Inactive [ADMIN] Crafty v0.7.6 - Server GUI [1240]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Timberjaw, Feb 3, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    @cordeval @Bees Known issue, will be fixed tonight when v0.5 is released.

    @Bakuhatsu I haven't personally seen this but I'll try to reproduce and fix it.
  2. Offline


    Minimise to task tray if it is not already there?
  3. Offline


    @Reterg Good idea, will do.
    --- merged: Feb 8, 2011 10:30 AM ---
    Updated! v0.5 supports the new getWorlds() method. If you're using a multi-world capable build, upgrade to v0.5, otherwise stick with v0.4 for now. If you're interested in theme info, read on:

    Adds preliminary theme support and Crafty commands.

    Crafty commands look like: .crafty [command] [args...]

    For example, to change the current theme to 'Dark': .crafty theme set Dark

    Available themes right now are Dark and Default. Theme names are currently case sensitive. This is intended as a preview of the theme functionality. You can't specify your own colors and your choice does NOT persist (will reset to Default if you close Crafty).

    Themes can currently modify:
    1. Console BG color
    2. Font family, style (plain/bold/italic), size, foreground color and background color for:
      • Default text
      • Timestamp
      • [INFO], [WARNING], [SEVERE], and [CRAFTY]
  4. Offline


    Exception in thread "Timer-1" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.getWorlds()Ljava/util/List;
    at org.crafty.Crafty.updatePerfMon(
    at org.crafty.Crafty.access$2(
    at org.crafty.Crafty$
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
    at Source)

    not sure if this is related to anything. Just thought i might post it.
  5. Offline


    @Spark You need to update your CraftBukkit to 271 or later.
  6. Offline


    this just isnt working for me my server is dedicated is this only for home based servers? if not can you please tell me excactly what I need to do?
  7. Offline


    @Stephen92 Currently this only works if you have local access to the server or some type of remote desktop application.

    It may support remote access in the future.
  8. Offline


    ok ty anyway.
  9. Offline


    Updated! v0.6 adds restart capability via the command: .crafty restart

    Note that the restart stops the server, closes and relaunches Crafty with the same command-line arguments it was originally launched with.
  10. Offline


    Is there any way to change the default 25565 port? It was working before (with 0.4) and a different port but not anymore :(
  11. Offline


    @Zendal It should be pulling the port specified in If not, that's a bug. :(
  12. Offline


    Yep, my is ok (port 25567) and crafty is forcing the use of 25565. Here is the log. (25565 unavaliable because it's being use by another server)

    2011-02-10 21:10:24 [CRAFTY] Port 25565 is unavailable, waiting...
    2011-02-10 21:10:25 [CRAFTY] Port 25565 is unavailable, waiting...
    2011-02-10 21:10:26 [CRAFTY] Port 25565 is unavailable, waiting...
    2011-02-10 21:10:27 [CRAFTY] Port 25565 is unavailable, waiting...
    2011-02-10 21:10:28 [CRAFTY] Port 25565 is unavailable, waiting...
    2011-02-10 21:10:29 [CRAFTY] Could not start server because port 25565 is still unavailable. You can try restarting again with .crafty start or check for other applications using this port.
  13. Offline


    @Zendal Ok, will fix. The properties loading process is a bit weird, I must have missed something.
  14. Offline


    Im running crafty with
    @echo off
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar crafty.jar org.crafty.Crafty
    Works fine, but on my 32" LCD TV the text is kinda, small, so i have to find my 2nd screen.
    And then the text is ok, any way to change the text size?
  15. Offline


    @GamerX Not yet, but there will be before too long.
  16. Offline


    And i forgot to mention, i have to use that isntead of the .bat file that comes with it, it said it didnt find javaw, and i had to check that i typed it right. And then try again
  17. Offline


    @GamerX It looks for javaw in your Windows path. Apparently it didn't find it (that's fairly common; Java doesn't always seem to add itself to the path). You can check your Java\jre6\bin folder for javaw and update your .bat to point to it if you want. The main difference is that with javaw, you don't get a second console window popping up like you do with java.
  18. Offline


    Ok, but i cant use this until i can make the text bigger, since i took the 2nd screen from my little sis computer xD
  19. Offline


    Ow! @Timberjaw forget about the ports problem. I updated craftbukkit from 301 to 302 and now it works fine :)
    Sorry for bothering you, didn't realized that Craftbukkit could be the problem.

