Inactive [ADMN/DEV] PermissionsEx (PEX) v1.19.5 - Tomorrow is Today! [1.4.6-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by t3hk0d3, May 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 1.19.5


    PermissionsEx (PEX) is a new permissions plugin, based on Permissions ideas and supports all of its features. But PEX is more! It offers different backends, powerful ingame management, fine grained restrictions for world modification.


    Current features
    1. Bukkit Permissions (SuperPerms) compatible.
    2. Several backend support. Currently bundled backends is File (YAML) and SQL (MySQL, SQLite). Also it's possible to add your own.
    3. YAML backend, with new, fully rethinked, config schema. Now all user, groups and their permissions are stored in one file - permission.yml. BTW file name is adjustable too.
    4. SQL backend, most delicious. Currently MySQL and SQLite supported, but other DB (like Postgre) are possible too. PEX deploys the DB scheme (tables and initial data) automatically. This means, that you only need to provide data on how to connect to the db, everything else PEX will handle by itself.
    5. Flexible architecture and API - you can change a lot programmatically.
    6. Compatibility layer with TheYeti's Permissions (2.7.4) (as a separate part of the plugin). In most cases plugins, which use Permissions, will alsowork with PEX also.
    7. Rich chat/console command interface. You can do almost everything ingame. Command list below.
    8. Modifyworld - Embedded restrictions mechanism (we call it "modifyworld"), which provides the possibility to control players abilities, such as destroying/placing blocks, riding carts/boats or even getting spotted by mobs and much more. Disabled by default.
    9. Multigroup inheritance. User, as well as Group, can be member of several groups. And inherit their permissions, options and prefix/suffix.
    10. Permissions based upon Regular Expressions. This mean you can use regular expressions. Example: modifyworld.blocks.(destroy|place).(3|12) - this permission allow place or destroy only sand (12) or dirt (3) blocks. There is still limitation on dot usage in your regexps - dots are escaped by default.
    11. Multiworld permissions. Just don't specify world and permission would work in any world.
    12. Multiworld inheritance. You can inherit different groups in different worlds.
    13. Easy migration from Permissions 2.x. Converter for both YAML and SQL are embedded into PermissionsCompat. Just use simple instruction.
    14. Perfomance friendly. Low-level caching helps alot when you have 100+ online users :)
    15. Promotional/Demotional system. You can assign ranks to groups and promote/demote users to higher/lower ranked group.
    16. World-inheritance - permissions/option of one world can be inherited by another world.
    17. Timed Permissions - you can give user permission only for some amount of time.
    18. Chat Manager - small chat plugin, bundled with PEX. With prefixes/suffiex and colors. Check wiki for more details.


    Basic setup tutorial (Thanks to lycano)

    Nice tutorial made by Bennetman

    Stable version

    Development version (mostly stable) - always lastest dev build.



    Maven Repository

    Join us on #permissionsex, Feel free to ask any related questions.

    Tools !NEW!
    Pex Auto-Setup Tool - MySQL and FlatFile !

    Show Changelog (open)
    Proper intervals for timed commands (both group/permissions management), without pesky seconds calculations (like /pex user t3hk0d3 timed add cool.permission 10days)
    1.4.6 compatibility.

    Built for Bukkit 1.4.2-R0.1
    Added inventory permissions (modifyworld.items.put/take.<item>.of.<chest>)
    Added item hold permission (modifyworld.items.hold.<item>)
    Sdded monster egg spawn permission (modifyworld.spawn.<creature>)
    Few other minor fixes
    Modifyworld improvements (configurable messages, now independent from PEX)
    /pex help command
    Minor improvements and bugfixes
    New modifyworld permissions
    Some bugfixes
    Bugfix release
    Bukkit R6 compatible.
    Several bugfixes!
    Permissions now case-insensetive.
    Users logging and cleanup feature.
    Non-inheriting nodes feature.
    Several Bugfixes.
    PermissionsCompat is finally remove from default bundle.
    User/group specific management permissions (
    Fixed some superperms compatibility issues
    Fixed several bugs
    SuperPerms compatbility bridge were rewritten - no lags anymore and now with debug output (now you can view superperms checks).
    Numerous of bugs were fixed (Thanks you guys for reporting them)
    Modifyworld were improved (modifyworld.item.use)
    Compatiblity for 1317+
    Fixed perfomance issues with SuperPerms (if you still experience they try to disable "raw-permissions" in config.yml)
    Fixed issue with prefix inheritance
    Improved Options mechanism.
    Auto saving new users feature, disabled by default.
    SuperPerms bridge improved - more permissions supported by wildcards.
    File backend dumping now fully functional. SQL dumping is still bogus (do not dump world-specific inheritance and prefixes), will be fixed soon.
    Many bugfixes and minor improvements.
    Superperms (BukkitPerms) support
    Multiworld inheritance and prefixes/suffixes
    Groups weighting
    ChatManager, chat plugin which bundled with PEX.
    Modifyworld now separate plugin, but still bundled with PEX.
    API changed slightly, CustomEvents (PermissionsEntityEvent, PermissionsSystemEvent) introduced.
    Many lesser improvements and tons of bugfixes.
    API get slightly improved
    Ranking ladders.
    User/group name case-insensetivity.
    Timed permissions.
    Modifyworld rules are get improved.
    Tons of minor improvements and bugfixes.
    Many bugfixes and improvements.
    MySQL connection stability improved - reconnection mechanism.
    Promotional/Demotional system.
    Perfomance improvement, with new low-level caching system (thx Joy)
    Modifyworld improved.
    Many lesser improvements and bugfixes.
    New p2compat backend, for easy migration from Permissions 2.x to PEX.
    Users/Groups dumping (pex dump <backend> <file>).
    New commands pex promote/demote. Actually this is just aliases for "pex user group set/remove"
    Few bugfixes.
    Players now can be informed about changes (has been added to group, changed permission/option). Disabled by default - set "permissions.informplayers.changes" to "true"
    Config node "permissions.verbose", which responsible for player informing about modifyworld restrictions has been renamed to "permissions.infromplayers.modifyworld".
    Autocomplete has been improved.
    New command "pex config <node> [value]". This command help to manipulate configuration file (config.yml) from console/chat interface.
    Many bugfixes.
    Autocomplete for users (taken from registred users and online users) and groups names.
    New command for user removing (pex user <user> delete)
    Fixed several nasty bugs. Thanks for bugreports!
    Compatibility layer loading order issue fixed. Now most of plugins should work.
    Tested with new CB 803 build.
    Regular expression permissions support.
    Newer permissions now added above (bugfix).
    Several bugfixes.
    Initial public release.
    BRampersad, grid21, MrRazull and 71 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I've some problems with PEX 1.17 and CB 1597.
    I've an Member who is OP but shuild be shown as Mod

