Solved Add Potion Effect when player hits a key

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by badboysteee98, May 24, 2014.

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    Hello Bukkit Development,

    How do I test when a Player hits a key for example the shift key?

    I'm am very thankful for your help :)
  2. Offline


    Call me crazy, but it looks like you are setting the potion effect to invisibility. Shouldn't that be 'INCREASE_DAMAGE'?
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    Nghtmr9999 Yea I was testing and forgot to change it back and yet it doesn't work if I do it with Invisibility

    Okay changing the title alittle and changing what I want to happen

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
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