ControlTheExperience ControlTheExperience is a plugin that allows you to control your EXP. At the moment it only allows you to set your level and check other people's level, but I plan to add a lot of more functionality. If you have an suggestions, please suggest them! Features Set the EXP level (enchantment level) of yourself or another player (/exp) (Requires experience.command.exp permission, or op) Check the EXP level (enchantment level) of yourself or another player (/expg) Plans Alter drop rate of exporbs (player and entity) (config file?) Permissions for /expg (maybe) Suggest something! Permissions It supports BukkitPerms and it defaults to op. The Permissions are: experience.command.exp - Set EXP (/exp) 1.1.1 1.1 1.0 Usage: /exp (playername) (level you want them to have) /expg (playername) Changelog (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Changelog (open) Changelog (close) 1.1.1: Fix the bug that makes it so the console can't use it 1.1: /expg command checks the exp level of a player 1.0: /exp command sets the exp level of a player Bukkitdev!
Well done dude amazing plugin, if i could request a feature that you could use this plugin from console, that would be great and maybe perms if you can
Sorry for not having it be able to be used form the console. I just had used a plugin base thing that I always use, and I forgot to remove that XD New Version: 1.1.1 EDIT: fail XD Only ops (or people with the permissions) can use the /exp command NOTE: Permission for /exp is experience.command.exp
It would be awesome if you could make this work with Iconomy to make it so you can get money in exchange for experience levels or something!
latest being? I know it works with like around 1450 (not quite sure), but I haven't tested on any past that.
Any chance for an update? /exp doesn't work anymore, it doesn't modify a users exp levels at all. 1.1.1 on CB 1582
Well I guess I can chip in some suggestions: You can alter exp rate by using the ENTITY_DEATH event. Maybe you can decrease EXP per different mobs with the ability to set the min-max values in config file? Good luck fixing, I can't be bothered to remake this xD