    My permissions and config:

    I can't set any user to any group, too. If i remove OP from "Nukulear" he is a normal User and no Mod.

    --> I think the "allowOPs" doesnt work..

    Does anybode have any ideo whats wrong?
  3. Offline


    I am having the same problem. Also, "-modifyworld.mobtarget.*" is also not working for me. Meaning I am getting attacked as Admin now.

    FYI: I am using SQL as my backend.
  4. Offline


    Alright, I give up. I can't get this plugin to do a damn thing right when it comes to inheriting anything.

    I allegedly had a problem with my group getting '*' permissions, then inheriting permissions and things being all screwed up.

    I took out the '*' from every possible place in my previous permissions.yml, as a matter of fact- I completely rewrote the entire permissions.yml, and manually copy and pasted every single permission into every single group (1 instance of each permission total in the permissions.yml, so shit can get inherited to other groups) that should get it, and the damn thing STILL does send PermissionsEx permissions to other groups via inheritance. Oh, I get the previous group's "essentials.burn" permissions, and I get the default group's "", so why am I not getting access to (see below) and essentials.give (among who knows how many other slash commands)?

    As a specific example, my group specifically gets "- permissions.manage.users.permissions" (NOTE: The line is not "- -permissions.manage.users.permissions", which would DISallow the command!) and "- permissions.manage.users.permissions" which allows
    /pex user Stormbow list Greystone

    Does the command work when I type it in-game? Absolutely not. When I go to the console and type "pex user Stormbow list", it specifically shows me "Stormbow's permissions:" and 22 lines down, it specifically shows me "permissions.manage.users.permissions". What's worse? That's not even an inherited permission! That is a permission that is specifically and directly typed into the group's list of allowed activities.

    I pasted the entire permissions.yml into the online parser: absolutely no errors displayed.

    What the hell is going on with this plugin? I used the damn tutorials people posted online. I watched the damn YouTube videos. I even came in here once already trying to get this shit to work, and it's absolutely refusing to inherit or function correctly. My syntax is absolutely correct and exactly as shown in every example I have seen anywhere, to include what I was shown in this very thread.

    Why is this thing not working?

            default: true
            prefix: '&f[&ePeasant&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - bukkit.command.kill
            - bukkit.command.list
            - -bukkit.command.version
            - -bukkit.command.plugins
            - -chatmanager.override.ranged
            - modifyworld.sneak
            - modifyworld.sprint
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.balance.*
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.suicide
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.sethome
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - essentials.tpdeny
            prefix: '&f[&2Citizen&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - bukkit.command.version
            - bukkit.command.plugins
            - modifyworld.usebeds
            - modifyworld.bucket.empty.water
            - modifyworld.bucket.empty.milk
            - modifyworld.digestion
            - modifyworld.blocks.destroy.*
            - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.7
            - modifyworld.blocks.interact.*
            - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.7
            - modifyworld.items.pickup.*
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.7
            - modifyworld.items.drop.*
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.7
            - modifyworld.items.have.*
            - -modifyworld.items.have.7
            - modifyworld.item.use.*
            - -modifyworld.item.use.7
            - modifyworld.damage.take.*
            - modifyworld.mobtarget.*
            - modifyworld.interact.*
            - modifyworld.tame.animal.wolf
            - modifyworld.vehicle.destroy
            - modifyworld.vehicle.enter
            - modifyworld.vehicle.collide
            - essentials.kit.Starter
            - essentials.kit.Wood
            - essentials.kit.Stone
            - essentials.kit.Iron
            - essentials.more
            - essentials.afk
            - essentials.compass
            - essentials.depth
            - essentials.getpos
            - essentials.ignore
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.mail.*
            - essentials.seen
            - essentials.portal
            - Peasant
            prefix: '&f[&6Lord&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - essentials.feed.*
            - essentials.heal.*
            - essentials.kit.Gold
            - essentials.kit.Diamond
            - essentials.afk.kickexempt
            - essentials.near
            - essentials.joinfullserver
            - Citizen
            prefix: '&f[&cAdmin&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - bukkit.command.kick
            - bukkit.command.teleport
            - bukkit.command.whitelist.add
            - bukkit.command.whitelist.remove
            - bukkit.command.whitelist.list
            - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload
            - -modifyworld.mobtarget.player.*
            - essentials.afk.others
            - essentials.helpop.receive
            - essentials.list.hidden
            - essentials.ban
            - essentials.ban.notify
            - essentials.invsee
            - essentials.jails
            - essentials.kick
            - essentials.kick.notify
            - essentials.mute
            - essentials.remove
            - essentials.socialspy
            - essentials.tempban
            - essentials.tempban.offline
            - essentials.togglejail
            - essentials.togglejail.offline
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.home.others
            - essentials.tpa
            - essentials.tpo
            - essentials.tpahere
            - essentials.tpohere
            - essentials.warp
            - essentials.warp.list
            - essentials.warp.*
            - -essentials.warp.otherplayers
            - essentials.protect.*
            - Nobleman
            prefix: '&f[&4Captain&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - bukkit.command.unban.player
            - bukkit.command.ban.ip
            - bukkit.command.ban.player
            - bukkit.command.unban.ip
            - bukkit.command.say
            - bukkit.command.whitelist.enable
            - bukkit.command.whitelist.disable
            - permissions.manage.membership
            - permissions.manage.memebership
            - permissions.user.promote.LADDER-NAME-HERE
            - permissions.user.demote.LADDER-NAME-HERE
            - essentials.break
            - essentials.break.bedrock
            - essentials.god
            - essentials.god.others
            - essentials.ban.offline
            - essentials.ban.exempt
            - essentials.banip
            - essentials.burn
            - essentials.deljail
            - essentials.essentials
            - essentials.kick.exempt
            - essentials.kickall
            - essentials.kill
            - essentials.kill.force
            - essentials.lightning
            - essentials.mute.exempt
            - essentials.setjail
            - essentials.spawnmob
            - essentials.spawnmob.*
            - essentials.sudo
            - essentials.tempban.exempt
            - essentials.jail.exempt
            - essentials.unban
            - essentials.unbanip
            - essentials.delwarp
            - essentials.teleport.hidden
            - essentials.teleport.hidden
            - Guard
            prefix: '&f[&4King&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - bukkit.command.op.give
            - bukkit.command.op.take
            - bukkit.command.give
            - bukkit.command.stop
            - bukkit.command.time.add
            - bukkit.command.time.set
            - bukkit.command.gamemode
            - bukkit.command.xp
            - bukkit.command.reload
            - permissions.manage
            - permissions.manage.reload
            - permissions.manage.config
            - permissions.manage.backend
            - permissions.manage.backend
            - permissions.manage.users
            - permissions.manage.dump
            - permissions.manage.worlds
            - permissions.manage.worlds.inheritance
            - permissions.manage.users
            - permissions.manage.users.permissions
            - permissions.manage.users.permissions.timed
            - permissions.manage.groups.inheritance
            - permissions.manage.groups
            - permissions.manage.groups.create
            - permissions.manage.groups.remove
            - permissions.manage.groups.inheritance
            - permissions.manage.groups.permissions
            - permissions.manage.groups.permissions.timed
            - essentials.give.*
            - essentials.itemspawn.exempt
            - essentials.item.*
            - essentials.time.*
            - essentials.spawner.*
            - essentials.broadcast
            - essentials.setspawn
            - essentials.setwarp
            - essentials.tpaall
            - essentials.tpall
            - Captain
            - King
    essentials.give is on line 3 of the pex user list of permissions, but I'm totally denied /give Stormbow dirt 1.

