheat and using ladders.
    • Creepers explosions on guests.
    • Workbench Use (Option to Authorize Use)
    • Attacking types of animals/monsters.
    • Exploring the unknown world not generated. (Preventing from increase your file map size.)
    Additional Features:
    • Auto-locks Guest Inventory Changes
    • Stops Players From Using Blocks to Climb Over Walls
    • Enable or Disable Guest Chat, Guest Server Access.
    • Send a private message or kick all guests. (for servers overloaded of guests)
    • Optional/editable Every Notify Messages for guests.
    • Configurable guest interactions.
    • Can make virtual walls for restrict your guests at some ways.
    • Admin Command Tools (Teleport,Kick,Ban,Mute,Froze,Etc...)
    • Set a max amount of online guests in same time.
    • Reserve slots for members.
    • Can disable other plugins commands access.
    • You can optionally set a chat-prefix for recognize who are a guest.
    • A system who logging the players activities. (First Join, Latest Connected/Disconnected)
    • Make your Guests (Spectators) invincible.
    DOWNLOAD: Private now, you can PM me if intersting...
    thecoolwolf, Tealk, kahlilnc and 6 others like this.
  2. Offline


    nice! thank you, works beautifully!
  3. Offline


    subbed. Def want to try it out. So is this working with 1.3 and is it having any issues with other plug ins? I do use permissions, but multiple groups are not working for somereason
  4. Offline


    Hi M1nurThr3t, Yea it are especially for Minecraft 1.3. Work with others plugins. I think 99% Compatible with others. Because no dependencies. It work with Permissions, use /guestprev add <NamePlayer> to allow your members.
  5. Offline


    cool thanks. Can it bypass permissions or does it have to use it because its on my server?
  6. Offline


    Do guests also get ignored when the server checks to see if everyone's in bed before skipping night? They should, IMHO.

    May be putting this on my server very soon!
  7. Offline


    Mhh, for some reason... when i have like 15 Sand Blocks in Inventory, and place 1 - the rest of the sand is just gone. When i deactivate ur plugin, it works again :| I just put my name into the "Whitelist" and the admin file.

    Using the newest bukkit release and a /warp plugin. nothing more
  8. Offline


    Awesome, it's just what I need. I however am getting trouble with items disappearing when right-clicking, which affects everyone. any ideas?
  9. Offline


    Yea so sorry, i have fixed it, let's go download it again. sorry again. Thx @ Endless1989 for note.
  10. Offline


    Awesome :) And it also protects guest from using chests :D
  11. Items are still disappearing for everyone on my server...

    EDIT: Nvm, its just the jar only download link isn't updated, works fine with the .jar file in the ZIP archive.
  12. Offline


    Mmm really? I have updated it (the JAR) again. thx.
  13. Offline


    Is there noway to make this work with GroupUsers?
  14. Offline


    thanks m8. works great!
  15. Offline

    Soul Reaper

    very impressive, works great as a first defense against random folks. I haven't tested yet but can guests use other mod features such as public warps like in eekrunes?
  16. Offline


    Hi Soul Reaper, if the warp need to pressing on a button, i dont think so.
    --- merged: Feb 25, 2011 6:37 AM ---
    Hakon, I think it work with GroupUsers but at this time, the plugin read authorizations only from authorized.txt. You still can open it with your text editor and add all your members in it. By the way if you are using another protection plugin, it's possible that you need to allow in both plugins.

    Ps; I working on a method for prevent guests using boats/minecarts.
  17. Offline

    Soul Reaper

    the mod requires them to just rightclick a block to activate the teleport, no levers/buttons
    you only need to rightclick the center block to teleport, no levers/button
  18. Offline


    Im not sure but, if it's a simple rightclick on a block defined by another plugin like an obsidian block, i think that can work. But only if it's defined by the other plugin. Let's try it and come back tell me, im interesting...
  19. Offline


    I dont thinkt that was what I meant, but I can try again :)

    If you have tried AntuBuild, you have to set build: false in Premission/GroupManager config.ym/data.yml. Would it be possible to read autentication that way with this plugin to?
    And are this think open source? I cant see the source code, maybe I could try to do this my self.
  20. Offline


    Anti-Build protected only against Create/Break Blocks. And work only
    with Permissions. And currently Anti-Build doesn't work anymore.

    New version (1.1)! : Your boat/minecartes stations gonna be more securized with it. ( Guests can no longer disturb your boosters. ). And no able anymore to pick up/drop/steal items from monsters/players trading etc... from the ground.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  21. Offline

    Soul Reaper

    is there a way to enable/disable what is protected? I don't mind guests riding minecarts >.>

    still haven't gotten around to testing the teleport yet, probably later in the day xD
  22. Offline


    Anti-Build has been working since Permissions 2.1 was release a few days ago. You just have download the new version of it (though the links doesn't tell you it's a new version and the forum has not been updated) and it will work just as it always did. I was an stealth update release. That being said, you mention Admin a lot in this and I can only assume you mean ops. Is there anyway to allow someone who is not op to use the commands? And can you provide as simple true/false config file so I can turn on and off features I would like to change? I would like the players to be able to kill cows to collect leather and be able to use workbenches to make their own armor, but still be able to restrict everything else.
  23. Offline


    KiloWhiskey; Nice idea i gonna work on that for the next version. And for OP support, yea, i gonna add that too.
  24. Offline

    Soul Reaper

    I think i found a big bug, glass is not protected. guests can break it. They also seem to be able to pick up any items, latest crafbukkit
  25. Offline


    Latest bukkit ( #445 ) Sill worked 100%. Check in your side if something are wrong.
  26. Offline


    Glass is protected. They can pick up items yes, but when they try to place them, they get removed.

    This plugin works perfect for me so far :)
  27. Offline


    With the version 1.1, they can't pick up anymore. Update your GuestPrev. =)
  28. Offline

    Soul Reaper

    i'm using 1.1 :S hmm odd
  29. Offline


    But i found another bug :D

    I CAN destroy pictures as a guest. Dunno if you can fix that :)
  30. Offline


    Dude, your server lagg terribly for me, that's why you feel it's not protected but it's only in your game, at the server the block was not removed. let's the time to the server to answer. And for glass, it's cuz you have another plugin who make conflict, probably the one who give you back a glass when you brok it. Then i can't pick up it.

    It's not a bug from the plugin, watch with your plugins sides.

    Oh yeah i have just seen that. I gonna watch for fix it.

    So i dont think it's possible for the moment. :( ( but i still gonna see with some tests if i can cunning to make a protection like. but not sure to reach it. )

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016

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