Abilities Problem *for (Abilities a : ) {*

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ProxyZ, Jan 31, 2015.

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    He guys i got an problem with an plugin that i found on a platform it was free to use and update and now i got one problem

    The Code
    import Abilieties.CfgManager;
    import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
    public enum Abilities
      thunder("thunder", "Creates a lightning bolt"),  fireball("fireball", "creates an fireball"),  SNOWBALL("SNOWBALL", "Shoot snowballs");
      String aname;
      static CfgManager cf = CfgManager.get();
      String adesc;
      private Abilities(String name, String description)
        this.aname = name;
        this.adesc = description;
      public String toString()
        return this.aname;
      public String getDescription()
        return this.adesc;
      public static Abilities fromString(String ability)
        for (Abilities a : ) {
          if (a.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(ability)) {
            return a;
        return null;
      public static Abilities getCurrHand(Player p)
        String ability = cf.getUsers().getString(p.getName() + "." + (p.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot() + 1));
        return fromString(ability);
    Error is in this part
        for (Abilities a : ) {
          if (a.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(ability)) {
            return a;
        return null;
    Already thanks for helping
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    @ProxyZ Do you even know how to program in Java? If you did, the problem would be obvious. 'for (Abilities a : )' isn't valid. It simply won't work. Please learn Java well enough before making Bukkit plugins. This question has nothing to do with Bukkit, and doesn't really belong here.
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    if you had read the discription (What im shure about u didn't ) you see i'm trying to update an outdated plugin..
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    @ProxyZ And if you knew Java, you wouldn't need help with for loop formatting. Don't try to update an outdated plugin without any knowledge of Java. And I did answer your question, without spoon-feeding, of course.
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    for (Abilities a : Abilities.values()) i guess
    1Rogue likes this.
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