    The permissions list with no inheritance factor:
    >pex user Stormbow list
    19:07:52 [INFO] Stormbow's permissions:
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.op.give
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.op.take
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.give
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.stop
    19:07:52 [INFO]
    19:07:52 [INFO]
    19:07:52 [INFO]
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.time.add
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.time.set
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.gamemode
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.xp
    19:07:52 [INFO]   bukkit.command.reload
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.reload
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.config
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.backend
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.backend
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.dump
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.worlds
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.worlds.inheritance
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users.permissions
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users.permissions.timed
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.inheritance
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.create
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.remove
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.inheritance
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.permissions
    19:07:52 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.permissions.timed
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.give.*
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.itemspawn.exempt
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.item.*
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.time.*
    19:07:52 [INFO]
    19:07:52 [INFO]
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.spawner.*
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.broadcast
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.setspawn
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.setwarp
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.tpaall
    19:07:52 [INFO]   essentials.tpall
    and WITH inheritance:

    >pex user Stormbow list Greystone
    19:10:50 [INFO] Stormbow's permissions:
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.op.give
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.op.take
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.give
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.stop
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.time.add
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.time.set
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.gamemode
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.xp
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.reload
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.reload
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.config
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.backend
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.backend
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.dump
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.worlds
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.worlds.inheritance
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users.permissions
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.users.permissions.timed
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.inheritance
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.create
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.remove
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.inheritance
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.permissions
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.groups.permissions.timed
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.give.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.itemspawn.exempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.item.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.time.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.spawner.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.broadcast
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.setspawn
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.setwarp
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tpaall
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tpall
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.unban.player
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.ban.ip
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.ban.player
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.unban.ip
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.say
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.whitelist.enable
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.whitelist.disable
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.membership
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.manage.memebership
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.user.promote.LADDER-NAME-HERE
    19:10:50 [INFO]   permissions.user.demote.LADDER-NAME-HERE
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.break
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.break.bedrock
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.god
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.god.others
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.ban.offline
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.ban.exempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.banip
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.burn
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.deljail
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.essentials
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kick.exempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kickall
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kill
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kill.force
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.lightning
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.mute.exempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.setjail
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.spawnmob
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.spawnmob.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.sudo
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tempban.exempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.jail.exempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.unban
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.unbanip
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.delwarp
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.teleport.hidden
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.teleport.hidden
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.kick
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.teleport
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.whitelist.add
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.whitelist.remove
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.whitelist.list
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.whitelist.reload
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.mobtarget.player.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.afk.others
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.helpop.receive
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.list.hidden
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.ban
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.ban.notify
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.invsee
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.jails
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kick
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kick.notify
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.mute
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.remove
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.socialspy
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tempban
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tempban.offline
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.togglejail
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.togglejail.offline
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.back
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.home.others
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tpa
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tpo
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tpahere
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.tpohere
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.warp
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.warp.list
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.warp.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -essentials.warp.otherplayers
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.protect.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.feed.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.heal.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kit.Gold
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kit.Diamond
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.afk.kickexempt
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.near
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.joinfullserver
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.version
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.plugins
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.usebeds
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.bucket.empty.water
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.bucket.empty.milk
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.digestion
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.blocks.destroy.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.7
    19:10:50 [INFO]*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.blocks.interact.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.blocks.interact.7
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.items.pickup.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.items.pickup.7
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.items.drop.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.items.drop.7
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.items.have.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.items.have.7
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.item.use.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -modifyworld.item.use.7
    19:10:50 [INFO]*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.damage.take.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.mobtarget.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.interact.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.tame.animal.wolf
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.vehicle.destroy
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.vehicle.enter
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.vehicle.collide
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kit.Starter
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kit.Wood
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kit.Stone
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.kit.Iron
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.more
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.afk
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.compass
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.depth
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.getpos
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.ignore
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.list
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.mail.*
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.seen
    19:10:50 [INFO]   essentials.portal
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.kill
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   bukkit.command.list
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -bukkit.command.version
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -bukkit.command.plugins
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   -chatmanager.override.ranged
    19:10:50 [INFO]
    19:10:50 [INFO]   modifyworld.sneak
    19:10:51 [INFO]   modifyworld.sprint
    19:10:51 [INFO]
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.kit
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.balance.*
    19:10:51 [INFO]
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.helpop
    19:10:51 [INFO]
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.motd
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.msg
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.rules
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.suicide
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.spawn
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.home
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.sethome
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.tpaccept
    19:10:51 [INFO]   essentials.tpdeny
    19:10:51 [INFO]
    19:10:51 [INFO]
  5. Offline


