Inactive [ADMN] CraftBukkitUpToDate v2.6.7 - Keep your Server/Plugins up to date [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NoFear13, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. After the plugin detect a new build, it download to bukkit_update in the main-Folder. After that you must stop your server and copy the craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar from bukkit_update to your main-Folder.​
    After Version 1.4 I support plugins if a new version found it download to build_update/plugins. After that stop your server and copy/move the new files to your plugin-Folder

    This is no autoupdater, it only download the new Version do the update-Folder, the user have to copy the files. On this way, he know which plugins he update and can check if he like to update.

    I recommend to save your old craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar/plugin before update. Not all builds from CraftBukkit work correctly.

    For more infos and download:

    • Download the newest build to build_update
    • Config-File in plugins/CraftBukkitUpToDate/
      • to enable/disable automatic download
      • choose between stable or recommended Builds
      • set craftBukkitName (Default: craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
      • deactivate pluginLog
      • deactivate craftBukkitUpdateCheck
      • blacklist to add Plugins, you don't want to update (blacklist=test1.jar;test2.jar)
      • deactivate automatic pluginUpdateCheck
      • deactivate serverLog if new Version available (broadcastOnlyToOps=true)
    • Check for update in a configurable period
      Configurable in in milliseconds lowest value is 300000 (5 min), standard is 1800000 (30 min)
    • Broadcast if new update available (To all Ops, or via Permissions).
      Configurable in default value is true
    • Command to download every build you like. Example: If you like to download build 400 you type /craftbukkituptodate download 400 or /uptodate download 400
    • Command to show changelog for BukkitBuild. Example: If you like to show changelog for Build 431 type /craftbukkituptodate changelog 431 or /uptodate changelog 431
    • Command to start plugin-Check, to start type /uptodate plugin
    • Command to start the update-Check, to start type /uptodate update
    • All commands work also at Server-Console type only craftbukkituptodate or uptodate without /
    • Automaticly download new updates for Plugins
      • Download new updates in build_update/plugins
      • with links to the plugins, this one download automaticly if a new one at my server
    • Permissions:
      Permissions/GroupManager is optional else only ops can use the commands.
      Available permission nodes are (case sensitive):
      • craftbukkituptodate.broadcast - these users get a message if a new build available
      • - these users can use download-Command
      • craftbukkituptodate.changelog - these users can use changelog-Command
      • craftbukkituptodate.plugin - these users can use plugin-Command
      • craftbukkituptodate.update - these users can use the update-Command
      • Pail Gui-Support check Thread for more infos
    For Linux-User, if you like to move your new plugins automaticly, try the script from Myx0x3:
    or for more features use the one from Tealk:

    Planned Features:
    • Nothing
    Known Issue:

    • Nothing
    Changelog (All times UTC+1):
    Check for the newest file-Changelog
    Show Spoiler

    Version 2.6.6 (31.08.2011 19:00)
    Version 2.6.5 (30.08.2011 18:30)
    Version 2.6.4 (29.08.2011 20:20)

    • Changed the log-Messages, so that the user understand that the author have to add his plugin to
    Version 2.6.3 (29.08.2011 00:20)

    • Bug: zip-Files updated every time
    • Bug: Fix for new pail-Version
    Version 2.6.2 (28.08.2011 20:30)

    • Update for
    • Plugin-Manager for pail
    Version 2.6.1 (10.08.2011 18:10)

    • Fixed Nullpointer, sry for this issue.
    Version 2.6.0 (09.08.2011 23:15)

    • Added Pail Gui-Support
    • CraftBukkit-Update-Check now threaded, because with 7 MB it can take a little bit to update
    Version 2.5.9 (27.07.2011 21:50)

    • Fix: Delete the Quotes in the Essentials-Filenames
    Version 2.5.8 (21.07.2011 22:15)

    • Fix: Can't connect to
    Version 2.5.7 (13.07.2011 22:15)

    • Fix: If broadCastPeriod not parsable set it to default value. Thanks to Torner92 for the bug-Report.
    Version 2.5.6 (16.06.2011 23:15)

