Adding items to Material chest?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CraftCreeper6, Dec 18, 2014.

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    Hi! Just wondering, if I am using the setType(Material); method. How would I modify the contents of the chest? Any help appreciated! :D
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    @CraftCreeper6 what you want to do? change the type of different items in a chest?
    To do that, loop through all the items in the chest and change the type to whatever.
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    How do I get the contents? Yes, I know how to do it with ItemStacks but the setType method only works with Material. Therefore, how can I get the contents if I only know it's a material? Wait, I'll try making it into an ItemStack. I'll edit if it fails/works.

    EDIT: Don't really know how that would work :/
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    Yes, I know how to do that ;p Although, what I meant was how to get the Material to make sure it's a chest. Then update it. E.G:
            ItemStack chestItem = new ItemStack(chest.getBlock().getType());
    "chest" is a Location. So, how would I update it? (With the current code I am unable to use chestItem.getInventory();)

    EDIT: Nevermind! I managed to get it working with:
    Chest chestBlock = (Chest) chest.getBlock().getState();
            chestBlock.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.______, _));
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
  6. Offline


    :p I thought you had issues with chest content types...
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