Solved Add Maps Bukkit Server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by manolitico, Aug 27, 2012.

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    Como puedo añadir mapas a mi servidor bukkit? quiero tener 4 mapas. Spawn, survival, otro aparte y el infierno. Como puedo tener los 4 sin borrar los demas? he probado todos con el prefijo world_spawn pero solo puedo poner 2 y uno que es de luchar contra un malo.
    Otra pregunta, para un evento, como puedo teletransportar a la gente a un mapa especifico?

    How can I add maps in mi bukkit server? i would like to have 4 maps. Spawn, survival, another one for somethings, and the hell. How can I have the four at the sametime without erasing the other ones? I have tried with the prefix world_spawn but i can only set 2 maps and one that is of fighting with an enemy.
    Another question, for an event, how can i teleport people to an specific map?
  2. use multiverse. you will need to download the core and portal plugins. the core allows you to have multiple worlds and teleport between them with /mvtp <player> <world>. the portal plugin lets you create portals, much like nether portals to go between worlds that way instead. it tricky to set up but there are plenty of tutorials.

    utilizar multiverso. usted tendrá que descargar el núcleo y los plugins del portal. el núcleo le permite tener múltiples mundos y teletransportarse entre ellos con /mvtp <jugador> <mundo>. el complemento de portal permite crear portales, al igual que los portales inferiores a ir entre los mundos de esa manera en su lugar. es difícil de establecer, pero hay un montón de tutoriales.

    thanks to google translate.
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    And for the second question?
  4. i already answered that
    you can also use /tpall to teleport all players on the server to your location
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    i was looking por the tpall because i hadn't read the documentation xD, thanks, i'm spanish :D, practising english
  6. your welcome. :)
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