A request for help to anyone who would be so kind as to provide it.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Schizoid461, Nov 29, 2011.

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    Hello, I just have a few questions that general internet searches are failing to answer. I recently got my girlfriend addicted to minecraft so I'm going to host a server for the two of us to play on. I've actually hosted a small server before with many people and many plugins and I can generally handle myself with most things. However, my girlfriend wants "Mo creatures" installed along with other mods like probably the one where you're a pony lol. I would love to know if this is possible using bukkit, using mods that aren't plugins. perhaps these mods have Bukkit Plugins? Otherwise, would I be better off using a different server running program? If you could help, I would be very thankful. I have searched online but many guides are, as of now "Outdated."
  2. You can use ItemCraft to get mods on Bukkit. I'm not sure if it's updated though.
  3. Offline


    First I've heard of it. I'll look into it, thanks =]. Any other input from anyone else is still appreciated.
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