Inactive [ADMN/DEV] PermissionsEx (PEX) v1.19.5 - Tomorrow is Today! [1.4.6-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by t3hk0d3, May 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 1.19.5


    PermissionsEx (PEX) is a new permissions plugin, based on Permissions ideas and supports all of its features. But PEX is more! It offers different backends, powerful ingame management, fine grained restrictions for world modification.


    Current features
    1. Bukkit Permissions (SuperPerms) compatible.
    2. Several backend support. Currently bundled backends is File (YAML) and SQL (MySQL, SQLite). Also it's possible to add your own.
    3. YAML backend, with new, fully rethinked, config schema. Now all user, groups and their permissions are stored in one file - permission.yml. BTW file name is adjustable too.
    4. SQL backend, most delicious. Currently MySQL and SQLite supported, but other DB (like Postgre) are possible too. PEX deploys the DB scheme (tables and initial data) automatically. This means, that you only need to provide data on how to connect to the db, everything else PEX will handle by itself.
    5. Flexible architecture and API - you can change a lot programmatically.
    6. Compatibility layer with TheYeti's Permissions (2.7.4) (as a separate part of the plugin). In most cases plugins, which use Permissions, will alsowork with PEX also.
    7. Rich chat/console command interface. You can do almost everything ingame. Command list below.
    8. Modifyworld - Embedded restrictions mechanism (we call it "modifyworld"), which provides the possibility to control players abilities, such as destroying/placing blocks, riding carts/boats or even getting spotted by mobs and much more. Disabled by default.
    9. Multigroup inheritance. User, as well as Group, can be member of several groups. And inherit their permissions, options and prefix/suffix.
    10. Permissions based upon Regular Expressions. This mean you can use regular expressions. Example: modifyworld.blocks.(destroy|place).(3|12) - this permission allow place or destroy only sand (12) or dirt (3) blocks. There is still limitation on dot usage in your regexps - dots are escaped by default.
    11. Multiworld permissions. Just don't specify world and permission would work in any world.
    12. Multiworld inheritance. You can inherit different groups in different worlds.
    13. Easy migration from Permissions 2.x. Converter for both YAML and SQL are embedded into PermissionsCompat. Just use simple instruction.
    14. Perfomance friendly. Low-level caching helps alot when you have 100+ online users :)
    15. Promotional/Demotional system. You can assign ranks to groups and promote/demote users to higher/lower ranked group.
    16. World-inheritance - permissions/option of one world can be inherited by another world.
    17. Timed Permissions - you can give user permission only for some amount of time.
    18. Chat Manager - small chat plugin, bundled with PEX. With prefixes/suffiex and colors. Check wiki for more details.


    Basic setup tutorial (Thanks to lycano)

    Nice tutorial made by Bennetman

    Stable version

    Development version (mostly stable) - always lastest dev build.



    Maven Repository

    Join us on #permissionsex, Feel free to ask any related questions.

    Tools !NEW!
    Pex Auto-Setup Tool - MySQL and FlatFile !

    Show Changelog (open)
    Proper intervals for timed commands (both group/permissions management), without pesky seconds calculations (like /pex user t3hk0d3 timed add cool.permission 10days)
    1.4.6 compatibility.

