[ADMIN/WEB] Fishbans - The Global Ban Aggregator

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Fishfish0001, Jun 9, 2012.

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    I like the service, but it's just way too slow.
    It usually takes up to 12 seconds to load bans from all sites!
    Since it runs on a VPS, can't you have it multi-threaded to search for all sites simultaniously?

    You should add a status variable... Just returning [] is pretty pointless.
  3. Offline


    Not really, that is an empty array, as in no bans for that player.
  4. Offline


    Its not slow for me at all.
  5. Offline


    I guess it was slow due to MCBans... The site didn't load at all

    Yeah and if your site makes a mistake it would still return [] thus a false result.
  6. Offline


    My site, a mistake, impossible !!
  7. Offline


    Even the best software contains bugs. So does yours ;)
  8. Offline


    But, impossible ! Seriously, you are probably right but given that I already know of one person using the current format it would not be good to change it, also I'm pretty lazy :p It would return a blank page on error, so you can check for that :p
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    Jacek: Awesome thank you. Working on implementing that now.

    Artaex: I haven't noticed any slowness recently. I moved the site to a larger and more powerful VPS, and changed how the site runs, so it should be doing much better. I also blocked requests from a server who was abusing the API.
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    Fishfish0001 do you have any plans to redesign the website? I would love to see a not-so-standard design! :)

    Also, maybe you should set the Content-type header to application/json for the API
  11. Offline


    There may be a new design at some point, no word on that yet. The theme right now works pretty well for me, what would you like to see? I can also add a Content-Type header, not sure why that was left off.
  12. Offline


    You are now the only ban management tool in the tools index:O
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  15. Offline


    Ah, I see.
    hawkfalcon likes this.
  16. Offline


    In what language(s) did you code the site?
  17. Offline


    PHP with a MySQL backend.
  18. Offline


    Okay, nice
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    • The API Documentation has been completely overhauled. You can view the new documentation at http://www.fishbans.com/docs/
    • I changed the way that the API is used. You no longer need to include /force/ on the end of the URL to get the data right then. It automatically does this for you if you leave it off. if you still want to queue your data (as stated in the API TOS), you will need to add /queue/ on the end of the URL. More information about this is in the API documentation. (Artaex)
    • Backend enhancements for sake of logging and system performance.
  20. Offline


    Any ETA on the PHP/Java libraries? I can help out if they're on Github?
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    Hi, no ETA on the JAVA library, but I know someone created one, so I'm going to chat with them about linking to it. The PHP library will be out soon, but you could make one if you like. It would mostly be connecting to Fishbans and getting data in a format that is easily viewable and usable in PHP based programs.
  22. Offline


    Sounds pretty good. I imagine it would just be some simple JSON parsing (from looking over the API docs).

    Love your project :)
  23. Offline


    Yep, pretty much. Thanks for the complements :)
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    I would love to write bindings for Ruby and Python. Maybe I'll do it now.
  25. Offline


    Hi, that would be fantastic. If you do make them let me know and I can add them up on the Documentation for you.
  26. Offline


    I wrote python bindings, but it doesn't have documentation commenting yet. It isn't in pypi yet either. I'll work on it more later. (https://github.com/goldblattster/fishbans-python)

    Also, it has a nifty program (written in python ofc) that you can use to access the api.

  27. Offline


    If you want to make documentation and host it elsewhere (such as a Github Wiki) that would be fine. When you get that all done let me know and I will add it to the Docs page with a link to the Github, and the more detailed documentation. If you want to provide some basic install methods, or instructions I can add those to the Docs page.
  28. Offline


    Some updates to the site have occured!
    • Main page now loads 5 times faster than before after optimizing it a bit and removing some un-necessary things.
    • Moved some content to a separate domain to reduce loading times. This domain only serves our static content, and caches everything for much longer times than the main domain.
    • Moved the avatar service to its own domain (pixel.fb-api.com) to provide a much smoother service. All of these images are also cached locally, and served over Cloudflare's CDN to provide fast loading times worldwide.
    • Removed BcBans due to inactivity.
  29. Offline


    Wow, great work! :O
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    Thanks! :)
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