A greylist? Possible?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ogedi, May 4, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hey id like to set up a sort of grey list system, the cross between being allowed on server, and actually playing in it.

    What i need is for all players to be aloud to join my server, but only the accepted players will be able to interact with the world, and speak with local chat. Now i could do this with perms, but there is 1 last key to this set up. I dont want accepted players to be able to interact with those who have not. Non accepted players should be invisable to everyone else, besides Admins and Moderators. I was wondering if there was any way to go about doing this? Thank you for reading.
  2. Offline


    It's totally doable, though I'd be surprised if something like this doesn't exist already.

    Also I don't know why they would need to be invisible, that seems like overkill. Disabling commands/build is a fair precaution, and I suppose even disabling chat until they complete a task has it's merit.

    I suppose you could just put them in their own world and use a chat channel plugin to separate the two.
  3. Offline


    Its for roleplay server. Dont want them to be trolling the accepted community :/

    But i want them to be able to see and explore the actual world. Encouraging them to apply.
  4. Offline


    Ah, that makes more sense.

    If you rely on VanishNoPacket you could practically make it do all the work for you using permissions like:


    The invis players could even see each other.

    So when a player joins, have the default permissions have ThisPlugin.newbie or something, then the plugin could force them to /vanish and disable chat+commands if they have that permission.

    There might be a few kinks to work out, but it should be more less pretty easy to setup, using Vanish as a backbone.
  5. Offline


    Rather derpy set up really.

    Perhaps id want them to access a non accepted chat channel?
  6. Offline


    then get herochat
    Dont let them join other channels
  7. Offline


    Ah splendid.
    First time joiners, console would run the vanish?
  8. Offline


    Well, this is where you would need a custom plugin (probably).

    Not only do you want them to vanish, but you want them to for example not UN-vanish somehow. (Not sure if vanish is lost when they leave/rejoin, for example)

    Another issue is that once commands are disabled for them, they wont be able to use /vanish, so there's a bit of a conflict there if for example they need to be re-vanished.

    You might contact the developer for VanishNoPacket and see what he thinks, but otherwise the custom part of this should be pretty easy.
  9. Offline


    Hrm i see. There is a new string for invisability, perhaps lets stray from vanishnopacket.
  10. Offline


    It's your call I suppose, but I wouldn't downplay the additional features it has built in:
    vanish.nointeract (no buttons/levers/pressure plates/chests/etc)
    vanish.nofollow (no mob targetting)
    vanish.nopickup (wont pick up items)
    vanish.nohunger (wont die of hunger)
    vanish.preventincomingdamage (wont be hurt)
  11. Offline


    Id be able to code this, however im already writing 9000 lines of script and even more for java jars. If you are capable of fulling my req its be greatly appreciated.
  12. Offline


    There is a greylist system made by VoxelBox, its on the BukkitDev site. It's called VoxelGuest
    Omnitv likes this.
  13. Offline


    That has nothing to do with what im needing lad. VG is an administration set up.
  14. Offline


    Ok, gotcha now
  15. Offline


    Mhm, thoughts?

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