    Does anyone know if PEX 1.17 is compatible with VanishNoPacket 1.8.6? When a player vanishes only his armor disappears and mob targeting is turned off the player doesn't actually vanish. It says on VanishNoPackets Bukkit Dev that they don't recommend using PEX for whatever reason, I refuse to switch to another perm plugin so a fix would be preferable. Thanks in advance :)
  6. Offline


    Yay I want to update to this but im afraid my old permissions will break.
    hehe, thats the fun part about updating!
  7. Offline


    Ummmmmm whenever i do ./pex i get this error on the console:

    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO ... 12 more
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.onCommand(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'pex' in plugin PermissionsEx v1.17
    20.12 05:13:30 [Server] SEVERE null
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at$7.execute(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at$PlayerL.onPlayerMove(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    20.12 05:13:05 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    20.12 05:13:01 [Server] INFO [PLAYER_COMMAND] 1MrCool: /weather stop
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at$7.execute(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at$PlayerL.onPlayerMove(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    20.12 05:12:56 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    20.12 05:12:55 [Server] INFO [PLAYER_COMMAND] 1MrCool: /time day
    20.12 05:12:52 [Server] INFO [PLAYER_COMMAND] 1MrCool: /i 20
    20.12 05:12:49 [Server] INFO [PLAYER_COMMAND] 1MrCool: /i 20
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO ... 12 more
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.onCommand(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.commands.CommandsManager.execute(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.commands.CommandsManager$CommandBinding.checkPermissions(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'pex' in plugin PermissionsEx v1.17
    20.12 05:11:37 [Server] SEVERE null
    20.12 05:11:35 [Server] INFO [PLAYER_COMMAND] 1MrCool: /i 20
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO ... 12 more
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.onCommand(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.commands.CommandsManager.execute(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.commands.CommandsManager$CommandBinding.checkPermissions(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'pex' in plugin PermissionsEx v1.17
    20.12 05:11:33 [Server] SEVERE null
    20.12 05:11:30 [Server] INFO ... 12 more
    20.12 05:11:30 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    20.12 05:11:30 [Server] INFO at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.onCommand(
    20.12 05:11:30 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    20.12 05:11:30 [Server] INFO at
    20.12 05:11:30 [Server] INFO at

    What does it mean?
    And how can i fix it?

    Also, since this has started happening, the perms dont work at all. I dont know why, so if you could help me that would be great thanks.

    Also, heres my permissions.yml (havent finished it yet):

    b4 you read, the spacing is correct just doesnt show up here....

    default: true
    - modifyworld.*
    - factions.description
    - essentials.delhome
    - prefix.1.&aMember><
    - essentials.signs.use.sell
    - ^mobarena.classes.$5Donator
    - ^lockette.user.create
    - ^mobarena.classes.$10Donator
    - ^mobarena.classes.$15Donator
    - ^mobarena.classes.$20Donator
    - ^mobarena.classes.$50+Donator
    - bukkit.command.plugins
    - bananaprotect.user
    - factions.create
    - factions.claim
    - factions.sethome
    - factions.leave
    - ^chestshop.create
    - ^
    - ^
    - factions.join
    - factions.enemy
    - factions.neutral
    - factions.invite
    - ChestShop.sell
    - essentials.tpa
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.balance.others
    - essentials.balancetop
    - essentials.sell
    - essentials.helpop
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.warp
    - essentials.tpaccept
    prefix: '&aMember><'
    default: false
    - prefix.2.&bTrusted><
    - essentials.tptoggle
    - ^lockette.user.create
    - bukkit.command.plugins
    - -mobarena.classes.$5Donator
    - -mobarena.classes.$10Donator
    - -mobarena.classes.$15Donator
    - -mobarena.classes.$20Donator
    - -mobarena.classes.$50+Donator
    - bananaprotect.user
    - factions.create
    - essentials.delhome
    - ^
    - factions.invite
    - factions.claim
    - factions.sethome
    - factions.leave
    - factions.join
    - factions.enemy
    - factions.neutral
    - essentials.signs.use.sell
    - essentials.tpa
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.balance.others
    - essentials.balancetop
    - factions.description
    - essentials.sell
    - essentials.helpop
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.tpahere
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.warp
    - essentials.tpaccept
    prefix: '&bTrusted><'
    default: false
    prefix: '&eVIP><'
    prefix: '&dMod><'
    default: false
    prefix: '&3SuperMod><'
    default: false
    prefix: '&0SeniorMod><'
    default: false

    - admin
    - admin
    - Trusted
    - VIP
  8. Well, I took your code snippit and ran it past the YAML parser linked in the first post and it came out with errors.

