Plugin category: Informational Minecraft version: 1.10 Suggested name: About Player What I want: I would like a plugin that would allow a player to view another player's tags they have been given by a person with the right permission. What would happen is a player would run the command, and it would show the specified player's tags. By default, all players would have a member tag. Staff members can assign custom tags by doing something like /addtag <player> <tag>. I would like the tags to not be preset so staff members can create any type of tag they wish. If possible, it would be amazing if as a staff member you can add color codes for the tags. Example: --------[About Player1]-------- - Member - Builder - Mod ----------------------------------- Ideas for commands: User commands: /view <player> - View's a player's about page /view - View yourself's about page Staff commands: /addtag <player> <tag> - Adds a tag to a player (color codes optional) /removetag <player> <tag> - Removes a tag from a player /settag <player> <old tag> <new tag> - Changes a player's tag Ideas for permissions: - aboutplayer.user - Allows the group to use the "User" commands - aboutplayer.staff - Allows the group to use the "Staff" commands When I'd like it by: Anytime Thanks!
@ArsenArsen I can give it a go as well if you don't really want to... I've finished all my projects for the time being... I am working on this right now, and I have realized something... the /settag command is completely unnecessary. you can just use /deletetag and /addtag back to back to solve the same. Everything else I will make will work perfectly as you have described. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
awwww.... I just finished mine too...