/911 plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jrobhockey, Jul 31, 2015.

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    Hey guys/girls i have been looking for a plugin for my roleplay server for /911. I want players to be able to use /911 (message) and then in chat it will announce in chat [911] (group) (player name): (message). And if you could make it in the config where I could edit the colors of the message that would be great. I tried using bukkitphones but there wasn't enough in the config to play around with.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Jrobhockey Ask the developer of BukkitPhones to add the config options instead of asking a new plugin.
    What config options do you need? @bwfcwalshy
  3. @Jrobhockey I will add a messages.yml and as @timtower said please just contact me rather than requesting a new plugin.
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    ok sorry about that
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