Inactive [ADMIN] VIP v1.0.3 - Gives VIPs priority when logging in [1.2Beta]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kostronor, May 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    How can use plugin with premissionsEX! I'm using mysql for VIPS ?
  2. Offline


    the plugin should work with it, just add the vips into your mysql-table and give them the permission
  3. Offline


    My group is call VIP i added VIP.VIP but not work= How can I added?
  4. Offline


    please send me all info you can provide, copy-paste all files in your Plugins/vip folder and tell me your permissions-file and your mysql-table thanks :)
  5. Offline


    Here mysql-tables


    Here is my groups
            prefix: '[&9V.I.P&f]'
            - worldedit.superpickaxe
            - worldedit.tool.tree
            - worldedit.butcher
            - essentials.nick
            - essentials.compass
            - modifyworld.*
            - Member
                rank: '800'
            prefix: '[&5TiTAN&0]'
            - worldedit.superpickaxe
            - worldedit.tool.tree
            - worldedit.butcher
            - essentials.nick
            - essentials.compass
            - modifyworld.*
            - signColours.*
            - Member
                rank: '800'
    In config file i eddited mysql conenction and works,but i can't give the premissin
  6. Offline


    ok, first, please remember, with VIP.VIP inserted into the table, you have to give them:
    - VIP.<yourtablefield>
    this would be:
    add that to your VIP-class
    and please redownload the plugin, so than it should work :)
  7. Offline


    But why my server reset config file. I put information about my mysql connect but server reset config.yml and in console log i found "[INFO]VIP Disabled" How can i fix this problem
  8. Offline


    you should create a bukkit dev page for this ;)
  9. Offline


    i should, but i am to lazy to learn the new formatting of bukkitdev and so this is staying here the next time :D
    but if i find some time... ^^
  10. Offline


    I will since today give support to the plugin mostly in my forum:
    And i will announce new versions in this thread.
    You can watch it and receive instant email-notification about new updates and nothing when someone has a problem and is posting somewhere else ;)
    I will still look here at bukkit, but there will be the main adress for me
  11. Offline


    how can I watch the thread? and its locked we cant ask you questions :O
  12. Offline


    if you register at the forum with your email than you can click watch on the thread and you receive email-notification for it.
    it is locked so that only i can write posts there and you receive only emails for my posts on updates etc.
    the forum where the post is located is your support-forum, you can create there new threads without registering and i receive email-notification for each post in this forum.
    so i can immediately help you.
    Bukkitdev-page will follow ;)

    if you don't want to register at another forum, don't do it, i will still help you here :)
    but for me, this way is much easier to keep track of everything
  13. Offline


    wow this plugin is great for my server, hope it got no bugs :D
  14. Offline


    nope, no buggs ;)
    But since there is so much that changed since 1.1R6 and 1.2, i will have to make a MAYOR Code-Rewrite and this will start AFTER Bukkit for 1.2 is out, so i do not have to rewrite it twice.
    The moment 1.2 is out and i get time, i will fix everything, i promise! :)
  15. Offline


    Should work with the newest version now, beware of some glitches with the config !
  16. Offline


    This is working as of today? What are major bugs?
  17. Offline


    yes, i tweaked it a bit to work for 1.2 (don't know if this works for everyone!)

    mayor bugs?
    Bukkit changed his config-class so the configuration works only partial...
    Someone reported, that his users do not get charged, but i investigate that the moment he answers me...
    everything else? just test it!
  18. Offline


    okay awesome thank you
    okay awesome i'll give it a go tyvm.
  19. Offline


    events are messed up in all my plugins, but since this relies on login-events it IS BROKEN
  20. Offline


    the permissions only doesnt seem to be working on permissionsbukkit =/
  21. Offline


    Someone would have to change the whole Configuration-Class to the new Bukkit-Standard, since i am short in time and cannot update the next time. Any help appreciated!
  22. Offline


    Hi!! Kostronor
    If a player is VIP 3 and another VIP 2 and another VIP 1 :

    If the server is full, does the VIP 3 kick the VIP 1 even if VIP 2 was the last to login?
    In other words, does a player kick the player who has the smaller rank?

    thank you
  23. Offline


    higher ranks kick lower ranks.
    players without vip have rank 0 for reference
  24. HELP UPDATE!!!

    dont work in 1.2.5??

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  25. Offline


    is someone taking this over
  26. Offline


    i have update the VIP plugin for myself.
    just let's it work on the newer bukkit.
    because i do not know if the author is allow me the release.
    so i do not release for now
  27. Offline


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