Inactive [ADMN/FUN] AdminRage 1.7 - Express your rage through weather [766]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tempelchat, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdminRage - Express your rage through weather
    Version: v1.7 - lastest Download [766]

    I lost my interest in making bukkit plugins, so this plugin needs someone who will maintain it in the future. If you are interested in, pn me.

    With this plugin you (admin) can express your rage for annoying people through weather.
    Your mood is seperated in 3 levels:
    • Low: Sky gets dark and it starts raining
    • High: raining, thunder
    • Deadful: rain, thunder and you can throw bolts on the player(s) (with mouse or chat) because of whom you are in rage!
    Uses permissions otherwise ops.

    • AdminRage:
    • /adminrage [on|off]
    • /adminrage override //overrides the angry admin (unrages the angry admin, doesn't matter who is it)
    • /adminrage level - display current rage level
    • /adminrage level [Low|High|Deadful]
      • Low: Sky gets dark and it starts raining
      • High: +thunder storm
      • Deadful: Play Zeus and toss deadful bolts with your hands!
    • /adminrage [throw|toss] [<player>|<EntityId>] (<amount>) - toss bolt on player (only on Deadful)
    • Express your rage through weather
    • notify all players on server about the rage of the admin. eg.
      • Somebody provoked an admin!
      • Admin got even more angry!
      • Admin calmed down a little bit.
      • ...
    • throw bolts with your hands
    • throw bolt automatically on player if out of range (less amusing)
    • adminrage.general
    • adminrage.override
    • leveldown=Admin calmed down a little bit.
    • on=Someone provoked an admin!
    • levelup=Admin got even more angry!
    • off=Admin calmed down
    • boltonplayer=Boom! Krapusch! ZZZZPZPZZZPZZZ--! crack!
    • boltonplayernum=10 #Number of bolts that will be throwen at command
    Note: It will NOT edit/delete the properties when new properties are available!

    • more/better broadcasting messages
    • add colours to (broadcasting) messages
    • make the night last forever if in rage
    • v1.7 configurable amount of bots that are throwen at a player on command
    • v1.6 properties file to customise messages ATTENTION: DELETE THE EXISTING FILE TO GENERATE A NEW ONE
    • v1.5 can't kill yourself anymore
    • v1.4 somebugfixes
    • v1.3 some bugfixes
    • v1.2 extended if
    • v1.1 fixed some bugs
    • v1.0 Release
  2. Offline


    Wow! Seems very interesting. I know this probably isn't possible, but can you change biomes? My server is flat grass and the biome is snow and all it ever does is SNOW SNOW SNOW. This plugin looks very promising.
  3. Offline


    Litte bit ot? Sorry I can't help you with your problem. You may find someone who knows how to edit maps and their biomes.
  4. Offline


    Yes, I know, off topic. I was just wondering because I would like something other than snow in my main town. Thanks for the help! :)
  5. Offline


    I have a problem with this plugin, when I type a command it says every time /adminrage /rawtime
  6. Offline


    Sorry, you found something of a testcode, fixing...

    Redownload, should work now

    PS: attention to lightning and fire with forest :D
  7. Offline


    always don't work :s now when I type /adminrage level high just that message appear: /adminrage
  8. Offline


    Did you first /adminrage on ? And any errors on the console?
  9. Offline


    I tried with /adminrage on first but it change nothing and nothing appear in the console :s
  10. Offline


    what build do you use? I have only tested it with 709.
    Make sure you use a build for 1.5_01.

    On "/adminrage on" it should start raining and set the time to night to make it darker

    Sorry, your failed attempts to get this to work! Redownload please. It MUST now work. And don't ask me why the output was the command, never buit that in^^
  11. Offline


    Ok it works fine now but is it normal that the rain stops after 5sec ?
  12. Offline


    It should rain infinite. Hmm. I look into this...
  13. Offline


    with build 733 stable, the rain stay 1 second and stop but sky stay darker and with deadful I can everytime toss thunder bolts
  14. Offline


    for me (build 709 and 720) was the rain infinite. I'll test tomorrow. Less time today.
    Thanks for testing!
    btw. what plugins do you have installed? Is there any that could deacvivates rain and thunder?

    PS: It saves the time when you activate it and if you turn it off then the time is set back to the saved time + the additional time while in rage
  15. Offline


    I got that kind of ironic smile. Got it on my server, people were asking, wth is this lol.
  16. Offline

    Name Goes Here

    I just have one small bug report. If your an admin in Admin Rage, and you /toss yourself, and die. Adminrage is not usable is this happens until the server is reset.
  17. Offline


    Didn't test self destruction^^ Quickfix... EDIT: Released
    new if
    if(target != null && target.isOnline())
        if(target != p) //new if
            p.sendMessage("Boom! Krapusch! ZZZZPZPZZZPZZZ--! crack!");
             p.sendMessage("I don't want that you kill yourself! Kill annoying players instead.");
    PS: Is the /adminrage [trow|toss] <player> message too annoying?
  18. Offline


    Sorry Tempelchat, it was the MotherNature who make that rain stop now It work fine ! Nice plugin and good job ^^
  19. Offline


    Good that it works now! Thank you!

    Any suggestions/(more) bugs?

    What did they players say when you got in rage?
  20. Offline


    I just use it to try it ^^ I don't have a server, I just have a "test" server to try plugins ^^
  21. Offline


    I don't have a real server either^^ I make plugins because the ideas come suddenly in my mind and I like programming.
  22. Offline


    I like too programming but I never try to do it for Minecraft :p , I script for counter-strike source XD
  23. Offline


    Working great! I support you as an official plugin. Please do a cfg.yml with all the broadcasts, maybe some options ;-)
  24. Offline


    I think i make the reading/writing in the properties-file very ineffective... :/ I'll work on it at the weekend!
    Thank you
    Horia0310 likes this.
  25. Offline


    Oh my God! Exactly what I wanted! Excellent plugin. Definetly scared the sh*t out of my players!

    Think about new features. Like controlling the weather too, snowing even not in snowy biome. The nr. of thunders . The accuracy of them hitting a player.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  26. Offline


    For controlling the weather there are already some plugins.
    In snow biomes rain is automatically snow.
    The number of thunders are an idea... I think that the purpoe is to hit a player with 100% accuracy.
  27. Offline


    No really, teasing him would be great. Without you doing /toss. Also there is a bad spelling. It is "throw" not "trow".
  28. Offline


    That's an argument^^ I have to look, how I implement this.

    Oh my dear! Ty. Only help releated. redownload
  29. Offline


    Also correct Version: v1.5 - lastest Download [709-720] and the title. Version is wrong.
  30. Offline


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