    • Implement If-Modified-Since, thanks to Captain Chaos for the tip. This should remove the bandwith-Problem of some Plugin-Authors, let me know if it doesn't work.
    Version 2.5.5 (27.05.2011 23:15)

    • Little Bugfix for robin0van0der0v new xml.
    Version 2.5.4 (26.05.2011 22:15)

    • Little Bugfix
    • Some changes for robin0van0der0v new xml. @robin0van0der0v: Thanks for your work
    Version 2.5.3 (06.05.2011 20:15)

    • Fixed a little bug, with the new XML/RSS-Update-Check
    Version 2.5.2 (02.05.2011 21:55)

    • Add Version to XML-Update-Check
    • Add Description to RSS-Update-Check
    Version 2.5.1 (20.04.2011 20:45)

    • Automatic Plugin-Update at startup only every 6 hours
    • Manual Plugin-Update only every 60 minutes
    Version 2.5.0 (18.04.2011 22:25)

    • Logger changed
    Version 2.4.9 (10.04.2011 10:15)

    • Plugin-Update only every 60 minutes, also after a restart.
    • Some little Bugfixes
    Version 2.4.8 (09.04.2011 22:50)

    • Add new /uptodate update - Command to start update-Process manual
    • Add new option useUserPluginPropertiesFirst to set another priority for the
    Version 2.4.7 (07.04.2011 19:00)

    • Bugfix if filename not in the URL and not a jar
    • Changed the Bukkit-Build-URL to
    Version 2.4.6 (06.04.2011 18:30)

    • Better Exception-Handling if the rss-Feed, xml, txt-File or the properties-File is wrong
    Version 2.4.5 (05.04.2011 20:15)

    • Bugfixes if redirect and the new URL contains a space
    • Changed the UserAgent to CraftBukkitUpToDate
    Version 2.4.4 (03.04.2011 17:10)

    • Little Bugfix if createCheckFiles=true
    Version 2.4.3 (30.03.2011 21:55)

    • New option usePermissions to deactivate permissions-Support
    Version 2.4.2 (30.03.2011 21:02)

    • A little change for better Permissions-Setup
    Version 2.4.1 (30.03.2011 19:06)

    • Changes for the newest recommended Build
    Version 2.4.0 (29.03.2011 22:30)

    • Added txt, xml and properties-Support
    Version 2.3.0 (28.03.2011 22:30)

    • php-Fix
    Version 2.2.3 (28.03.2011 20:30)

    • Little Bugfix
    • Update-Check only every hour
    Version 2.2.2 (28.03.2011 18:15)

    • Killed the Version-Number in the jar-File-Name
    Version 2.2.1 (25.03.2011 22:45)

    • Some Bugfixes
    • New option to disable serverLog if new Update available
    • New option to disable automatic plugin-Update
    Version 2.2.0 (25.03.2011 22:00)

    • Parallel update-Checks (80% faster now)
    • Some other changes to support the update-Script from Tealk
    • New alias cbutd
    Version 2.1.6 (25.03.2011 20:40)

    • Some other changes to support the update-Script from Tealk
    • Changed the Permissions-Setup
    Version 2.1.5 (23.03.2011 23:00)

    • Some changes to support the update-Script from Tealk
    Version 2.1.4 (23.03.2011 19:00)

    • Fixed that zip and tar.gz-Files updated every time
    Version 2.1.3 (21.03.2011 21:30)

    • RSS-Feed now supported check Or use RSS-Part to check how to implement it.
    Version 2.1.2 (16.03.2011 23:10)

    • Changed the updateLogic for CraftBukkit so I don't need longer the check-Files you can delete it if you like. Thanks to Pluckerpluck for the tip.
    Version 2.1.1 (13.03.2011 23:35)

    • A little bugfix for the new
    Version 2.1 (12.03.2011 23:00)

    • for the users to add their own plugins.
    Version 2.0.5 (11.03.2011 20:30)

    • Wish you something Update 3 alias Maddin-Update;): Changed new pluginLog.
    Version 2.0.4 (09.03.2011 22:45)

    • github-Fix, next step is the fix for the php-problem
    • blacklist, to add plugins you don't want update.
    Version 2.0.3 (07.03.2011 18:15)

