Hello all. I'm looking for a plugin for months now, and ... I'm still searching now. I guess a plugin like that doesn't exist or is not R5-compatible, so I post here. I need a plugin which can destroy the items of a player when he die. I'm creating a PVP arena and I don't want players to drops a lot of stuff on the ground when they are killed, so I would like to have a plugin which can delete items for me. THIS PLUGIN NEED TO BE MULTIWORLD-COMPATIBLE ! I need to activate it only in certain worlds. Thanks ! PS : Sorry for my bad language :/
https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1yqap29qodp761/NoDeathDrops.jar Multiworld Support works with a permission node. - nodeathdrops.nodrops If you don't know how to use that just on defined worlds let me know which Permissions Plugin you are using.
Is that your plugin ? Also, thank you, but I don't understand what the permissions node exactly do ... (I'm using groupmanager)
GroupManager is inactive, isn't it? Let's see... There should be a folder for every world you have: /plugins/GroupManager/worlds/YourWorldNames/ right? Now there should be a file called groups.yml inside that folders. Edit that and add the line nodeathdrops.nodrops example groups.yml with added line: Code: groups: Default: default: true permissions: - essentials.help - essentials.help.* - nodeathdrops.nodrops inheritance: [] info: prefix: '&e' build: false suffix: ''
Mhh, first I don't think that GM is inactive. Then, that way doesn't fits very well to my config ... I have a LOT of worlds, and that is truly PAINFUL to change the permissions separately. So when I want to add a perm, I generally change only one config (the main world one) and GM copy it automatically in the other worlds. So if I have to make separate worlds, that will be the same as before : if I want to add or remove a perm, I'll have to do it manually ... So, is that possible to make a simpler config ? Like many other plugins, like just a list of worlds where the plugin is efficient ? :/ (if you don't mind, for sure !)
I don't know why people don't read the tutorial/wiki before they are installing a plugin like GroupManager (Essentials). Permission nodes are one of the easiest ways to handle multiworld stuff. Where's the problem to add that one line to your permissions configs ? Otherwise just ignore my posts. Maybe someone other will do it.
I don't know how to explain it in english, that is already enough hard to explain in french >< Whatever, thank you for your work ! Erh, I'm sorry, but I REALLY need something better than a cofnig with groupmanager. Can't you just add a config file where you can set a list of worlds which are affected by the plugin ? :/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
lol... I did something like this for a guy the other day. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/re...ey-at-the-death-formatted.75823/#post-1123788
Thank you DeathMarine, but somebody already did this for me. If the plugin I have isn't satisfying, I will try yours, also, thank you.