Inactive [ADM, SEC]CriminalRecords-0.1[1.2.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by fred302, May 3, 2012.

  1. Offline


    == Criminal records Introduction ==

    The Criminal Records plugin made by me is to achieve a automated police system kind of. What this plugin does is when you type /CR ADD it adds a infraction to the players record and if they get over 5 infractions they get banned, until the owner unbans them. Also you can use /CR VIEW to view a record if your op and if not you can use /CR Myrecord to view your record.

    Also if you would like the experimental build please pm me.

    == Permissions ==

    == Commands ==

    # /Cr
    # /Cr view <name>
    # /Cr add <name>
    #/Cr clear <name>

    == Downloads ==

    Version 0.2:

    == Chanelog ==

    0.2: Added permission support

    == Todo ==

    Add permission support for everything.

    == News ==
    I will be starting up a blog for this plugin. You will be able to view the update news on it and the newest downloads. :)

    == Blog ==
  2. Offline


    I like the idea! :)
  3. Offline


    Thanks! to bad nobody else likes it.
  4. Offline


    Yes.. I like this.. but "nobody else likes it." because of this..
    If a Player1 griefs then he will get banned. No warnings for him :D.
    The end.

    Or I think more people would like this if you added a more suitable support on it like..
    An admin could cover this area without "worldguard or some protection plguins" but with Criminal record, if he griefs this area that the admin covered that it will add a record on him.

    Also, the record should have descriptions. like..
    Record1:Was added because of treating people like shit.
    Record2:Was added because of abusing a bug.
    Record3:Was added because of griefing someone's house.
    Record4:Was added because of using a hacked client.
    Record5:Was added because he crashed the entire server down.
    Admin: Player1, you are banned from this servers because you have been treating people like shit, abusing a bug, griefing someone's house, using a hacked client, and crashing down our server. Receive you ban.
    Player1:Wait no!
    Player1 left the game.
  5. Offline


    This is a cool idea! Orcem12 made me a private plugin sort of like this a while back where simply on your third kick you are banned. This one has more of a theme. Police. I like that ;)
    fred302 likes this.
  6. Offline


    O this is a plugin, lol. My bad.
  7. Offline


    Thanks guys

    Look on the dev for the most recent download.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  8. Like the idea. About "Grief = Ban" because othervise everyone else gets mad isn't a problem.

    If someone grief, they get banned. This plugin could be used for people that are being annoying in general. Does someone keep ganking newbies, well, give him a warning to stop, after x warnings he's banned. Sometimes some players actually change their gameplay and become quite nice after a warning or two. Mostly because they start to apreciate the server when they notice that it's serious and give them a second chance.
  9. Offline


  10. No, thank you! I only wrote a comment, you wrote a frekkin plugin! :)
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    Please read the submission guidelines and format your title accordingly.
  12. Offline


    I have downloaded, i really really like this idea, it will help me keep track with all the naughty players :)
  13. Offline


    [IDEA] I think this is a good plugin and i have a idea... You can rank the crime rank up on a scale from 1-10 so like /cr rank {criminal} 2 Which would change the name in the /cr view to like Player ; Threat 2 and you could do somthing like a reward offer thingy in the /cr view 2 (maybe)
    Anyways nice plugin hope u get published

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