Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    When an option in the guest section of config.yml is set to true, the unregistered player/guest will be able to perform it. Glad you like the plugin. Hopefully we can get some updates out soon!

    We should have native support for the latest version of WordPress available soon too.
  3. Offline


    Could you add PHP-Fusion support?
  4. Offline


    Added to the to-do list. :)
  5. Offline


    Thanks for this awesome plugin! Works great with MyBB 1.6.3
    At first I didn't know why I can't connect to a different free database but I realized that it doesn't allow remote connections so now I use and it works perfect!
  6. Offline


    I solved problem with XenForo, when installed clean AuthDB on clean CraftBukkit :)

    But new trouble appears.
    When users with different ingame/forum names try /link <user> <pass> they can login.
    The next time they try to login with /login <pass>, and have a message "You are not registered yet"
    When they use /link <user> <pass> again - "You are already linked to a username!"
    When they use /unlink <user> <pass> - "You do not have a linked username!"
    09:12:30 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND_PREPROCESS to AuthDB
        at com.authdb.util.Util.CheckScript(
        at com.authdb.AuthDB.checkPassword(
        at com.authdb.listeners.AuthDBPlayerListener.onPlayerCommandPreprocess(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  7. Offline


    Check that othernames.db exists and that it is showing the linked username for the player. What version of CraftBukkit are you using it with?

    Edit: I just tried, and it works fine with the latest 812 build. My guess is you have a plugin that is conflicting with it. Try with just AuthDB and see if you get the same error.
  8. Offline


    I use 803 build
    othernames.db exists, and contain linked usernames.
  9. Offline


    Then it's probably a conflicting plugin. I would check for any other plugins that modify chat first.
  10. Hello,
    I am sorry, if this issue is desribed in any of posts here...
    When sessions are enabled and someone log in user, who is online, he lost his inventory... Our players says that inventory is going back after session expiration, but I was't succesfull with reproducing that. So, logging online user from different IP should end current sessions.. or something.

    Edit: we're using cb#740; AuthDB v2.2.0; and DB is directed by own PHP script with MYSQL
  11. Offline


    So you are saying if someone joins the server where a player is already logged in, he loses his inventory? We were planning on adding an option to not allow anyone else with the same name in if they are already logged in on that server regardless of IP. I'll test and see if I can reproduce the issue.
  12. Reproducing this is really simple, just log in someone, when sessions are enabled. Some of the players said that their inventory was back after some time. But if this happens, items are not added to current items... all inventory is replaced with "old inventory data". My inventory is back now (i logged off and waited).
    somone logged you acc, you're kicked, you login back, session is still on, you have no inventory, you put "something" into empty inventory, log off.. and when you log in back (after time), you have your old inv, so you lost "something"..
    I've set session time to zero, and this is not happening..
  13. Offline


    Hmm.. I can create a new server and test it without plugins.

    UPD: Test failed. It doesn't works with XenForo on CB #740, 766, 803 without other plugins.

    The 1st linking is succesful. But on the next login..
    00:17:20 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_CHAT to AuthDB
  14. Offline


    its a long time ago, so im asking, did u added WBB3 already or is it still on the todo list? :)
  15. Offline


    Not yet. As mentioned in previous posts, we haven't gotten the regular or lite to install properly yet.Once we do that, it shouldn't take much.
  16. Offline


    do you need access to a working wbb3.1.4 and the database?
  17. Offline


    That could be useful, but our own working install would be better in the long run. :)
    contex likes this.
  18. Offline


    Edit: Regular links are working again! :)
  19. Offline



    Some of my users and myself dont have the same nicknames ingame and on the board.
    Im using PhpBB3.0.8 and CB803
    When we type
    /link pseudo mdp
    => That said already linking
    So we type /login mdp
    => No protection on this pseudo
    /unlink pseudo mdp
    => No protection on this pseudo
    /register mdp email
    => Already registered...

    no way
  20. Offline

    Daniel Few

    Sorry I can't see any reference to this feature:
    Is there any option to set where you are if your not logged in.
    I wanted a 'login room' which is just a small hut that players are sent to when they are not logged in, then when logged in they just go back to where they were when they logged out.
    Does that make sense?
    If its not a feature, can it be?
  21. Offline


    It's not a feature yet, but could probably add that. :)
  22. Offline

    Daniel Few

    That would be really good :p
    Cause ATM i'm spawning ontop of my bedrock wall surrounded my RPG world lol.
  23. Offline


    I'll have to look into this more.
  24. Offline


    im thinking about using a System with many different Permission-Groups.
    I would like to link Permissions with the Board-ranks.

    Ingame by Permissions - Board
    Guest - Unregistred
    Member - Registred (Member Group)
    VIP - VIP Group
    and so on...

    may you could add optional Support for Permissions instead of Withelist? ;)
  25. Offline


    It's on the to-do list. :)
  26. Offline


    maybe with a combination, that a player which is in the "Banned" Group at the Board is automaticlly banned ingame?

    how big is your ToDo-List? :confused:
  27. Offline


    That is planned as well.

    We have quite a lot of ideas, features, and addons planned as well as piles of scripts to add support for.
    Taranis01 and contex like this.
  28. Offline


    Will a mirror be posted for the .jar and zip files? Your domain is inaccessible.
  29. Offline


    Yes, I posted some a few posts back. Will get the main post changed soon.

    Edit: Regular links are working again! :)
  30. Offline


    Small question.. It works for 1.6.6? (#818) :)
  31. Offline


    I haven't been able to test/check yet, but more than likely should be fine.

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