Inactive [ADMIN] PreKick v2.2.1 - Now on Bukkit dev [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by WildN00b, May 1, 2011.

  1. == PreKick V2.2.1 ==
    === Important news ===
    In PreKick V2.2.0:
    * Added translating ability.
    * Added to the config and the player check isn't case sensitive.
    * Added Blacklist.Player for custom kick messages for individual players.
    * Added /whitelist (for short /wh) and /blacklist (for short /bl)

    In PreKick V2.2.1:
    * Fixed some strings that were wrong.
    === Download ===
    Go to my bukkit dev page: here
    === Description ===
    This is a whitelist plugin with custom kick messages, so instead of it saying "Your not on the whitelist" it can say "Please Register at".

    * Whitelist, Blacklist and a IP whitelist.
    * Custom kick messages for the whitelist, the blacklist groups and the IP whitelist.
    * You can have different messages for the blacklist groups.
    * You can enable IP checking for some player.
    * You can edit the config without reloading the server.
    * The whitelist, blacklist and the IP whitelist work independent, so you can just have for example the IP whitelist or the blacklist just enabled.
    === How to install ===
    Place PreKick.jar inside the plugins folder and start or reload the server and configure.
    === How to configure ===
    **PreKick uses Vault, if it can find it else it will SuperPerms for permissions.**
    Once the server server has loaded PreKick, PreKick will create a config file named config.yml inside the PreKick folder inside the plugins folder.
    There you can change all the PreKicks settings.
    Here I will explain all the settings.

      Enabled: true #If PreKick will be enabled
      Easter-egg: true #Broadcast a message when I (WildN00b) connects to the server
      ReloadWhenRead: false #Always reloads the config when it's going to read
      Language: en-US #Which language file to use
      Enabled: true #If the whitelist will be enabled
      KickMessage: 'Connection refuse: connect' #The kickmessage, if you're not on the whitelist
      Players: #The players that are on the whitelist
      - WildN00b #Me :)
      - ThePf #The developer of Duties and my friend
      Enabled: false #If the IP whitelist will be enabled
      KickMessage: '&eIP doesn''t match' #The Kickmessage, if you're not on the IP whitelist
      Players: #The players on the IP whitelist
        WildN00b: #Me again
        - #My IP:s that I connect to my server from
        - #Second IP, can be multiple.
        - #ThePf:s IP
      Enabled: true #If the Blacklist will be enabled
      Players: #For individual players
        Cheater1: '&a&lYou''re not allowed on this server!' #First player
        Cheater2: '&a&nSorry, but you''re not allowed to play on this server!' #Second player
      Groups: #The groups
        group1: #The group 'group1'
          KickMessage: '&2&lYou are banned for being in the group!' #The Kickmessage for being in the group 'group1'
          Players: #The players in the group 'group1'
          - ImAGroup
        Hax: #The group 'Hax'. you can add your own groups
          KickMessage: '&c&nYou are banned for hacking!' #The Kickmessage for being in the group 'Hax'
          Players: #The players in the group 'Hax'
          - Hacker1337
          - Hax
    To add a color or a style type the '&' character and then the color code or the style code and your text like this
    &lThis is a bold text
    &c&IThis is a red bold text
    &c&lRed Bold text. &rStandard white text. &2&l&nGreen Underlined text.
    Always write the color code before the style code if you want to change the color.
    Here is a link to a site where you can find all the color and style codes.
    === Permissions ===
    Code: Allows to show the menu
    prekick.status: Allows to show the status page
    prekick.seekick: Allows to see when someone was kicked
    prekick.switch: Allows you to turn on and off prekick
    prekick.whitelist.switch: Allows you to turn on and off the whitelist
    prekick.ip.switch: Allows you to turn on and off the ip whitelist
    prekick.blacklist.switch: Allows you to turn on and off the blacklist
    prekick.whitelist.add: Allows you to add users to the whitelist
    prekick.whitelist.remove: Allows you to remove users from the whitelist
    prekick.ip.add: Allows you to add users to the IP whitelist
    prekick.ip.remove: Allows you to remove users from the IP whitelist
    prekick.blacklist.add: Allows you to add users to the blacklist
    prekick.blacklist.remove: Allows you to remove users from the blacklist
    === Commands ===
    You can type /prekick or /pk, I will use /pk in this example.
    /pk help <Number> - Shows <Number> page of help.
    /pk status - Show some status about PreKick.
    /pk on - Turns PreKick on.
    /pk off - Turns PreKick off.
    /pk whitelist on - Turns whitelist on.
    /pk whitelist off - Turns whitelist off.
    /pk whitelist add <Player> - Adds player to the whitelist.
    /pk whitelist remove <Player> - Removes player from the whitelist.
    /pk ip on - Turns IP whitelist on.
    /pk ip off - Turns IP whitelist off.
    /pk ip add <Player> <IP> - Adds player to the ip whitelist with the ip or adds ip the player.
    /pk ip remove <Player> - Removes player from the ip whitelist.
    /pk ip remove <Player> <IP> - Removes IP from the player from the ip whitelist.
    /pk blacklist on - Turns blacklist on.
    /pk blacklist off - Turns blacklist off.
    /pk blacklist add <Group> <Player> - Adds player to the group in the blacklist.
    /pk blacklist remove <Group> <Player> - Removes player from the group in the blacklist.
    You can type /whitelist or /wl for the whitelist command.
    /wl help <Number> - Shows <Number> page of help.
    /wl on - Turns whitelist on.
    /wl off - Turns whitelist off.
    /wl add <Player> - Adds player to the whitelist.
    /wl remove <Player> - Removes player from the whitelist.
    /wl ip on - Turns IP whitelist on.
    /wl ip off - Turns IP whitelist on.
    /wl ip add <Player> <IP> - Adds player to the ip whitelist with the ip or adds ip the player.
    /wl ip remove <Player> - Removes player from the ip whitelist.
    /wl ip remove <Player> <IP> - Removes IP from the player from the ip whitelist.
    You can type /blacklist or /bl for the blacklist command.
    /bl help <Number> - Shows <Number> page of help.
    /bl on - Turns blacklist on.
    /bl off - Turns blacklist on.
    /bl add <Group> <Player> - Adds player to the group in the blacklist.
    /bl remove <Group> <Player> - Removes player from the group in the blacklist.
    === Changelog and Github ===
    The changelog is the github commit historic for now.
    === Bugs ===
    * None
    Noppoly likes this.
  2. Offline