    Built for Bukkit 1.4.2-R0.1
    Added inventory permissions (modifyworld.items.put/take.<item>.of.<chest>)
    Added item hold permission (modifyworld.items.hold.<item>)
    Sdded monster egg spawn permission (modifyworld.spawn.<creature>)
    Few other minor fixes
    Modifyworld improvements (configurable messages, now independent from PEX)
    /pex help command
    Minor improvements and bugfixes
    New modifyworld permissions
    Some bugfixes
    Bugfix release
    Bukkit R6 compatible.
    Several bugfixes!
    Permissions now case-insensetive.
    Users logging and cleanup feature.
    Non-inheriting nodes feature.
    Several Bugfixes.
    PermissionsCompat is finally remove from default bundle.
    User/group specific management permissions (
    Fixed some superperms compatibility issues
    Fixed several bugs
    SuperPerms compatbility bridge were rewritten - no lags anymore and now with debug output (now you can view superperms checks).
    Numerous of bugs were fixed (Thanks you guys for reporting them)
    Modifyworld were improved (modifyworld.item.use)
    Compatiblity for 1317+
    Fixed perfomance issues with SuperPerms (if you still experience they try to disable "raw-permissions" in config.yml)
    Fixed issue with prefix inheritance
    Improved Options mechanism.
    Auto saving new users feature, disabled by default.
    SuperPerms bridge improved - more permissions supported by wildcards.
    File backend dumping now fully functional. SQL dumping is still bogus (do not dump world-specific inheritance and prefixes), will be fixed soon.
    Many bugfixes and minor improvements.
    Superperms (BukkitPerms) support
    Multiworld inheritance and prefixes/suffixes
    Groups weighting
    ChatManager, chat plugin which bundled with PEX.
    Modifyworld now separate plugin, but still bundled with PEX.
    API changed slightly, CustomEvents (PermissionsEntityEvent, PermissionsSystemEvent) introduced.
    Many lesser improvements and tons of bugfixes.
    API get slightly improved
    Ranking ladders.
    User/group name case-insensetivity.
    Timed permissions.
    Modifyworld rules are get improved.
    Tons of minor improvements and bugfixes.
    Many bugfixes and improvements.
    MySQL connection stability improved - reconnection mechanism.
    Promotional/Demotional system.
    Perfomance improvement, with new low-level caching system (thx Joy)
    Modifyworld improved.
    Many lesser improvements and bugfixes.
    New p2compat backend, for easy migration from Permissions 2.x to PEX.
    Users/Groups dumping (pex dump <backend> <file>).
    New commands pex promote/demote. Actually this is just aliases for "pex user group set/remove"
    Few bugfixes.
    Players now can be informed about changes (has been added to group, changed permission/option). Disabled by default - set "permissions.informplayers.changes" to "true"
    Config node "permissions.verbose", which responsible for player informing about modifyworld restrictions has been renamed to "permissions.infromplayers.modifyworld".
    Autocomplete has been improved.
    New command "pex config <node> [value]". This command help to manipulate configuration file (config.yml) from console/chat interface.
    Many bugfixes.
    Autocomplete for users (taken from registred users and online users) and groups names.
    New command for user removing (pex user <user> delete)
    Fixed several nasty bugs. Thanks for bugreports!
    Compatibility layer loading order issue fixed. Now most of plugins should work.
    Tested with new CB 803 build.
    Regular expression permissions support.
    Newer permissions now added above (bugfix).
    Several bugfixes.
    Initial public release.
    BRampersad, grid21, MrRazull and 71 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Try getting rid of "%prefix%" under the "message-format:" config option and see if that works :)
  3. how do you deny a command?
    i got
        default: false
        build: true
        prefix: '&2[Moderator]&4'
        - '*'
        - -worldedit.*
        - -essentials.op*
        - -worldedit.wand
        - -bukkit.command.ban.ip
        - -bukkit.command.ban.player
        - -bukkit.command.defaultgamemode
        - -bukkit.command.op.give
    and it dosent work
  4. Offline


    Its reversed for PEX. The - -worldedit.* and so on goes above the '*'
  5. Offline


    Thanks for the help :) I will try it.
  6. Offline


    1.4.7 out already :D
  7. Offline


    Get faction plugin thats what i did and it worked
  8. Offline


    Please upgrade to CB 1.4.7
    My groups works on the CB 1.4.6 but their not working with CB 1.4.7
  9. Offline


    It worked :) Thanks
  10. Offline


    Please update 1.4.7! It's not working anymore! D:
  11. Offline


    Please update to 1.4.7,because I had stop using groupmanger
    and I think this would be better
  12. Offline


    1.4.7 update please
  13. Offline


    Question: I have 4 worlds on my server. World, World_Nether, World_the_end, and one made with MultiVerse; World_PVP.
    I want to enable mob disguises using DisguisCraft in the Survival (World) world. However, I want to disable them in the PVP (World_PVP) World... How would I go about doing this? Can I negate a global permission with a world-specific permission?