    I don't know if you you posted is formatted the same as your actual file, but it's off. Permissions for multiple worlds needs to look something like this:
            - perm.node.1
            - perm.node.1
                    - perm.node.local.1
                    - perm.node.local.1
                    - perm.node.local.1
                    - perm.node.local.1
    Notice that that world_1 and 2 are not indented as far as what you had posted. Aside from that, you have the concept correct.:)

    PEX uses a file format called YAML. YAML is space and case sensitive.

    Not putting your file in code tags (the icon in the editor with the curly braces and hash mark) makes this:
                file: permissions.yml
        backend: file
            parent-nodes: true
            enable: true
            strict-mode: false
            debug: true
        createUserRecords: false
        allowOps: true
        debug: true
        basedir: plugins\PermissionsEx
    Look like this:

    file: permissions.yml
    backend: file
    parent-nodes: true
    enable: true
    strict-mode: false
    debug: true
    createUserRecords: false
    allowOps: true
    debug: true
    basedir: plugins\PermissionsEx

    See the difference?

    Well, there is, kind of..

    modifyworld.bucket.empty.* is the node for emptying buckets. If you are talking about placing a water block (which is possible with the right commands), then I believe it would fall under*, or perhaps modifyworld.item.use.* (I've not looked at the debug output when trying to place a water block).

    Keep a backup and try it on a test server first!:)

    I tried this, and I think I see the problem. The command doesn't work the way you think it does.:)

    You said that you were trying "/sethome home spawn warp". The sethome command is /sethome [owner] [location], which means /sethome (the owner of the command) (a name for the warp point)

    That is too many parts for the command to work. If you use "/sethome home spawn", then it falls under the commandbook.home.set.other node (you are trying to set a spawn point for a player named home and calling that point spawn), which the default group does not have, but the admin group does (commandbook.*)

    Unfortunately, I don't see a command in the pex help that lets you rename a group. You could try shutting down the server and renaming the group in the sql tables directly, but I think the only 'official' way would be to create a new one with the same settings as the old one, move everyone over, then delete it.

    This might be worth posting a feature request on github to have added.

    An image? That's a new one. Please don't do that in the future, use code tags or a link to pastebin or equivalent.:)

    Anyhow, the error is one that has been added to the Troubleshooting and FAQ part of the wiki:

    Simply put, you have a tab in your permissions file. YAML doesn't accept tabs, only spaces. You need to find all the tabs in your file and replace them with four spaces.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2018
  9. If You are sure essentails has that command it should be in the plugin somewere.
    I check it whene i come home.
  10. Offline


    I think they updated to 1.8.7 today!
    Thorns_Ofire likes this.
  11. I don't see a problem. Of the players in that list, only one is not in the admins group, they are in mods, and the prefix for mods is that, mods.

    AllowOps... in the config? That works, just not the way you seem to think it works.:)

    From the wiki (
    "Gives all permissions to ops as defined in the ops.txt file in the minecraft server directory"

    If a player is in the ops.txt, they are supposed to have access to all the commands. This does not put them in the ops group.

    /pex user Stormbow list Greystone
    Greetings stormbow. Quite the post you have there. Lots of info (which is perfect). I know that you are posting all of it with much high levels of frustration, but hopefully this doesn't add to it.:):D

    OK, lets see...

    Let me state first that documentation is not one of t3hk0d3's strong points, especially as a non-native English speaker (t3hk0d3 admits this fully). I do this myself for things I've written for my day job as well. I'm not trying to be an appologist, I'm just stating facts.:)

    Because of this, the wiki isn't exactly up to date, which is why others and myself try to update it as we run into things that need correction. What I quoted above is a good example of this, and I have added to the wiki to reflect this.

    What was missing from the wiki (and your node) was that when you are specifying a particular user with that command, the node has to include either a wildcard or the player name. Group management is the same way. So changing that node from "permissions.manage.users" to "permissions.manage.users.*" would allow you to list the permissions for all players.

    This one is "essentials.give", not "essentials.give.*", which you have.

    Please allow me to give you some help on potential future problems (and I'm not trying to be a smart arse either, honestly). Go into your permissionsex config.yml file and set the debug line under the superperms section to true, and leave the main debug line set to false. When you run into something that should work but does not, run "pex toggle debug", watch the server console/log, and try to run the command again.

    This setting, when turned on, will show the exact node that PEX checks for and the results of the check.

    In the case of the essentials give, it showed this when I ran "/give Player dirt" as a member of the king group:
    00:29:29 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Player: /give player dirt
    00:29:29 [INFO] User Player checked for "essentials.mail", no permission found
    00:29:29 [INFO] User Player checked for "essentials.give", no permission found
    00:29:29 [WARNING] Player was denied access to command.
    That debug output pinpointed the exact node the command was checking for. When I ran "pex group king timed add essentials.give 30", it added the "essentials.give" node to the king group for 30 seconds. Running the give command within that 30 seconds worked and my test player received a full stack of dirt. After that 30 seconds, I was denied.

    Yes, the wiki is not 100%. Yes, PEX is overly OCD in places. But at the same time, PEX allows for a level of control that I've not seen any other plugin be able to match.

    I hope this helps out. The debug toggle is how I found out much about how PEX operates internally, and is one of my first troubleshooting steps when working on problems I have as well as what I try to help out with in here.:)

    It works for me just fine. PEX 1.17, bukkit RB build 1597 and VNP 1.8.5. I believe the dev for VNP doesn't recommend PEX due to a disagreement/breaking of Superperms parent/child permissions under PEX, but I thought that was fixed in the current stable version of PEX.

    No, the spacing doesn't show up because you didn't put it in code tags. Please do so.:)

    The spacing matters because the error you pasted in is one common with a typo in the configs... somewhere. More than likely, especially as you say none of the permissions are working, is that there is a tab or a line that is indented too far (or not far enough) that is causing PEX to give up and unload itself. Your server console/log should show something as well shortly after the bukkit version line.