    • Added a new Option to deactivate craftBukkitUpdateCheck
    Version 2.0.2 (05.03.2011 10:40)

    • Little Bugfix, if pluginLog = false
    Version 2.0.1 (04.03.2011 19:50)

    • Download new Version only ones, if you didn't like to update
    • Smarter Log if down
    Version 2.0 (02.03.2011 21:40)

    • Method to differentiate between Plugins with the same name
    Version 1.9.3 (02.03.2011 18:25)

    • Wish you something Update 2;): Changed new pluginLog.
    • Update for other sources (zip), if Server doesn't send modificationTimestamp
    Version 1.9.2 (01.03.2011 21:40)

    • Wish you something Update;): Added a new Option to change pluginLog.
    Version 1.9.1 (01.03.2011 19:10)

    • Little Bugfix
    • New Update-Message
    Version 1.9 (28.02.2011 22:10)

    • Removed one typos
    • New Command to start Plugin-Update
    • Removed stableBuild-Config, nobody need this
    • Add CraftBukkitName-Config
    Version 1.8 (26.02.2011 22:10)

    • Permissions-Support
    • Smaller messages
    Version 1.7 (26.02.2011 17:11)

    • Some little Bugfixes for the new Plugin-Links
    • Performance-Tuning
    Version 1.6 (24.02.2011 20:43)

    • Better Update-Check
    • Plugin-Update-Check starts after 10 Seconds
    • Configurable Download-Folder (Example: If you like to Download to plugin-Dir write: plugins/CraftBukkitUpToDate/downloads/)
    Version 1.5 (23.02.2011 21:55)

    • Plugin-Update-Check now threaded, so the Server start without waiting for it.
    Version 1.4 (23.02.2011 21:15)

    • Plugin-Support
    Version 1.3 (23.02.2011 19:53)

    • Config if you like to download only RecommendBuild (Default: false)
    • Config if you like to download latestStableBuild (Default: true), no Idea if i need this or remove it in a future release
    • Command to download every Build, for Howto look at Features
    • Command to look at changelog
    • Removed stupid constructor
    Version 1.2 (20.02.2011 23:07)

    Version 1.1 (20.02.2011 19:26)

    • Check for update in a configurable period
    • Send message to all online ops (configurable)
    Version 1.0 (20.02.2011 10:55)

    • Release-Version
    nath30, xybre, vrox and 16 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Thank you, my plugin users will be thrilled
  3. Offline


    omfg this plugin screwed up my server.....
  4. Offline


    Is there any way you can parse an RSS feed or even just a plain text file for latest plugin URLs? Only I like to give each revision its own URL such that it is easily identifiable that the file has changed.

    An RSS feed would also make it trivial to check timestamps for new revisions.
  5. Offline


    i asked some plugin-authors to give up their link, but got this reply:
    now i feel like a mailman
  6. Great idea, could you make one I will check how I could implement it. Thanks for the great idea.

    It supports html redirects, anybody said something else? If he could give me a php-Script with a redirect to the newest version I could use it.

    Mailman:p, could you ask him if he could get me a php-Script to his newest Version? Thank you.
  7. Offline


    Thinking about it subsequently, YAML seems like a better fit really.

    Anyway, here are my two suggested file formats:

    The RSS version abuses the meaning of some of the tags e.g. description for version number. For that, and reasons of simplicity, I think the YAML version is the better fit.

    Another suggestion I'd make is that you ask plugin authors to add a line to their "plugin.yml" file specifying where their "updates.yml" is located. That way, you never need keep adding URLs to your plugin and keep updating it: it can all be totally decentralized. For example:

    • I assume you're scanning the plugin dir already for jar files. So, peek inside each jar file
    • Check for a line e.g. "cbu2d:"
    • Download that file, which would be something like the one above
    • Use those details to work out whether to download a new copy of the plugin
    All just a rather over-the-top suggestion though :)
  8. I didn't like yml because there's no real standard-Parser, xml-Files like rss can parse with many default-Parsers. And if you escape your informations all works fine with xml. For that I will implement the rss-Version, thanks for your work. I write back if finished.