    Any help is appreciated!
  14. Offline


    Glossind try with - -disguisecraft.* on the permissions config of World_PVP
  15. Seems to be working for me, but I may have not run into everything that others have.

    What exactly isn't working? Be specific please
  16. Offline


    i might just use bperms from now on because pex has been giving so many issues its insane
  17. Offline


    Perfect plugin. I used it for every server I ever hosted.
  18. *sigh*
    So, is your post a request for help, or what exactly? If it's not, then what was the point of posting?

    Seriously, and I don't mean this to be a jerk, but PEX is working for a lot of people with little to no issues. If you are having problems, post the problem and if someone can help, they will. If all you are going to do is post stuff like this, it makes you seem like a whiny kid who wants someone to drop everything to help you so you don't leave.
    HavenMC likes this.
  19. Offline


    Hello Justin! Negative perm question: Which way is now correct?

    - mcmmo.ability.unarmed.*
    - -mcmmo.ability.unarmed.disarm


    - -mcmmo.ability.unarmed.disarm <--- correct assumption
    - mcmmo.ability.unarmed.*

    I would like to mention in further testing on 1.19.5 negative permissions do not seem to be working.

    Thank you for all the support you give!
  20. does 1.19.5 work together with craftbukkit-1.4.7-R0.1


    Julia :)
  21. Offline


    HavenMC the first one is correct.

    The overall default is deny all. So when you want to disallow one node but want to have everyting else in that section you would have to allow the childrens first with node.* and then disallow node.someunwantednode
  22. The second one is correct. And the negation problems you mention, I've not run into any yet. Is it just with mcmmo or are other plugins having problems as well?

    It's working for me. :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  23. Offline


    PermissionsEX seems to break down my server completely lately. It takes ages until someone can connect, adding permissions tages ages and now nobody can even connect without the server crashing. This is what i get when connecting in and getting dropped.

    This whole thing happened when i decided to add a parent to a group

    EDIT: Ok i found out that if i remove the parent of the group i changed last everything works fine again
    Here a screenshot. If i set the BUILDER's parent to "Elder:10" everything breaks down.

    EDIT2: OOH SHIT! i can see that Elder:10 has been created 2 times and might be causing the crashes.

    EDIT3: No still doesn't work i was hoping that the duplicate group caused it but no :/
  24. Offline


    It says I dont have enough permissions for my groups when I have added a lot like and
  25. Offline


    In my permissions.yml, I have no 'users:' section at the bottom. I thought when a new player joins the server, they are added to that list. Anybody have a solution?
  26. By default, no. Players that are in the default group are not added to the permissions file (there isn't any need to as they will always have the same default permissions). Once you either assign them to a different group or give them a specific setting at a user level, they will be added to the list.
  27. Offline


    Hi. I need help with the following. Will this work? Where GroupTwo inherits/copies the permissions of the corresponding worlds?

    Overall, groupTwo will inherit the permissions from groupOne. Im trying to figure whether it inherits the permissions of all the worlds as well or will I have to put the inheritance within each world , or will that not work.
  28. Offline


    Lets say I am the VIP2 group and I add the Caster group automatically. Is there a way to add the Caster group under the VIP2 group?


    Because it is the opposite and resets the Prefix of the user. :/
  29. IIRC, the group should inherit the world specific permissions of the group it inherits from.
  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    Ok this might seem like a noob question but whenever I give any permission to any group, for some reason it doesnt activate, I have checked my YAML numerous times but it just doesnt work, even modifyworld.* doesnt give me permission to access anything. Please help! Do I need to activate anything, and how do I do so?

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