    I don't know. What isn't working? What messages do you get when you try to use a command from it? What permissions does it use, permissions 2/3, PEX, Superperms(AKA bukkit perms)? What do you see in the server console/log when you have debug turned on in PEX?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  12. Offline


    Hi guys,

    I putted this to a group called "Mineur" :

    - -modifyworld.item.use.258
    - -modifyworld.item.use.woodenaxe
    - -modifyworld.item.use.(258|woodenaxe)

    But all the mineurs still can use woodenaxe... Please help ! :/
  13. Offline


    I've added them all but it doesnt work still only admins who can place the water. Those who doesnt have the '*' on them cant place a water buckit
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Can i please get some help with permissions i dont know whats wrong. I see the lines on the yml checker but i cant fix it.
    mapping values are not allowed here
      in "<unicode string>", line 52, column 15:
                prefix: '&8'
        - Regular
        - Regular
        - Mod
        - Admin
        - Owner
          default: true
          - essentials.afk
          - essentials.time
          - essentials.afk
          - essentials.compass
          - essentials.getpos
          - essentials.list
          - essentials.mail
          - essentials.mail.send
          - essentials.msg
          - essentials.motd
          - essentials.r
          - essentials.rules
          - essentials.suicide
          - essentials.whois
          - essentials.spawn
          - essentials.home
          - essentials.sethome.multiple
          - essentials.sethome
          - essentials.tpa
          - essentials.tpaccept
          - essentials.tpdeny
          - essentials.warp
          - essentials.warp.list
          - factions.kit.fullplayer
          - iConomy.access
          - iConomy.list
          - iConomy.payment
          - appleseed.wand
            prefix: '&8'
            suffix: '&8'
            default: false
            build: true
            - Player
            - essentials.jump
            - mobdisguise.*
            prefix: '&6'
            suffix: '&6'
            default: false
            build: true
            - VIP
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.time.set
            - essentials.kick
            prefix: '&2'
            suffix: '&2'
            default: false
            build: true
            - Mod
          - '*'
          - iConomy.access
          - iConomy.list
          - iConomy.payment
          - globalshop.admin.reload
          - factions.kit.admin
            prefix: '&1'
            suffix: '&1'
            default: false
            - Admin
            - '*'
            prefix: '&4'
            suffix: '&4'
            - Admin
            - Vip
  16. Offline


    My command prompt for my server is spamming
    "Permissions" quickly.
    I don't have tags on my members anymore either.
  17. Offline


    I've a problem every time, if someone connects to server or starts any plugin, ...:
    2011-12-20 15:45:11 [WARNING] [PermissionsEx] Failed to inject own Permissible
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at com.creadri.lazyroad.LazyRoad.onCommand(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-12-20 15:45:13 [SEVERE]     at
  18. Offline


    A color table for the chatsuffixes would be great i always need to search...
  19. Offline


    Okay, thanks.

    But still having the problem that a player who shuold be MOD seems to be in the Admin Group.
    Could this also be a issue of mChat?

    As you cn see "Nukulear" is in Group Mod but if he joins it says "[Admin] Nukulear", that's why i'm confused.

    And if i try to add a new user to a group with "pex user ... grout set ..." this doesn't work. PEX says group set, but if i look into the permissions.yml i can't see the player..

    Hope you can help me. PEX wored fine for a long time butt suddendly...
  20. Offline


    ummm well the problem is that the normal users can't use /sethome, /home, /warp, /spawn /return /whereami, no command, only /jobs, /money; only people in Admins group can play all commands.
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    Ooo! Ooo! I can answer this one!

    Wooden Axe is Data Value (ItemID) of 271, not 258. 258 is an Iron Axe.
    (Just made all my kits.) See Data Values.png.

    Here ya go! Color Codes.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
    Justin The Cynical likes this.
  23. Offline


    - -modifyworld.item.use.274
    - -modifyworld.item.use.stonepickaxe

    But they can still use stone pickaxe. :(
  24. Offline


    Here are my permissions:

            default: true
            - essentials.warp
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.spawn
            prefix: '&f[&dNew!&f]'
            suffix: ''
            - modifyworld.*
            - '*'
            prefix: '&f[&4Admin&f]&4'
            - essentials.sethome.multiple
            - iConomy.payment
            - falsebook.blocks.*
            - lwc.protect
            - essentials.kit.iron
            - nocheat.checks.moving.*
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.delhome
            - essentials.tpa
            prefix: '&a[VIP]&e'
            - Builder
            - iConomy.payment
            - falsebook.blocks.*
            - lwc.protect
            - essentials.kit.wood
            - LWC.protect
            - modifyworld.*
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.back.ondeath
            - essentials.balance
            - essentials.balance.others
            - essentials.balancetop
            - essentials.depth
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.ignore
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.mail
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.portal
            - essentials.sethome
            - essentials.delhome
            - essentials.signs.break.disposal
            - essentials.signs.break.mail
            - essentials.signs.create.disposal
            - essentials.signs.create.mail
            - essentials.signs.use.*
            - essentials.suicide
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - essentials.tpahere
            - essentials.tpdeny
            - essentials.warp
            - essentials.warp.list
            - essentials.worth
            - essentials.tpa
            prefix: '&2[&fM&2]&e'
            - Default
            - permissions.user.demote
            - permissions.user.promote
            - permissions.manage
            - permissions.manage.users
            - essentials.delwarp
            - essentials.sethome.multiple.*
            - essentials.setwarp
            - essentials.mute
            - worldedit.tool.tree
            - worldedit.tool.deltree
            - essentials.socialspy
            - iConomy.payment
            - falsebook.blocks.*
            - logblock.*
            - lwc.*
            - worldguard.*
            - nocheat.checks.moving.*
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.ban
            - essentials.depth
            - essentials.ext
            - essentials.getpos
            - essentials.jump
            - essentials.kick
            - essentials.kill
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.togglejail
            - essentials.tphere
            - essentials.tpo
            - essentials.tpohere
            - essentials.tppos
            - essentials.tptoggle
            - permissions.manage.membership
            - essentials.whois
            - essentials.ext
            - essentials.getpos
            - essentials.helpop.recieve
            - essentials.home.others
            - essentials.invsee
            - essentials.jails
            - essentials.jump
            - essentials.kick
            - essentials.kick.notify
            - essentials.kill
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.nick.others
            - essentials.protect.admin
            - essentials.protect.alerts
            - essentials.protect.ownerinfo
            - essentials.ptime
            - essentials.ptime.others
            - essentials.signs.break.*
            - essentials.signs.create.*
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.thunder
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.timeset
            - essentials.togglejail
            - essentials.tphere
            - essentials.tppos
            - essentials.tptoggle
            - essentials.sethome
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.delhome
            - essentials.warp
            - essentials.whois
            - modifyworld.*
            - superpickaxe.*
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - essentials.tpdeny
            - essentials.ban
            prefix: '&f[&bMod&f]&b'
    Here are some of the debug logs:

    Line 11387: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat", no permission found
        Line 11388: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat.checks", no permission found
        Line 11389: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat.checks.moving", no permission found
        Line 11390: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "nocheat.checks.moving.runfly", "nocheat.checks.moving.*" found
        Line 11391: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "nocheat.checks.moving.morepackets", "nocheat.checks.moving.*" found
        Line 11392: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11393: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11394: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11395: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11396: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11397: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11398: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11399: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11400: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11401: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11402: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11403: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11404: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11405: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11406: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11407: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11408: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11409: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11410: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11411: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11412: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11413: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11414: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11415: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11416: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11417: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11418: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11419: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11420: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11421: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11422: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11423: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11424: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11425: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11426: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11427: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11428: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11429: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11430: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11431: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11432: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11433: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11434: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11435: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "essentials.protect.ownerinfo", "essentials.protect.ownerinfo" found
        Line 11436: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 11437: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 11438: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.wood", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 11439: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.5", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 11440: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "worldedit.limit.unrestricted", no permission found
        Line 11441: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11442: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11443: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11444: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11445: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11446: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11447: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11448: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11449: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11450: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11451: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11452: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11453: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11454: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11455: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11456: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11457: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11458: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11459: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11460: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11461: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11462: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11463: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11464: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11465: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11466: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11467: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11468: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11469: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11470: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11471: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 11472: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11473: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11474: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11475: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11476: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 11477: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 11478: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 11479: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 11480: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12354: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat.checks.blockbreak", no permission found
        Line 12355: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "nocheat.checks.blockbreak.noswing", no permission found
        Line 12356: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat.checks.blockbreak.reach", no permission found
        Line 12357: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "nocheat.checks.blockbreak.direction", no permission found
        Line 12358: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.wood", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 12359: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.5", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 12360: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "ChestShop.admin", no permission found
        Line 12361: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "chestshop.admin", no permission found
        Line 12362: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "ChestShop.mod", no permission found
        Line 12363: 2011-12-20 21:01:27 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "chestshop.mod", no permission found
        Line 12490: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12495: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 12496: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 12497: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 12498: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 12499: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12506: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 12507: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 12508: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 12509: 2011-12-20 21:01:28 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 12687: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12735: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 12736: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 12737: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 12738: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 12801: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat.admin", no permission found
        Line 12802: 2011-12-20 21:01:30 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "nocheat.admin.chatlog", no permission found
        Line 12919: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12920: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 12921: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 12922: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 12923: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 12944: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12945: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 12946: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 12947: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 12948: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 12949: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 12950: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 12951: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 12952: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 12953: 2011-12-20 21:01:31 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 13198: 2011-12-20 21:01:33 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "essentials.protect.ownerinfo", "essentials.protect.ownerinfo" found
        Line 13199: 2011-12-20 21:01:33 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 13200: 2011-12-20 21:01:33 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.cobblestone", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13201: 2011-12-20 21:01:33 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.4", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13271: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 13272: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.cobblestone", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13273: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.4", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13274: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "ChestShop.admin", no permission found
        Line 13275: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "chestshop.admin", no permission found
        Line 13276: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "ChestShop.mod", no permission found
        Line 13277: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "chestshop.mod", no permission found
        Line 13278: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 13279: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.chest-protection.override", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 13280: 2011-12-20 21:01:34 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "essentials.protect.admin", "essentials.protect.admin" found
        Line 13492: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "essentials.protect.ownerinfo", "essentials.protect.ownerinfo" found
        Line 13493: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 13494: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.cobblestone", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13495: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.4", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13496: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 13497: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.access.newworld", no permission found
        Line 13498: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.access.newworld", no permission found
        Line 13499: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 13500: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
        Line 13501: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal1", no permission found
        Line 13502: 2011-12-20 21:01:35 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "multiverse.portal.access.portal3", no permission found
        Line 13659: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 13660: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.cobblestone", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13661: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.4", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13662: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "ChestShop.admin", no permission found
        Line 13663: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "chestshop.admin", no permission found
        Line 13664: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "ChestShop.mod", no permission found
        Line 13665: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "chestshop.mod", no permission found
        Line 13666: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 13667: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.chest-protection.override", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 13668: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "essentials.protect.admin", "essentials.protect.admin" found
        Line 13746: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "essentials.protect.ownerinfo", "essentials.protect.ownerinfo" found
        Line 13747: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "falsebook.destroy.blocks", no permission found
        Line 13748: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.wood", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13749: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.5", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13750: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.items.pickup.cobblestone", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13751: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.items.pickup.4", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13752: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "modifyworld.items.pickup.cobblestone", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13753: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked for "modifyworld.items.pickup.4", "modifyworld.*" found
        Line 13754: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "worldguard.region.bypass.newworld", "worldguard.*" found
        Line 13755: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal", no permission found
        Line 13756: 2011-12-20 21:01:36 [INFO] User moorhead2015 checked  for "multiverse.portal.access.Netherportal2", no permission found
    These are only a few one but i guess everything should be in there
    The Guy Moorhead is one of  my moderators and he cant use /pex user <name> group add <groupname>.
  25. Offline


    As an addition, when I turn on "pex toggle debug", i see:
    2011-12-20 13:03:57 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:03:57 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:03:59 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:03:59 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:01 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:01 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:01 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:01 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:03 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:11 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:13 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:14 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:15 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:15 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    2011-12-20 13:04:15 [INFO] User packetshepherd checked for "", "*" found
    >pex group Admin
    13:11:25 [INFO] Admin are member of:
    13:11:25 [INFO] Group Admin's permissions:
    13:11:25 [INFO] 1) * (own)
    13:11:25 [INFO] 2) -modifyworld.mobtarget.* (own)
    13:11:25 [INFO] Group Admin's Options:
    13:11:25 [INFO]   rank = "0"
    When using the YAML file, I had precedence (first match wins), but in SQL, I cannot do that?