    Implemented. Give me your final link and I will add it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  9. Offline


  10. BoundaryKill, OddItem and OddGive added.
    PorteCoulissante added a few days ago.
    QuickStrasse - I have a little problem with php-Downloads, because I have no file-Size or Modification-Timestamp and I didn't like the idea to download the complete file to check for a update. I work on a solution.
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    Ah btw, that PorteCoulissante keeps dowloading, it won't make a .check file like it does for FenceDoor, did you forgot something? :p
  13. Offline


    Thanks for this updating plugin man :cool: works great ..

    Here is some bad links in library
    15:40:31 [INFO] Not able to update DeathTpPlus.jar check if URL correct. If not ask the Author to give me the new one
    15:40:33 [INFO] NextStation.jar changed, try to download the new
    15:40:33 [INFO] Not able to update NextStation.jar check if URL correct. If not ask the Author to give me the new one
    Thx for fix :eek:)

  14. NextStation removed, because he chaged his link to a none-permanent link.
    DeathTpPlus fixed.

    For this one I need no check-File because I can check the timestamp update your plugin ones and it works.

    Added. Thank you for your support and help.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Will it also pick up brand new plugins as I add them to the RSS file?
  17. No, but I check the new plugin-Thread every day and if there a new plugin from you I will check your rss and add it.
    This is because I have a reference Plugin=link and didn't won't check each rss-Feed for each User because this could be a little bit exaggerated.

    FlowControl supported since a few weeks and Flatearth is no permanent link.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  18. Offline


    I saw that the links of my plugins are used in this plugin. I have to say that this plugin really helps keeping Bukkit upTodate.

    Alongside of PrivateWarp and PluginControl I have another one (url) you could add:
    Based off of PrivateWarp except that it's global (not per player).

    I have all my url's and downloads listed here (might come in handy):
  19. Added. Thanks for the link and the informations.
  20. Offline


    The Power Armour Plugin by Cyklo keeps saying it's updated even though I have the latest version. I've already updated it once, cause I figured it was like the other zip files that you have to update once but it still does it. I think there might be some problem with you new RSS code.
    zwarmapapa likes this.
  21. Offline


    Got the same problem with PorteCoulissante...
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    new CB vers 561:
    2011-03-23 17:35:05 [SEVERE] BLOCK_PLACED loading CraftBukkitUpToDate v2.1.3 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BLOCK_PLACED
        at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at de.nofear13.craftbukkituptodate.CraftBukkitUpToDateHelper.setupPermissions(
        at de.nofear13.craftbukkituptodate.CraftBukkitUpToDate.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
  24. Offline


    hi, sorry but i hate it that some plugins are in a .rar thats terrible for my start script
    its possible to edit this with a var to deaktivate or anything else?
  25. This is a permissions-Problem not a CButD, ask the Author of Permissions no idea. By the way, had I said that i shout rename my plugin to zzCraftBukkitUpToDate so this isn't the first plugin that use Permissions.
    Added. Thanks for the link I'm very happy that I could support your plugin now.
    I have an idea I will check and fix this in the next few hours.

    Fixed. The update shout only downloaded at the next startup after that it shout work.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  26. Offline


    Hi i have write a Minecraft Server Startscript for Linux and have now add CraftBukkitUpToDate
    You can found it here
  27. Cool, thank you. I will link to it at my first post. Have you fixed the rar-Problem or is this still a problem?
    If so, I can try to write a automatic Extractor which can activate in the properties.
  28. Offline


    i can write it too but i have think it would be easyer if all pluginmaker would use only the java,
    because i dont know how i set that i only copy the jar and if i copy all the config will overwrite.
    I dont think that Serverowner would have it.
    ATM it copy the rar in the plugin folder
    and one question, its possible to make a single comand to download bukkit, because its a problem to say im my script whitch version is the newest, so if you can add a comand for download the newest or the newest stable version so i can add it too^^

    PS sorry for my terrible englisch :p
  29. if you use "uptodate download" without a buildNumber it download the newest.

    P.S. Ich hab an alles gedacht:p

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