A Way to Access NMS Updated Classes?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CrystalxNeth, Sep 7, 2014.

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    Does anyone know of a way preferable w/o decompiling to view the NMS classes which are the current 1.8 versions? All of the updated versions were removed due to this DMCA thing.
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    Thanks, but a buddy sent me a copy of the files from 1.8 before it was taken down so I'm fine now. Thanks though :)
  4. Offline


    CraftBukkit was never updated to 1.8.
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    He's probably using Protocol Hacks.
  6. Offline


    Actually I was informed more on the situation, and spigot was updated to work both for 1.7 and 1.8 but it turns out it only uses the NMS classes of 1.7 server side, so I don't really need the 1.8 NMS classes.
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    == Protocol hacks, letting 1.8 clients join a 1.7 server by force, which aren't supported here.
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    Then don't support me and get off my thread. Don't come in and start reprimanding me, you aren't in any position to do so.
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    I don't disapprove of it, it's just what the BukkitDev staff would say.
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    CrystalxNeth Don't be so rude to SmooshCakez

    You are indeed breaking the rules. Go to Spigot's forum's for help.
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    DotDash I'm sorry; I didn't know asking for help (with something related to bukkit) for a solution which literally has no negative effects to anyone anywhere anytime was a bad thing. I will go ask my harmless question with a solution that will help many people on spigot if that will tickle your fancy.
    Aengo and Totom3 like this.
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    To clarify, the server is not running anything 1.8 at all. Its just a protocol hack that allows 1.8 clients to connect to the 1.7 server. There will be nothing 1.8 (no new blocks, armorstands, etc) for the 1.8 clients that connect.

    Be aware, though, that these protocol hacks are known to be prone to random client and/or server crashes. My advice is to just run a normal 1.7 server without the protocol hack to safeguard yourself and your users. Not to mention it will cut down on the 1.8 questions from your users ("Hey, why cant I make an armor stand?" "Where is the granite at?" etc)
  14. Offline


    CrystalxNeth the fact that they don't ban for it, doesn't mean that threads like these (i.e. people asking for support while running Spigot) will not get locked. Currently I haven't heard of anything allowing you to ask for support while running Spigot, and I still see threads getting locked for using Spigot, so it is safe to assume it is still not allowed.
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    BillyGalbreath I know that now, and I need to build off of it because the server I'm deving for runs it.

    fireblast709 I'm not posting any downloads and they clearly stated they won't censor it, so locking counts as censoring so it's perfectly fine to talk about it. I still don't understand why people have their panties in bunches over that stuff anyways. Pretty much every large server runs off of Spigot, and now a protocol hack.
  16. Offline


    *cough http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/yet-another-yaml-issue.311237/ cough*

    Yes; I do agree; I don't get why the old moderators would get worked up if you demonstrated that it replicated the same bugs on CraftBukkit.

    You don't need to build against Spigot at all. Spigot is a collection of modifications of CraftBukkit to help speed up the server. Spigot does not provide any new APIs that differ from CraftBukkit (other than the Entity(Un)MountEvent and several other abstractions that most people wouldn't use).

    I don't get what you're trying to say to be honest. If I read this right, you're saying that because a thread gets lock, which normally indicates it breaks a rule, it is perfectly fine to continue posting threads about it?
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    CrystalxNeth 'talking about' and 'asking for support' are two different things, like the thread Cirno posted clearly shows.
  18. Offline


    Cirno That guy must not use twitter, or Curse is just really bad at explaining their policies. Anyways my thread clearly didn't request help w/ spigot, I just wanted a link to NMS files for 1.8, and people stormed in telling me what I can and can't do when they were in no position to do so, and I can't stand that type of person.

    fireblast709 Ok you're probably right about requesting help for spigot, but again my thread didn't mention Spigot or a protocol hack once :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  19. Offline


    You won't get the NMS files for 1.8 because:
    1: DMCA; Bukkit will essentially never be updated because of it.
    2: Distributing NMS files for 1.8 is, well, you know, kinda against copyright law?
  20. CrystalxNeth You didn't mention it, but it was an obvious connection - in the same sense that if I make a post about going to a funereal, it's obvious somebody has died regardless of whether I mention it or not.
    TGRHavoc likes this.
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