A Plugin that asks players where they heard of your server

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Shreaders1, May 17, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Not sure if this already exists, I'm sure it does as a friend of mine told me he was on another server with this plugin, but idk if it was public or a custom one because I've been searching and can't find it anywere :( So I'll just throw up this quick little plugin template down here but if the plugin already exists, please link me to it?

    Plugin category: I guess Admintools?

    Suggested name: AdBenefits (The benefits of advertising I guess?)

    What I want: The idea I had was a plugin that as soon as someone joins the server they have the option to type something like /vote 1, /vote 2 or something along those lines where /vote (number) cooresponds with certain websites.

    For instance if a server owner advertises on PMC & Bukkit Forums, they can /vote 1 if they heard of your server from PMC or /vote 2 if they heard of your server from the Bukkit forums. And it would log all of the votes in a text document in the config folder for the plugin or something where the admin can view it at any time.

    Ideas for commands: /vote 1 - /vote (any number - this is changed in the config file)
    /adben vote (This is for mods/admins)

    Ideas for permissions: Adben.vote (Just a plugin that allows players to see/vote on the AdBenefits vote)

    Adben.callvote (Admin/mod command that allows the staff member to call a vote at anytime for players who have not already voted, for instance if they forgot to vote when they first joined, an admin can call a vote and everyone who never voted will see the poll pop up.)

    When I'd like it by: Any time, I don't mind waiting :) This would be useful for advertising purposes.
  2. Offline


    I would love this on my server! I wish I was A coder.
    Good luck finding a coder!
  3. Offline


    I could do something like this, message me if you want me too
  4. Offline


    I can make this in a minute but I don't understand what needs to be done. P.M me more details
  5. Offline


    Simple enough, coding it right now. With what I understood from your post.

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