A simple "Don't Build!" plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheSporeGA1, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Pretty much, I want a plugin that works with the permissions plugin that doesn't allow players to break blocks. I still want them to be able to, attack, build, and interact with blocks such as buttons and levers. If possible, I want it to be simple so I would rather not use Worldguard or something like that.

    So, I don't want anyone to break anything anywhere on the map, unless they have a bypass permission on their player group.
  2. Offline


    ok, so you still want them to be able to loot chests, do PvP, use furnaces, light fires and do everything else but they should ONLY be disallowed placing blocks?
  3. Offline


    They should be allowed to do everything OTHER then BREAKING blocks. It's an arena server. I still need them to be able to place signs to lock chests and such.
  4. Offline


    i would try to use essentials cause tat how i do it on my server
  5. Offline


    sorry, the thread title misled me - it says "Don't Build", thus my confusion :)
    do you require certain player groups to be disallowed from breaking blocks or you would assign a single permission to each player that would be allowed to do it (like to admins and such)?

    just trying to figure out if Vault would be required or the built-in Bukkit permission system would work in this case
  6. Offline


    Groups. All players other then admins should not be allowed to break blocks.
  7. Offline


    fair enough, this is a quite an easy thing to do and it could help my CommandsEX plugin, so if you're ok with Vault as a dependency, then this should be ready tomorrow

    CommandsEX is a modular plugin suite, which you can build to your taste using CommandsEX Builder Page... in your case you can only choose to include this feature and trash everything else ;-)
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Ok. So, you want it so that a player is not to be able to destroy anywhere on the map, but they can still do anything else unless they have the no destroy bypass permission?
  10. Offline


    Yes. Exactly.
  11. Offline


    Well, I'm not a dev, but you may want to take what I said here:
    and put it in the first post for who ever does decide to do this
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Here you go:

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22217934/bukkit plugins/noBlockBreak.jar

    What it does:
    Players cant destroy ANY blocks.
    Players can still push buttons and pull levers, place blocks and kill other players.
    OP's can destroy blocks and everything, so you need to be an op to build stuff.

    Its tested on my 1.2.5 server and works.

    Enjoy :)
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    lol, I totally forgot to include this into the latest CommandsEX build, sorry... it'll be there in the next one, but you probably already have your solution from the posts above... good luck!
  16. Offline


    Thank you! <3

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