    I'm running this on my server since a few months and it's working perfectly, but... could you
    1. move this to
    2. tell us how far you're with 2.0?

    Thanks already and greetings from Germany,
    NoNe aNd NoNly.
  3. 1. i can do that
    2. havn't started on it, will start next week when i get my school computer
  4. Offline


    @ WildN00b this is still working with CB#1060 con grads man!!!
  5. tnx :D
  6. Offline


    Even working on #1185. Good work there, mate ;P

    By the way: We (or only I) are waiting for the 2.0 release. What's going on with it? Any news or some problems you have? Would be cool if you could inform us/me.

    Thanks anyway, NoNe aNd NoNly.
  7. :D
    I havn't felt like programming java (i like C more!). i will try to start programming today.
  8. Offline


    Thx for replying and I'm glad to hear you're going to develop :)
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    if you change your mind here's a nice "driver" and the "Dynamic Effect Whitelist" has an open source :) ...because how can anyone have a whitelist without mysql!?

    it would be legen — wait for it...
  11. Offline


    I'm interested in the custom "You are not whitelisted" message. Will this be part of the plugin, or can you make this a stand-alone plugin?

    Thank you.
  12. Custom messages are always included in the plugin. That's the main point of the plugin.
  13. Offline


    Alright. I'll try it after work.
  14. Offline


    Hey there. How far are you away from the release or can I get a development build, because I'm having trouble with the permissions. Seems like it has something to do with the Permissions which came with #1000 and v 0.7.1 isn't updated for it. So only OPs seem to have the permission and not the people I gave the permission.
  15. I have only worked on the core and haven't hooks up any events yet, I'm trying to see if there is a way to use minecraft authentications with the plugin for the secret feature (Which i think you can guess now), but i need the session key which you only get when you log in:mad:. so I think i need to skip that feature :(, which was the main feature for 2.0.
  16. Offline


    Tried and works. Great plugin so far!
  17. tnx
  18. Offline


    That secret features sounds interesting and really useful for my server!!! Sad that it's not included, but I'm glad that 2.0 is going to be out very soon, because I really need this update (especially because of the permissions XD). So maybe try to put the secret feature in a later update (like 2.1) what would still be cool. :) Good luck at searching the session key!
  19. I can only include the feature if Mojang changes the auth handshakes. or if the user sends there real minecraft password. which no one wants.
  20. Offline


    WTF, removed the plugin(not the prekick.txt) but it still kicks some people, and tells them the message. Even people that are in the whitelist.
  21. just restart the server.
  22. Offline


    I did that thousands of times, but without succes. But now I also deleted the white-list.txt.
    It's fixed now.
  23. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı


    Plugin moved to Inactive, as its listed as supporting a version waaaay far back in the past.
  24. Offline

    unimatrix Bukkit Sponsor

    Also causes conflicts with mcbans , if you use mcbans i would not recommend using this plugin.
  25. I will release 2.0 beta soon. I havn't had time to finish 2.0 because of school, i will force myself to release a beta today (hopefully or tomorrow)

    fixed in 2.0

    Will upload 2.0 now, no warranty for it to work. it is in beta debug, report all error.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  26. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    @WildN00b if you want your topic moved you need to update your title, as well as have some content on features in your post.
  27. Offline


    What is this error

    16:14:43 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\PreKick.jar' in folder 'plugins':
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me.wildn00b.prekick.Prekick
            at$ Source)
            at Method)
            at Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigur
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  28. tnx for reporting.
    I had made a type-o uploading a new version now

    Pre 2 is out

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  29. Offline


    Ok tell me when you fix it
  30. its fixed in pre 2
    that is out

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