Adding Names & Lores to Spawned items?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PowerSnakeTime, Mar 9, 2013.

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    I want to organize my server, and i was wondering if the next thing is possible:
    If a player spawns an item(or block), with the command /give, /i, /item ect., that then on the item/block comes a custom message on the name or lore.

    Player1: /i diamond 64
    *On the diamond comes, lore: Spawned by %playername%*
    So now he has 64 diamond with the lore: Spawned by Player1

    The reason i want this to know, is to prevent ranked players to give stuff out to normal players.
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    Your best bet is to create your own /i and /give commands, Essentials lets other plugins automatically take command priority I think.

    Then use ItemStack.setLore
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