  20. Offline


    @Zendal Glad to hear it! I love it when things aren't my fault. [​IMG]

    @GamerX v0.7 will have a large-text theme at the very least (full theme support probably won't be done for a while though). :) How big would you say you need, by the way? Twice as big as currently?
  21. Offline


    Ehh, yh.
    And you could add a button that changes the text size?
    Or, i dont know how the theme selection will be. But still, a button that changes the text size in every theme would be, nice =)
  22. Offline


    @GamerX Definitely. I'm asking more in case that doesn't pan out for the next version; I could at least provide something somewhat useful in the meantime. :)
  23. Offline


    Some peapol don't know how to find the CraftBukkit build, they think it is 0.0.1 xD
    So it had been nice if you could add somehow a spot that shows the CraftBukkit build.
    Yes i know that it is shown at the early start of server ( when you run start.bat )
    But some ppl dont look at the cmd, so at the GUI you could could add some thing like a textbox where it is says:
    I see in the picture a posted it said CraftBukkit version: unknown
    And to make it even more advanced:
    --- merged: Feb 10, 2011 9:53 PM ---
    And im wondering, have u changed to looking of the GUI??
    Because mine launcher looks way differnt that yours on the picture
    May this come from that i dont use javaw?
  24. Offline


    It will look a bit differently depending on your OS. I'm on Vista with Aero enabled.

    CraftBukkit version is shown at the bottom of the window. It's not a reliable way of getting the build # though (there isn't a reliable way, or at least won't be for long). It will say 'unknown' if you're running a locally-built snapshot. Otherwise there should be a long version string, the last part of which (depending on your version) may be the build number.
  25. Offline


    Btw, im running Windows7 x64
    --- merged: Feb 10, 2011 10:33 PM ---
    Ehh, how can i point the starter to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin?
  26. Offline


    i was just thinking how good you are with the spawncontrol and updating it regularly, so i said to myself 'I wonder if he has any other plugins' and sure enough you have this ballin plugin. Nice work man.

    i had to redo the crafty.bat to say what my old one said just with craft.jar. Dont laugh at my ram size please

    @echo off
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar crafty.jar
  27. Offline


    @Daveyo I think I use the same max ram actually. :)

    I highly recommend using -Xincgc instead of -Xms1024M. It will allow your server to use much less memory until it actually needs it. -Xms1024M means it allocates the full 1GB right off the bat.
  28. Offline


    Found something. It's not autoscrolling, not sure if it's from something i did or not. Does it autoscroll by default?
    --- merged: Feb 13, 2011 12:02 AM ---
    ok, now i restarted my computer and it autoscrolls again. Not sure what i did to mess that up. anyway, been working good. I installed a development plugin for flying around with a feather and it seemed to conflict or just cause this plugin to crash. The gui was blank, and that feather addon was completely not working. Other then that everything has been working great, and I have like 30 addons
  29. Offline


    this isn't working for me :/
    I have a win7 computer (64 bit) and I'm getting these errors:
    Windows cannot find 'javaw'
    easily sorted, I put in the directory to Java ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe")
    I run again, and I get this:
    Windows cannot find 'Xincgc'
    If I delete that ( know I shouldn't but the error will come up anyway when the above it fixed) I get:
    Windows cannot find '-Xmx1G'
    If I delete THAT I get:
    Windows cannot find '-jar'
    and finally, if I delete that I get:
    Could not find the main class: com.aranai.crafty.Crafty Program will exit.
    I really want this, I hate looking at a black screen and I would like to actually visualy control my own server, but I can't do anything, I know hardly anything and it seems to be riddled with errors...can anyone help me?
  30. Offline


    Try using this one
    @echo off
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar crafty.jar org.crafty.Crafty
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