Filled A.H.I.D.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Chromify, Sep 26, 2015.

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    Plugin name: AutoHandItemDrop

    Features: When I walk around with a block in my hand (or several filling up the 9 slots) and when I do /ahid start it will start to drop stacks of that specific block I am holding and when I switch to another item it will start dropping that. If I want to end this I do /ahid stop. /ahid reload to reload the config


    ahid.action - /ahid start + /ahid stop
    ahid.admin - /ahid reload - reloads entire plugin


    DelayBetweenDrop: 0.50 #in seconds
    AmountOfItemsInStackDrop: 64 #the number of items being dropped in the desired amount of delay between each drop
    MessageWhenStart: "&fThe party has started!"
    MessageWhenEnd: "&fThe party has ended! :("
    MessageWhenReloadConfig: "&fThe config has been reloaded!"
    MessageWhenNoAccess: "&4You cannot do this!"
  2. Offline


    Made it for you :)

    Configuration and permissions are as you requested, but for some reason any values over 1.0 do not repeat the dropping of the item. That must be a Bukkit bug, I'm not sure. The item will get dropped including enchantments etc. I also made it so the player who is currently dropping the items cannot pick them back up until he stops the dropping.

    The plugin has been tested on Bukkit 1.7, but should work on 1.8 the same way. If you have any questions, or if you found a bug, I'll try to answer/fix as soon as possible.
    Chromify likes this.
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