Slappy - Give them an incentive to shut up! Version: v1.5 Tested on RB #1060 About: On my server, there are a lot of people who just can't stop talking, you tell them off, they keep talking, you give them a slap, they still keep talking. They only get the picture once i start slapping them constantly, so what about an autoSlapper? That's where Slappy comes in! To make that person be quiet, just make sure you have the permission: slappy.canslap, then type the command /slappy <player> to make them get slapped whenever they talk. The whole server can see this, and they get hurt by 1/2 a heart, giving the a reason to shut up! Features: If you have the permission, use /slappy [player] to auto slap them when they talk. If you have the permission, use /slap [player] to slap them once. Hurts the offending player by 1/2 a heart. Gives them a reason to shut up! Uses Bukkits built in permissions. Knocks the offending player up and forwards. Permissions/Commands: /slappy [player] - slappy.ontalk Toggles whether the specified player gets slapped when he talks. /slap [player] - slappy.single Slaps the player once, doing the same as one speech-triggered slap. Download (latest): Slappy-1.51.jar (ad-supported): Donate : Keep me coding and eating, donate! Dependencies: SuperPerms manager (optional) - Used for when you want to give someone the permission, defaults to OP's only if no permissions are given. ChangeLog: Version 1.51 Fixed a bug stopping the /slappy command. Version 1.5 Now has an option to just slap the person once, for simplicity! Now when players are slapped, they will be forced into the air and in one direction. new permissions nodes, both commands have new ones! Version 1.1 Changed to a command system, use /slappy [player] to toggle whether the player is slapped. To use the command, player must have the permission slappy.canslap or they must be an OP. Version 1.0 Initial Release
Not sure if i was really supposed to whilst in the submission section (really shouldve read the guidelines again to find out) but updated! now uses a command to set if a player gets slapped or not.
If youre going to slap someone, clearly they should reel from the hit, or get sent flying, whatever. Mess around with the velocity, so maybe you can do a "/slappy name x y" where x would be just some random direction away from where they were facing. y is obvious. Also, a one time slap might be a good idea, or rather, an x amount of slaps.
Thanks for that, those are some good ideas...don't know how i didn't of them myself -.- Should be able to do them all easily enough ^^
Thanks for the replies you two, I'm on holiday this week, but as soon as I get back I'm gonna be updating it with single slaps too plus I'm going to add movement when you get slapped in the version after ^^
Finally got home and round to updating! /slappy [player] - slappy.ontalk Toggles whether the specified player gets slapped when he talks. /slap [player] - slappy.single Slaps the player once, doing the same as one speech-triggered slap. Version 1.5 Now has an option to just slap the person once, for simplicity! Now when players are slapped, they will be forced into the air and in one direction. new permissions nodes, both commands have new ones!
My /slappy command doesn't work. There is no error in the console and it doesn't say Command not recognized or anything.
Have you given yourself the right permission node? Or if your not using permissions, make yourself OP and it should work fine
Commands don't work; Nothing happens, even when given permission codes. I'm admin on my server, so it should work...But it doesn't. Sorry.
Hmm okay, I'll have to take a look at it then, Mustve messed something up... Updated to fix the bug which didn't allow the command to work. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@Dagumboss It might be to do with that actually... Will have to see how herochat handles players speaking, might take a while though, i'm recoding another plugin of mine and it's not going as smoothly as hoped
hehe, it gave me the laughs when if i could turn this on one of my friends (has a hacked client) and get them to spam the chat XD
Suggestion: It would be very useful to be able to be able to use the /slap and /slappy commands in console, so I dont have to log in in order to slap my players
Also one other thing, when you try and slap an offline error it spams the console with a huge error, any chance of fixing it so it just says "player not found"? ty! Great plugin tho!
Hey, thanks for the interest, but actually i've totally stopped this plugin... like gotten rid of the source and everything xD should probably move it to inactive... Although once i'm done with my college exams coming up, may re-do it, much better at programming than when i first did this