Inactive [ADMIN] VIP v1.0.3 - Gives VIPs priority when logging in [1.2Beta]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kostronor, May 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    sure, will come with the MySQl-update :)
  2. Offline


    thx .. i dont wont to flame, but can u hurry or preupdate just for superperms? my server is full everytime and my vips are crying: (
  3. Offline


    sorry, but i would have to undo the changes for mysql to send you a working version.
    Because i've never used this system before, it could take a little time for me to get into it.
    Just disable permissions in the config and you can manage your server with flatfile until then :)
  4. Offline


    i mean with permissions :eek:
  5. Offline


    yes, until i update the permissions to bukkitperm you could use flatfile if you are not using the old permissions
  6. Offline


    Ok thx :) Can u implement a "custom msg" kick if a vip join?
  7. Offline


    already implemented in the next update :)
  8. Offline


    Has the configurable kick message been added yet?
  9. Offline


    Sure, will come with the rest of the update
  10. Offline


    1060 run fine?
  11. Offline


    like every other build, it should work fine
    Krazy likes this.
  12. Offline


    can u add DAILY BONUS and work with AUTHME?
  13. Offline


    Can you explain "DAILY BONUS" and "working with AUTHME" a bit further, cause i don't know what you want :D
    If the plugin is not working together with AuthMe, tell me whats going wrong and i'll try to fix it
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    ähhhh no?
    You can just ask the author of dailybonus to add compatibility to Authme?
  16. Offline


    Krazy said:
    when you use authme + dailybonus, the problem you join server and a you receive the item, but when write / login PASSWORD your lose the item.

    can fix?
    Doesn't allow cracked version on your server ! :D

  17. Offline


    just tell him why you need AuthMe, i to would never write plugins for servers with players playing with cracked clients!
  18. Offline


    this is correct?
    DO NOT EDIT -- Login times:
        Lindo: 360436496
        MarechalAle: 360123780
        XandyVisk: 363010357
        LeleVisk: 360099664
        VitinhoKK: 360676920
        GuiMilk: 360099664
        Fredericon21: 360436422
        BRESSANI: 360099707
        eziodpn: 360604784
        Ytalo: 361037929
        LeonardoDF: 360845355
        FogoVisk: 360099664
        Sloow: 360099664
        Lawn: 360244024
        Favelado: 360292132
        velleda15: 360364323
        Mido: 361976215
        Uchiha: 361446913
        giancastro: 360195949
        aUsCkEs: 360917536
        DarkFerrer: 360099664
        MrCraft: 360099664
    enabled: true
    Use permissions for VIP list: false
    Kick last logged: true
        marcio_alexsb: 1
    marcio_alexsb is unique vip correcT?
  19. Offline


    marcio_alexsb is VIP with priority 1

    MurilloAug and SKIZOR are with the default value 1
    so all three are equal
    set the priority to more than 1 to priorize him over the others
  20. Offline


    yes correct, my players is cracked clients, brazilian players no have money for buy MINECRAFT .
    u can help me, yes or not? =/
  21. Offline


    no sorry, if you want to get this feature, just try to edit the sourcecode of dailybonus to wait two minutes, use a sheduler for this.
    If you want it without spending money, just do it yourself, there are many tutorials out there helping you :)
    But i really don't want to support cracked clients
  22. Offline


    i get source of OLD SOURCE daily bonus...

