[ADMIN] AdminsCanFly v1.3.0 - Allow select bypassing of the default flight kicking [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Lappy, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Allow select bypassing of the default flight kicking

    Allow OPs and users with the superperms permission to bypass the default flight kicking (allow-flight=false).

    If Permissions 2+ has been detected you have the ability to disable OPs being allowed to fly by default, just alter "auto-op" in config.yml.

    Permission nodes (Supports SuperPerms and Permissions 2+)
    Install Tutorial
    Thanks to IAMWIN for making the tutorial.

    Download - v1.3.0
    Download - Dev

    Download - v1.3.0
    Download - Dev

    1.3.0 (24/08/11) - Built against the 1060 Bukkit API, hopefully fixed issues with the plugin not working like it should
    1.2.1 (01/08/11) - Added config.yml with property "auto-op", used when Permissions 2+ is detected
    1.2.0 (29/07/11) - Added Permissions 2+ support and neatened permissions checking code
    1.1.0 (27/07/11) - Fixed console spam caused by default kick message
    1.0.2 (27/07/11) - Initial release
    Chike, lastern, TimboHSV and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    This submission is #bananacode approved

    However - you need a changelog at the end of your post - and the version number next to the download link.

    Other than that good work!
  3. Offline


    Thanks codename_B, appreciate your support, it makes the experience of my first release easier.
  4. Offline


    great plugin, but it only seems to work for ops and if i give my players the node 'adminscanfly.allow' they still get kicked :S and my admins with * permissions also get kicked :( are you sure that you set up the permissions right?
  5. Offline


    Perhaps this plugin is using the built in permissions. That could be your problem ;)
  6. Offline

    The Angry kat

  7. Offline


    This plugin currently only has superperms (Bukkit built in permissions) support, if you would like I can add support for the permissions plugin you are using?
  8. Offline


    ah yes i am using permissions 2.7.4, i would love if you could add support as i want my builders and higher to be allowed to fly, but not new players.
  9. Offline


    I will get to work adding Permissions 2.7.x support and will release an update asap.
  10. Offline


    thanks man :D
  11. Offline


    how this plug works?
    I need another plugin and this is only for permision?
  12. Offline


    Once you install the plugin in your plugins folder if you don't require permissions it simply allows your OPs to use flymods without getting kicked.
  13. Offline


    When you release that update will it work with GroupManager?
  14. Offline


    Yes, as long as you are using the Bridge that should come with GroupManager.
  15. Offline


    I do. When do you think that update will ready? :)
  16. Offline


    I should have it released before the end of the night (British Time :3)

    The Permissions 2+ support update has been released, if anyone encounters any issues please inform me. :D

    This plugin just makes it so if an OP (or someone with the permission) uses a clientside flymod they won't get kicked if the server has allow-flight set to false.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  17. Offline


    I get this spamming me from another plugin now that I have this installed and am flying:
    19:04:23 [WARNING] Kalais was kicked for floating too long!
    19:04:23 [INFO] [StealthLogin] Kalais was kicked quietly!
  18. Offline


    Does that still happen without the other plugin?
  19. Offline


    Without it no but it's needed. I'll ask that developer about it.
  20. Offline


    Ok, sorry for the inconvenience :)
  21. Offline


    No, there is no inconvenience. I really like the idea of this plugin!
  22. Offline


    Makes the effort of making it worthwhile knowing people like it. :3
  23. Offline


    there is an error, Could not pass event PLAYER_KICK to AdminsCanFly.
    i dont get it, when i start the server it said i succesfully start AdminsCanFly.
    i set permission to admin with GroupManager. and i get kicked any way :( any solution?
    by the way i using Zombe'pack fly Mod and permissions 2.7.2 from GroupManager
  24. Offline


    What plugins are you running?
  25. Offline


    -Essentials plugins
    and yours now AdminsCanfly
  26. Offline


    Thank you, I will download all these mods and test it out myself to see if I can replicate the issue.
  27. Offline


    y tried to upload an imagen of my console
    just Secund clic and copy url
  28. Offline


    Ok, I've checked the image, it seems you're running an outdated version of craftbukkit, if you update to RB 1000 the error will stop happening.
  29. Offline


    You were Rigth! i wasent running Build 1000 Thank you. i fix the problem now :) btw really awesome your plugin, exactly what i was looking for :)
  30. Offline


    No problem, and I'm glad it's what you're looking for!

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