    Output of "pex dump file file.txt"
            - Admin
            - Member
            prefix: '&0(&eVIP&0)&7 '
            - Member
                rank: '800'
            prefix: '&0(&8Member&0)&7 '
            - lavafurnace.player.use
            - lavafurnace.chests
            - lavafurnace.player.*
            - mcmmo.skills.*
            - mcmmo.ability.*
            - mcmmo.commands.whois
            - mcmmo.commands.ptp
            - lwc.protect
            - dropchest
            - dropchest.create
            - dropchest.remove
            - dropchest.radius.set
            - dropchest.protect
            - myhome.home.*
            - commandbook.time.check
            - commandbook.who
            - commandbook.motd
            - modifyworld.*
                rank: '900'
            default: true
                rank: '1000'
            prefix: '&0(&1Moderator&0)&7 '
            - -modifyworld.mobtarget.*
            - modifyworld.*
                rank: '100'
            prefix: '&0(&4Admin&0)&7 '
            - '*'
            - -modifyworld.mobtarget.*
                rank: '0'
  26. Offline


    Well, that formatting was only for post purpose, my actual test config is here:
    As i said, its parsing without any errors :) warning - im too lazy atm to create config with inheritance and both global/local perms, so everything is inside local perms :D Theoretically it should work, but... nope, its not :D
    So, any ideas whats wrong with that config? :D

    IMO t3hc0d3 should change pex perm file to p3 multiworld format - every world in its own folder, so it would be easier to configure :p
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    I've been away for a while and now trying to setup a proper server. I'm having some issues with choosing the right Permissions plugin. I got kinda a pro at the old Permissions system but now all this new stuff is here I kinda got mindfucked.

    So this one is the most similar to Permissions? Does it support McMyAdmin?
  29. Offline


    Figured it out on my server. To make my "Citizen" group unable to use gold tools/armor or diamond tools/armor, they have these permissions at the top of their permissions list:

            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.283
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.283
            - -modifyworld.items.have.283
            - -modifyworld.item.use.283
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.284
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.284
            - -modifyworld.items.have.284
            - -modifyworld.item.use.284
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.285
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.285
            - -modifyworld.items.have.285
            - -modifyworld.item.use.285
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.286
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.286
            - -modifyworld.items.have.286
            - -modifyworld.item.use.286
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.294
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.294
            - -modifyworld.items.have.294
            - -modifyworld.item.use.294
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.314
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.314
            - -modifyworld.items.have.314
            - -modifyworld.item.use.314
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.315
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.315
            - -modifyworld.items.have.315
            - -modifyworld.item.use.315
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.316
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.316
            - -modifyworld.items.have.316
            - -modifyworld.item.use.316
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.317
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.317
            - -modifyworld.items.have.317
            - -modifyworld.item.use.317
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.276
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.276
            - -modifyworld.items.have.276
            - -modifyworld.item.use.276
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.277
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.277
            - -modifyworld.items.have.277
            - -modifyworld.item.use.277
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.278
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.278
            - -modifyworld.items.have.278
            - -modifyworld.item.use.278
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.279
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.279
            - -modifyworld.items.have.279
            - -modifyworld.item.use.279
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.293
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.293
            - -modifyworld.items.have.293
            - -modifyworld.item.use.293
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.310
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.310
            - -modifyworld.items.have.310
            - -modifyworld.item.use.310
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.311
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.311
            - -modifyworld.items.have.311
            - -modifyworld.item.use.311
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.312
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.312
            - -modifyworld.items.have.312
            - -modifyworld.item.use.312
            - -modifyworld.items.pickup.313
            - -modifyworld.items.drop.313
            - -modifyworld.items.have.313
            - -modifyworld.item.use.313
    and after all the removed permissions, they get this:

            - modifyworld.items.pickup.*
            - modifyworld.items.drop.*
            - modifyworld.items.have.*
            - modifyworld.item.use.*
    In testing, it made me drop the gold axe I'd been carrying (WorldEdit tool of choice, had to install worldedit to remove a bedrock I placed. heh) and it wouldn't let me pick it back up. In testing, I'd only removed access to the Gold Axe, so I was still able to carry and use the diamond pickaxe and shovel I had on me. With the above changes, I dropped all the gold and diamond tools I had on me.

    My Nobleman group is allowed access to all the gold and diamond stuff, and it inherits everything the Citizen gets, so I had to be sure to copy all of the removed permissions into the Nobleman group and take out the "-" aspect of the permission. This gave the Nobleman group all the gold stuff, and all groups higher than Nobleman were also able to pick up and use gold/diamond tools I'd dropped.
  30. Offline


    I was able to "fix" this by reversing the ID of the two permissions by manually editing the table 'permissions' directly. This was my reference:
  31. Offline


    Is it possible to have a name prefix and a group prefix with PermissionsEx?

    I tried:
            prefix: '&f[&2$&f] '
            suffix: ''
            - King
    but what came out in-game was only
    instead of the expected/wanted:

    On a related note, the same question for suffixes. Can a group and a user apply suffixes in-game? I was considering using the suffixes for racial identification. In addition to the previous example, I am shooting for something like this as a finished result:

    to give me

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