    package me.itsatacoshop247.DailyBonus;
    import me.itsatacoshop247.DailyBonus.DailyBonusPluginProperties;
    public class DailyBonusLoadSettings {
            static int amntonlogin;
            static int VIPamntonlogin;
            static int noniconomyitem;
            static int noniconomyitemamnt;
            static int VIPnoniconomyitem;
            static int VIPnoniconomyitemamnt;
            //static int waittime;
            static int IconomyAmountVariation;
            static String message;
            static String VIPmessage;
            static String noniconmessage;
            static String VIPnoniconmessage;
            static boolean useicon;
            public static void loadMain(){
                String propertiesFile = DailyBonus.maindirectory + "";
                DailyBonusPluginProperties properties = new DailyBonusPluginProperties(propertiesFile);
                IconomyAmountVariation = properties.getInteger("Iconomy_Give_Amount_Variation", 0);
                //waittime = properties.getInteger("Time_to_wait_before_give", 0);
                amntonlogin= properties.getInteger("AMNT_TO_GIVE_ON_LOGIN", 15);
                VIPamntonlogin= properties.getInteger("AMNT_TO_GIVE_ON_LOGIN_FOR_VIP", 20);
                noniconomyitem= properties.getInteger("NonIconomy_Item_to_give", 265);
                noniconomyitemamnt= properties.getInteger("NonIconomy_Item_Amount_to_give", 2);
                VIPnoniconomyitem= properties.getInteger("VIP_NonIconomy_Item_to_give", 266);
                VIPnoniconomyitemamnt= properties.getInteger("VIP_NonIconomy_Item_Amount_to_give", 1);
                message = properties.getString("message", "You just got $amount$ $currecny_name$s for logging in today!");
                VIPmessage = properties.getString("VIPmessage", "Hey VIP, You just got $amount$ $currecny_name$s for logging in today!");
                noniconmessage = properties.getString("NonIconomy_message", "You just got $amount$ $item$ for logging in today!");
                VIPnoniconmessage = properties.getString("VIP_NonIconomy_message", "Hey VIP, You just got $amount$ $item$ for logging in today!");
                useicon = properties.getBoolean("Enable_Iconomy?", true);
      "^===DailyBonus Main Configuration===^" +
                        "\n#If you aren't going to use Iconomy make sure to set Enable_Iconomy?=false" +
                        "\n#The items for NonIconomy are only given if Enable_Iconomy?=false" +
                        "\n#Use the item numbers for now, items.db will be added later" +
                        "\n#The VIP system will be changed to a permissions system soon" +
                        "\n#I will make it mySQLite instead of 345436435 text files soon too!");
    if i remove // in waittime and add time, compile plugin works fine?
  23. Offline


    i don't know, but if everything is implemented right, this should work.
  24. Offline



    I believe I have ran into a bug (either that, or it's because I'm using PermissionsBukkit)

    Two things:
    Firstly the most important issue. It seems that players can make themselves vip! If someone, anyone (even from the default group) types /vip add [name], it says something along the lines of "You do not have permission to do that. [Name] now has a priority of 1", all in white. Bug?

    I have put the following permissions on the default group:

                superpermbridge.VIP.add: false
                superpermbridge.VIP.remove: false
                superpermbridge.VIP.enable: false
                superpermbridge.VIP.disable: false
                superpermbridge.VIP.kickToggle: false
    Also secondly, I have tried giving players the permission node (I have 2 groups, donaters and mods, I gave them this permission) but when I do it this way, when the server is full and someone with the node tries to join, it won't work.

    I am assuming this is because it's not 100% compatable with PermissionsBukkit?

    Anywho, otherwise it's a great and useful plugin. I just wish it'd all work for me. :p
    Thanks for your time.
  25. Offline


    Hey Acester,
    PermissionsBukkit will be added together with MySql and some other features. Thats because i've already started with MySQl and i would have to remove the whole thing to add new Permissionsystems and then think of re-adding it then.
    The issue with vip add is not reproduceable for me. this could be all you players being op or a bug in permissions. until the Update, i would recommend you to disable permissions in the config of my plugin and rely on op/flatfile
  26. Offline



    Ok, updated the whole thing now :D
    you should delete your config.yml to help adding the new nodes.
    Everyhing should work like before if you do not need the new features(it should work better thought :D)
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    Thanks :D
  29. Offline


    yep now i just got to find a whitelisting plugin that we can build a web page for to manage for admins only :/

    mysql based being ideal.
  30. Offline


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